
Chapter 368 I'm Only Toying With Yun Chi

Yun Chi was holding onto Ji Yuan's arm when they had returned to camp.

And she was whispering coyly to him, "Ji Yuan, am I ugly or cocky?"

Ji Yuan laughed, "Of course not. Whoever says that must be a blind and ugly cultivator. Haha."

When the many cultivators saw them, they were surprised to see them holding hands.

And the most stunned cultivator was Xiao Muhan; he just got green by his best friend and his goddess is in his Brother Ji Yuan's arm now.

It was because Ji Yuan had told him that he was not interested in Yun Chi and had told him to go after her if he wants to woo her

Perhaps the most astonishing looks were given by Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue.

Ling Feiyue gasped to the others when she saw them walking into the camp together, "Why are they together and they're even gathering everyone to make an announcement?"

"Don't tell me that they are announcing that they're together?" Shui Xisi immediately gave a displeasure frown.

Yu Jingjing shook her head as she said weakly, "This shouldn't be. Just a few hours ago, our lord has sworn in his soul sea that he has no interest in Yun Chi whatever so."

Little Princess hummed coldly, "Ji Yuan is a lowly uncultured peasant. He can swear by his soul without any thoughts to his future consequences to his soul sea."

"But he has a pure soul sea." Feng Minyue weakly pointed out.

Ling Feiyue smiled bitterly, "You don't want to know how impure his soul sea is before you've known him."

Even Bai Qianfeng was saying, "Ji Yuan is too much. He actually dares to lie to us!"

"Maybe Ji Yuan has a reason why?" Feng Minyue said quietly.

Shui Xisi hummed, "Don't tell me that he can't push Yun Chi away from him? You can't explain why she is holding his arm so blissfully now and he is not even feeling awkward about it."

Yu Jingjing nodded, "Even the poems that he has written for us are just mediocre compared to the one that he has written for Yun Chi!"

"With the exception of Maiden Feng, of course." Bai Qianfeng smiled coldly.

All the rest of the maidens were staring coldly at Feng Minyue now and nodding.

Feng Minyue had a sudden flush when she had heard Bai Qianfeng.

What Bai Qianfeng had just said happened to be the truth.

Ji Yuan had indeed spent more effort on the poem for Feng Minyue earlier; he had been hard pressed to come out with a poem for everyone just before Gong Xiaotian paid him a sudden visit to investigate an underground ruin earlier.

Feng Minyue was looking very confused now because Ji Yuan did not seem to be interested in her but he had actually written a dedicated song and poem for her.

She lowered her head while thinking perplexedly; maybe he is only a lecherous cultivator. His actions speak louder than words. If he is not a flirtatious man why then is he chasing the skirt of Maiden Yun Chi and not me…




Ji Yuan quickly gathered the other cultivators to tell them the 'bad' news.

That they, together with Gong Xiaotian and twenty other cultivators had met with a mishap while scouting the perimeter of the camp.

"We've encountered an epic seventh rank desolate monster and are lucky to make it back alive."

Finally Ji Yuan said to them, "Brother Gong Xiaotian has made me the new vanguard leader…"

"But because Great Hero Ji Yuan is also the Number 404 so after we've discussed over it, I will lead the vanguard team instead." Yun Chi interrupted with a soft chuckle.

Ji Yuan: …

"Yeah, right…"

Ximen Wudi immediately protested loudly, "Why should we believe what you've just said? What if you've killed Gong Xiaotian and the others instead?"

Ji Yuan frowned, "Why don't you ask Gong Xiaotian and the others later? We didn't say that they're dead. They are forced to use their Escape Talisman instead."

Fairy Anyang shook her head in his soul sea, "Lies, lies, lies…"

Xiang Li giggled, "Big Brother is the best!"

Fairy Anyang: …

"You're encouraging him?"

Xiang Li chuckled, "Um…is wrong?"

Ximen Wudi hummed coldly, "And the two of you happen to be unscathed? I don't believe. Everyone knows that the two of you are in cahoots together."

Ji Yuan growled, "You can eat the wrong food but you can't say the wrong words…"

"Not only did we all witness you writing a love poem to Maiden Yun Chi the previous night but she is always in your company." Ximen Wudi interrupted coldly.

Ji Yuan growled, "What the heck? She is always in my company?! This is too ridiculous…"

"Yes, they are always together…"

"I keep seeing them together…"

"In the red mansion, they've already known each other…"

"And Maiden Yun Chi even asks to be in the same team as this Ji Yuan…"

"And she calls him Great Hero too…"

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue were muttering among themselves as well, "Why is Ji Yuan alone with Yun Chi? How come they're together?"

Ji Yuan began to say righteously, "Of course I will survive. I'm Number 404. For the sake of everyone here, Brother Gong Xiaotian has used his brilliant leadership to ensure that I will escape back to the camp. And yet, you're all shamelessly doubting me? Shame on all of you!"

Fairy Anyang muttered weakly in Ji Yuan's soul sea, "My lord, you're making it worse. You need to leave some room for them to be convinced to your side."

Ximen Wudi laughed coldly as he stepped forward, "This is just your one sided opinion only."

As he stepped forward, twenty cultivators that were on his side had also stepped forward as well and it was obvious that they were all spoiling for a fight. After all, they all know that Ji Yuan had several epitome profound treasures on him.

Ji Yuan laughed as he brandished his two divine swords in front of him, thrusting it deep into the ground in front of him with a thunderous impact that shook the entire campsite with his profound strength.

All of a sudden the opposing cultivators had tuned ashen immediately when they saw the two sword spirits that were on both Ji Yuan's forehands.

Previously they had all witnessed the double divine halo that were on both his divine swords that was an indication of his perfect divine harmony with his divine swords and were greatly startled by the sight.

But now they were refusing to believe that they were now seeing two sword spirits that were on his forehands and he had even mastered his sword spirits to the offensive level.

Many of the cultivators were staring with disbelief!

When Ji Yuan was in the Red Mansion, before he had showed off his sword spirits, Gong Xiaotian was already convinced of his strength so he didn't have to show off his sword spirits.

Ji Yuan suddenly lifted his saintly sword and a quick burst of his sword energies exploded thunderously on the rocky cliff above him and when the debris had cleared, there was a small hole in it.

Many of the cultivators were inhaling deeply and they could not believe their eyes; usually sword energies are pure profound energies that are cultivated from the inner spiritual sea and are much weaker than a profound force attack.

It is because a profound force attack is a coalescent of the profound energies. Although it is shorter range but when combined with a divine sword, the result can be extremely devastating. Many of the cultivators are power cultivators, capable of using powerful profound force as their profound arts.

But for a sword cultivator that specializes in only sword energies, it may be useful against the weaker cultivators and is capable of longer range but most of the higher realm power cultivators will be able to shatter a sword energies into nothingness with ease.

But what they were witnessing now was a physical sword energies that is on par with a profound force art.

Normally the cliff will be able to absorb the impact of the sword energies.

This spoke volumes of Ji Yuan's profound strength.

Actually this was Ji Yuan's bluff. Although he was stronger than most of the cultivators here but had not recovered from his earlier battles yet.

Yun Chi was quietly observing Ji Yuan; she had seen his Heavenly Light of the Coiling Dragon earlier in battle but she knows that this was actually not Ji Yuan's strongest profound sword art. It was because she was aware that her Sword Clone was destroyed by Ji Yuan's Super Heavenly Light of the Coiling Dragon.

When her Sword Clone was triggered, she had actually spoken through her clone to Ji Yuan and she was in an actual combat with Ji Yuan through her astral projection.

At that time Ji Yuan only had one sword spirit and only a saint-step divine sword. But now, he had one additional sword spirit and one more perfect harmony immortal-step divine sword.

She really could not believe how swift Ji Yuan had advanced since their last battle.

Even though she seemed to have the upper hand in their latest battle today but she knew that it was only because he was seriously wounded and was not in his best performance; it was because she had actually observed him while he fought with the five seventh rank profound armored spiders previously.

Ji Yuan laughed, "If you want the leadership from me then I'm afraid that you've got to fight me first. I am naturally opened to challenges."

But none of the opposing cultivators, including Ximen Wudi had dared to move; it was because they could suddenly see Ji Yuan's invisible sword intentions all around them.

Those that could not see could see a suffocating pressure that was upon them.

Ximen Wudi blurt out, "You're a Sword Saint?!"

Only a Sword Saint will be able to project their sword intentions in this manner.

And Ji Yuan's sword intentions were terrifying to the core.

All the opposing cultivators could feel that if they have made the wrong move, they would be killed instantly by Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan replied calmly, "So what if I'm a Sword Saint? So what if I'm not a Sword Saint?"

"Haha. Please don't mind us for asking. After all, we're just concerned about our leader Gong Xiaotian only." Ximen Wudi explained but his tone was still cold.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had flickered his saintly sword and a burst of sword energies flew toward Ximen Wudi.

Ximen Wudi was startled and he had quickly raised his divine sword to block it.

Just when everyone thought that Ximen Wudi would be able to block the puny sword energies burst, he was sent flying backward in an explosive impact and the sword energies burst continued to explode through his body.

He was dragged a good 30m away and he was gasping breathlessly with disbelief as he coughed out golden blood.

Several vital energy points in his body were also shattered by the puny sword bursts.

Then many of the cultivators were gasping with shock;

"He uses his life essence for that attack…"

"That is a life force energies attack? Is he crazy?"

"No, he may have mastered the art of using his life force energies to reinforce his sword energies attack."

Ji Yuan had decided to attack him to teach him a lesson or else these cultivators would think that he was only hot air.

All of a sudden most of the opposing cultivators were laughing away and some were even condemning Ximen Wudi for being disrespectful to Ji Yuan.

In the cultivation world, might is right.

And Ji Yuan was able to demonstrate his strength in front of all of them.

Ji Yuan said aloud, "So who else doubts my words?"

There was deep silence all of a sudden from the opposing cultivators and many of the same opposing cultivators were hanging their heads low; although they covert Ji Yuan's profound treasures but they did not have the guts to challenge him lest they would lose their lives.

Whether Ji Yuan was saying the truth or not, was not important anymore.

If he could kill Gong Xiaotian and the twenty cultivators who were all elite cultivators then they would be crazy to offend this ruthless character.

Even Ximen Wudi was fearful now and he had hastily used his Escape Talisman as he thought that Ji Yuan was going to about to execute him in front of everyone.

Half of the cultivators were now erupting into cheers for Ji Yuan, including Qin Shuang.

Actually there were many cultivators here who were under the terror of Gong Xiaotian, Ximen Wudi and their gang, especially the female cultivators.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan found himself mobbed by many cultivators who were rushing forward to congratulate him for taking charge of the Green Faction.

Yun Chi sighed softly before she smiled at Ji Yuan, "The two of us are co-leaders. Why do they all think that you're the leader instead of me? I am the vanguard leader while you are a good-for-nothing leader that needs everyone to protect you."

"Haha…" Ji Yuan laughed weakly, unsure how to reply her.

But all of a sudden he was being pulled away by Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue.

Yun Chi shrugged her shoulders as she walked away.

Ling Feiyue said to Ji Yuan with exasperation, "Ji Yuan! Please explain yourself! Why are you with her?"

"Yes, why?"

"Why is she holding your arms?"

"You've better give us a good explanation or else."

"Didn't you swear by your soul sea to us earlier that you don't like her?"

"You say that she is ugly and cocky…"

Ji Yuan solemnly told them, "Can't you tell that I'm only toying with her? This is all part of my plan."

Everyone: ???

Ji Yuan pretended to sigh deeply, "She is a powerful cultivator. I'm sure that Qianfeng has already told you all."

Then he lowered his head to whisper softly, "Gong Xiaotian and all the cultivators are actually killed by me earlier. If it is not for my quick thinking, your lord won't even be standing here now."

All the maidens were gasping as they asked, "What happens?"

Ji Yuan rolled his eyes before saying slowly, "It is like this…"

"That despicable Gong Xiaotian and his gang have actually lured us to an ambush. Us refers to Yun Chi and I. Unluckily for them, I've sensed that something is amiss and reacted in a nick of time. As for why Maiden Yun Chi is sticking to me is because I've saved her life from them. These despicable beasts, they have almost violated Maiden Yun Chi. If it is not for me, she would be meat for these monsters."

He conveniently left out the part where he and Yun Chi had almost drowned together plus many details. In this version, he is the hero.

Fairy Anyang and Xiang Li both said at the same time in Ji Yuan's soul sea, "This is not what has happened! She is the one that has killed Gong Xiaotian!"

But Ji Yuan ignored them as he continued to explain to the maidens.

"But this Maiden Yun Chi is actually also quite scheming and dangerous. Therefore I've decided to toy with her feeling first."

Feng Minyue quietly said, "Even if she is an enemy, you shouldn't toy with a maiden's feeling."

Ji Yuan quickly explained with great righteousness, "Maybe you got me wrong. She is the one that is trying to toy with my feeling by pretending to come close to me. I've merely pretended to reciprocate her feelings to put her guard down."

Then he pointed out further, "The two of us are just pretending to be close friends in front of these cultivators only. But only she knows and I know that we are not close to each other at all."

Ling Feiyue held onto Ji Yuan's hands gently, "My lord. I'm so sorry that I've wronged you!"

"So that is why she is holding your arm just now." Bai Qianfeng gasped with enlightenment. "My lord, your Qianfeng is so petty and thought that you've lied to us."

"Please forgive me as well." Yu Jingjing was apologetic all of a sudden.

Ji Yuan laughed, "Not at all, not at all. Haha…"

Little Princess and Shui Xisi were secretly exchanging glances; somehow the two of them were still not convinced…

Fairy Anyang was whispering to Xiang Li in secret, "I got a feeling that our lord may escape tonight but tomorrow when Maiden Yun Chi comes looking for him, he will surely be a goner."

Xiang Li answered weakly, "But Big Brother says we mustn't let the maidens know that Yun Chi is the Death God Mingwang or it will endanger them. We can only pray for the safety of Big Brother for now. Although Big Brother's plans are very messy but I believe in him!"

Fairy Anyang muttered weakly, "He is just covering up the holes when he saw the holes. He doesn't have any plans at all."

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