
Chapter 134 - Can I Hug You?

Chapter 134 - Can I Hug You?


Zaria was puzzled at the mention of the name. Had he been dreaming about Lucy? Before she could ask, she wondered whether he had felt Lucy\'s presence when he was still in coma. She had heard of patients hearing things around them while unconscious, so she suspected that Theodore had heard Lucy\'s voice and felt her presence. This made her amused and awed.

Just how much did he love her, that he would still recognize her even when unconscious? She should have guessed it earlier. Theodore was even willing to give up their dreams in Luxenville just to follow Lucy to Imperium. How could that love have faded?

Besides, she was certain that Lucy cared about Theodore. If not, she would not have risked whatever it was that was holding her back just to catch a glimpse of him in hospital.

She didn\'t want to meddle too much in her parents\' love matters, but when she saw his eyes clear and look at her, she smiled and asked about it. "Are you asking for mother? She was here before but she left."

"What are you talking about?" He asked in a raspy voice that was unclear from having just woken up. He cleared his throat and felt better when Zaria held his head up slightly to help him drink a few sips of warm water.

She placed the glass back beside the jug on the table. "You called out mother\'s name."

Theodore frowned and for a while, he couldn\'t comprehend how in the world such a name could leave his lips. "Don\'t mention it. That woman is a bad omen." A few seconds later, he took in what she had said with shock in his eyes. "Did you just say that she left? She was here?!"

Zaria nodded, making him sigh. "What was that woman doing here? She better not come here to bother my daughter again!"

Zaria chuckled at his ability to look angry when he was the one who had called her name out of his own will. Besides, she didn\'t think his tone sounded upset in the slightest. It was as though he was feigning anger so she wouldn\'t be mad at him for being surprised at the thought that Lucy had dropped by.

She so badly wanted to tell him that she didn\'t mind. It was up to him who he chose to love and it didn\'t matter who she was. Besides, they had misunderstood Lucy in the past. However, it would be too much if she talked about it now so she saved it for later.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked tiredly.

"I\'m happy because you woke up." She smiled as she stated the first excuse she could come up with. "I\'ll ask your attending physician what to feed you."

Just as she turned to leave, he took her hand.

"What is it dad?" She turned to ask.

"I\'m sorry that I worried you." He whispered apologetically, to which she shook her head.

"It was not your choice. You cannot apologize for what fate does. No one can control it, after all." Although she had been sad for all this time, she didn\'t once blame him.

Although that was what she said, he raised his free hand and tousled her hair. "I\'ll bake your favorite blueberry muffins once I leave the hospital." he promised.

"Then you have to eat some food and get better first." She rushed out to find the attending physician, only to bump into Ximena at the door.

"Xim, you\'re here." She was pleasantly surprised. Her friend had been dropping by to take turns with Desmond, watching over Theodore to give her time to rest. They knew that she would only be at ease if he was in the care of someone she trusted, even though there were nurses and doctors.

"Hey, darling. Did you eat?" Xiemena asked as she hugged her on one side, since she was carrying a food flask. She checked her friend over, observing that she still looked a little pale. "I hope you are not trying to starve yourself so Uncle Theo wakes up to a bag of skin and bones."

"Is that what you say to your friend?" Zaria shook her head, laughing at Ximena\'s taunt.

The latter looked smug. "If she is refusing to eat, yes. And I have a bunch of more comments. Wanna hear them?"

"No, thanks." Zaria laughed. No one liked to be scolded, and she knew that Ximena could do that for an entire day if given the chance.

"Then you better eat." XImena held out the food flask that had several tiers. "I brought you some food. I cooked it myself, no need to thank me." She flipped her hair, playfully feigning smugness. "In case Uncle Theo wakes up today, I made him congee and brought fruits too."

"Thank you Xim." Zaria received the food flask gratefully. She would no longer have to buy food from the restaurant, and Ximena was good in the kitchen so they were in luck. "Actually, dad woke up and I was about to ask his attending physician what to feed him."

"He woke up? That\'s the best news!" Ximena cheered. She rushed to open the door to Theodore\'s ward and turned to wave Zaria away.

"Go on and ask. I will say hello to Uncle Theo and help you feed him." She then rushed in while trying not to startle him.

"Uncle Theo!" She greeted, unable to restrain her cheerful tone.

"Ximena." Theodore slid his hand off the bed to pat Ximena\'s.

"Don\'t get too excited." She restrained him, or else he would shoot up just to hug her.

Zaria asked about Theodore\'s diet and got approval from his attending physician. She was in such a hurry on her way back that she bumped into someone.

"I\'m so sorry, sir. Are you alright? Ryan?" She frowned in surprise when she clearly saw who she had bumped into.

"I was about to check on you." Ryan smiled when she saw her. "Why are you in such a hurry? Are you alright?"

She nodded. "I\'m fine, thanks. I was just rushing back to be with my dad. How is Nina?"

He was overjoyed that she asked and it had been quite long since he last heard any word of concern from her. It was as though he was no longer part of her life, and he had thought that she forgot all about him.

"Same as usual. She still remains unfocused." He answered awkwardly, not quite knowing what to say.

"Oh…" Zaria\'s response was listless as well. Distance emanated from her, the very distance created between them by those two bosses of Preston and Fort Group—especially Desmond Fort. How he wished he could turn back time and not let her ever meet Desmond Fort.

However, it was in the past and he could only try to change the present.

"Zaria, could you go to see her? She likes you so much and she could use a friend."

Her eyes drooped as she thought about the teenager. She had to agree that the girl needed company from the few people she recognized and cared about, and she was one of those few. The girl had after all forgotten her friends due to her post traumatic disorder.

She would have agreed in the past but she had to shake her head. "I\'m sorry."

His heart shattered. He had thought that she would definitely agree for the sake of Nina, but she didn\'t. It took away the only ray of hope he had at bringing a smile to his sister\'s face, as well as getting to spend some time with her and mend their relationship. "Why?" He couldn\'t help asking.

She sighed and raised her head to look at him. "I wouldn\'t like you to think that I\'m selfish but I can\'t promise that I will be able to keep up with the kind of hope I give her. I think I would rather not show up altogether than promise to do it and break her heart again." She still couldn\'t get over the time she kept failing the little girl, which led to them drifting apart so badly that they were almost irreconcilable.

She saw the hurt in his eyes and took a deep breath. "I\'m so sorry."

"You don\'t need to apologize. I understand." He swallowed a bitter gulp. Knowing Zaria, it would be impossible to convince her and the existence of Desmond Fort only made it more difficult. Did some men exist merely to make the lives of other men difficult? He couldn\'t help wondering.

"I will get going now." She bid him and turned to leave, only for him to grab her wrist as she made her way past him.

"Zaria, can I ask for a last favor? I promise, it will not be something difficult to do." he pleaded when she looked at him questioningly.

"Okay." She pulled her wrist out of his grip gently.

He looked at her for a while and wanted to give up but forced himself to go through with it. "Can I hug you?"


Can he?

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