
Chapter 421 This Is My Hall

The Outer Pangu Citadel had hundreds of small halls and passage ways. Most of the halls were occupied by the cultivators who were using it as their meditation hall or as a discussion hall.

Ji Yuan was searching for an empty hall along the passage ways and unfortunately all of the halls were occupied by the thousands of celestial cultivators in the Outer Pangu Citadel.

Bai Qianfeng was asking Ji Yuan, "Are we there yet? Can't we talk along the passageway?"

Yun Chi was smiling, "Yes, are we there yet?"

Ji Yuan: …

He thought bitterly: Yun Chi, do you need to add to my woes of finding a hall?

But he quickly replied to Bai Qianfeng, "The walls have ears here. It is better that we talk inside the hall."

"But there is no hall available." Yun Chi smiled wryly.

Ji Yuan: …

"I will find a way." He muttered weakly.

Ji Yuan then turned into the nearest hall with a dozen cultivators inside.

As soon as he had entered the hall, he said. "Everyone, out of here immediately. On the count of 3, if you don't leave this hall immediately, don't blame me for not warning you."

When the group of 12 cultivators inside the hall heard Ji Yuan, they were all laughing loudly.

"Is he joking?"

"Can't he tell that we are all saints here?"

"This is the 6th level of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth. None of us are simpletons."

"Is he courting his own death?"

"Or is he trying to show off in front of the two beautiful maidens behind him?"

"They are indeed peerless…"

"Rascal. What is your name and which celestial fraternity are you from?"

Ji Yuan answered them, "I'm Ji Yuan from the Desolate Celestial Fraternity."

When he had announced his name, all 12 of the cultivators were all laughing out loud.

p "He says he is from the Desolate Celestial Fraternity?"

"He is only a beardless cultivator…"

"I have heard that beardless cultivators in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity have a low status and are mostly slaves…"

"Hey, Ji Yuan. Where is your manly beard? Hahaha…"

"Have your manhood beard been castrated? Muhahaha…"

The eyes on Ji Yuan began to twitch as he had just been hurled the highest insult in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity and they had touched an untouchable topic by insulting his beard!

All of a sudden he was seeing green.

Ji Yuan immediately flashed in front of 12 cultivators.

When the 12 cultivators saw that Ji Yuan was actually making an irrational rush toward them, they were not worried at all but were all laughing even more loudly as they know that they have successfully provoked him.

Now they all have the opportunity to teach this beardless arrogant cultivator a lesson…

But all of a sudden three of the cultivators were suddenly floored onto the ground with thunderous crashes.

As the other cultivators started to react, Ji Yuan had already flashed his saint-step divine sword as he cut down another two cultivators.

A power cultivator immediately exercised 130% of his profound strength. The reason why he can exercise 130% of his profound strength is because he has a powerful spirit animus and a powerful internal profound art.

But to his horror, he was overwhelmed by Ji Yuan's profound strength and he was suddenly sent flying through the air and he could hear his golden bones cracking at the same time!

The remaining cultivators were stunned and they started to appraise Ji Yuan seriously.

But right now none of them dared to act now.

Because they could see that Ji Yuan was surrounded by an animus spirit with six spirit wings and he had saint-step divine sword that immediately pronounced that his cultivation realm was at the middle 8th cultivation realm level!

They were all stunned.

Immortal animus spirit?!

Saint-step divine sword?! The most powerful divine sword in existence!

8th cultivation realm level?!

Is this Ji Yuan an immortal in disguise?

Or is he using a powerful profound art to temporary increase his profound strength?

Or is he taking some kinds of a drug?!

Many more questions began to flash into the minds of the 12 cultivators…

Ji Yuan chuckled as he felt his sword arm was lighter than usual.

He was actually exclaiming silently: Wow. It seems that the secret attribute of my immortal spirit animus is speed…

When he had displayed his immortal spirit animus, he had suddenly noticed that he was able to react much faster than before and before he knew it, he had already caused several of the cultivators to be on their floor.

Ji Yuan said to them, "What are you all waiting for? Come attack me. I am itching for a fight…"

Immediately all 12 cultivators quickly picked themselves up, with some even limping away while muttering. "We are not playing with you anymore…you may have this hall if you want to…"

But when Ji Yuan gazed sternly at them as they scurried past him, most were saying to him:

"Great hero, we didn't recognize who you are…"

"Please forgive us…"

"We are just teasing you…"

"No offense and pun intended…"

But of course, there were still quite a few defiant cultivators.

While they did not dare to insult Ji Yuan anymore, they still had some courage to say to Bai Qianfeng and Yun Chi. "You can see how rascal this man is…he is like a barbarian…you will regret following him…"

However Bai Qianfeng replied coldly, "I will be more ruthless than him."

All 12 cultivators: …

Yun Chi was also saying sarcastically, "There is so little blood? I can do better than him."

Ji Yuan: …

The two of them are desolate goddesses. They are all so violent…

When the hall was finally cleared, Bai Qianfeng folded her arms as she turned to ask Ji Yuan and Yun Chi. "So what do you want to tell me?"

Ji Yuan began to scratch his cheek as he tried to think of a good approach to explain their objectives. "Actually…"

Bai Qianfeng said coldly, "Actually you're having an affair with Yun Chi, am I right? But why tell only me? You want me to cover it for you in front of the other maidens?"

Ji Yuan: …

He quickly protested, "Qianfeng, you've misunderstood our objectives. This isn't what our objective in asking you to come here…"

As he said it halfway, he was suddenly thinking: Actually Qianfeng isn't wrong to suggest that. We are indeed having an affair. Maybe I can ask her to cover it up for me?

Yun Chi was smiling, "Actually you're right. We are indeed having an affair together."

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

This isn't part of our plan. Our plan is to tell Qianfeng that you're the Death God Mingwang so that she can help you…

Bai Qianfeng gasped as she stared at Ji Yuan, "Is she telling the truth?"

Ji Yuan quickly protested, "Not really true…"

"I am carrying Ji Yuan's child now." Yun Chi smiled wryly as she patted her belly gently.

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Bai Qianfeng was shocked beyond words as she stammered, "When did this happen…"

She turned to ask Ji Yuan, "My lord, what have you done? Is she telling the truth?"

Ji Yuan stammered weakly as he stole a glance at Yun Chi, "This isn't part of our plan…"

"But she will surely know one of these days. So why not tell her?" Yun Chi smiled.

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Bai Qianfeng started to turn around to walk away, "Fine. I will keep your secret for you. But don't expect me to befriend her. I just don't like her."

Yun Chi chuckled after her, "Why are you in such a hurry to leave? We haven't even told you why we have asked you to come here. I am sure that you will be interested in what we are going to tell you."

Bai Qianfeng turned around to hum coldly, "I don't think it is necessary anymore. I don't want to know about your affair with Ji Yuan."

Yun Chi smiled wryly, "You will be interested because I am the Death God Mingwang. If you want to leave this hall right now then I shall take Ji Yuan's life immediately."

Ji Yuan: …

Taking my life isn't part of our plan…

Bai Qianfeng was startled, "You…you are the Death God Mingwang?! Impossible!"

Yun Chi began to smile coyly, "I can prove it to you."

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