
Chapter 1837: The Sea God Legion's Crisis

Chapter 1837: The Sea God Legion’s Crisis

The current captain of the Sea God was the current commander of the Sea God Legion; not only was he someone whom Chen Xinjie had groomed to be his successor, there was a deeper connection between them in the form of their familial ties.

Chen Zeyu wore a pair of admiral epaulets on his shoulders, and he had received them not long ago after inheriting the position of Sea God Legion commander.

Chen Zeyu was already over 60 years of age, and after becoming the Sea God Legion commander, he finally felt like he had stepped out of his father’s shadow.

He had been in the military for several decades already, and during this time, he had worked diligently, starting from a private and climbing all the way to the admiral rank through his own efforts. Prior to becoming a rear admiral, no one was even aware of the fact that he was Chen Xinjie’s son.

He had earned everything for himself, and during his military career, Chen Xinjie had only provided him with some guidance in cultivation, but never used their relationship to secure promotions for him. It was Chen Zeyu himself who had chosen the military path, and in his heart, his father had always been his idol.

However, only after he became a rear admiral through his own hard work did he truly come to understand just how massive his father’s influence in the military was.

As soon as Chen Xinjie transferred him to the Sea God Legion and declared to everyone that he was his son, Chen Zeyu had immediately had a label placed on him.

All of his past efforts seemed to have become pointless because whenever someone mentioned him, they would always begin by talking about how he was the Boundless Ocean Douluo’s son, and he had heard far too many “compliments” along the lines of “as expected of the Boundless Ocean Douluo’s son”.

He had been young and hot-blooded once, and he had confronted Chen Xinjie over this. In response, Chen Xinjie gave a very simple answer: “If you want to step out of my shadow, then you have to surpass me. If you can’t do that, then you don’t have the right to inherit my position!”

In order to earn this right, Chen Zeyu had shed countless blood, sweat, and tears. He had always been working as hard as he could to surpass his father, but unfortunately, he was limited by his aptitude in the end.

Thus, even though he had been in the Sea God Legion for over 20 years, he only managed to reach the vice-admiral rank. The Sea God Legion commander had always been his father, and all of the legion’s troops were absolutely loyal to Chen Xinjie.

Of course, they were also very respectful toward Chen Zeyu, but he knew that this respect had been earned for him by his father.

By the time Chen Zeyu finally became a Hyper Douluo, it dawned on him that there was most likely no way he would be able to surpass his father in his lifetime. His father simply stood far too high for him to reach.

He was a quasigod! How was he supposed to ever surpass that level?

At the time, he had been completely defeated and even thought about giving up.

However, right at this moment, his father apparently made a grave error, and as a result, he had resigned as the Sea God Legion commander and Battle God Hall master with immediate effect.

Thus, before Chen Zeyu had even had sufficient time to process what was going on, he was promoted to the position of Sea God Legion commander, and he was also finally raised to the admiral rank.

All of this still felt like a dream to him. Prior to Chen Xinjie’s departure, he had met with Chen Zeyu and told him that from that moment forth, he was the leader of the Chen Family, and that he would have to make all of the decisions in the future and take responsibility for them.

Chen Zeyu really wanted to ask more questions. He didn’t feel like he was ready, even though he had been looking forward to this day for such a long time.

However, when this day finally arrived, he was left feeling slightly panicked and stressed.

Chen Xinjie hadn’t stuck around to answer any of his questions. After that brief statement, he simply departed, and he didn’t even tell his son where he was going.

Chen Zeyu’s mother had already passed away, and he had always known that their relationship hadn’t been a very strong one. He had also heard some rumors here and there, but only after learning that his father really had gone to Shrek Academy did he come to understand that the rumors were true.

However, he didn’t care about all of that; he was now the leader of the Chen Family. His father was already over 100 years of age, so regardless of what decision he made, he had already given his entire life for his family and the military. Now that this responsibility had been passed down to him, it was his duty to carry it.

As for his father, he could do whatever he wanted as long as he was happy.

At the commencement of the battle against the abyssal plane, his father had returned and was immediately made one of the main commanders.

In that instant, Chen Xinjie was struck by a crushing sense of defeat once again. Following his father’s return, all of the high-ranking officials in the legion came to ask him when the old commander was going to return, and when he was going to take over control of the Sea God Legion again.

Just as he was sinking into self-loathing and feelings of inadequacy, he finally experienced the love of his father for the very first time.

Chen Xinjie made a visit to the Sea God Legion in person, but he did so solely to declare that he would never command the Sea God Legion again, and that Chen Zeyu was the one and only commander who had his full support.

It was from that moment forth that Chen Zeyu felt for the first time that the high-ranking officials of the Sea God Legion were content to follow him, rather than constantly waiting for his father’s return.

As the battle unfolded, he experienced the suffocating pressure of the front lines, and this was the opportunity that he had always been waiting for.

Finally, once all of the artillery fire ceased, the battle seemed to have concluded.

Chen Zeyu could never forget the instant where he had ordered the Sea God Legion to open fire on all weapons. That was an indescribable sense of joy that one could perhaps only experience after rising to the top.

At this moment, he was standing on the tallest watchtower of the Sea God, peering into the distance.

The chilly wind would naturally fade before reaching him, and from a totally selfish perspective, he didn’t even want this battle to end. As a soldier, there was no greater sense of existence than what could be derived from the battlefield.

Unfortunately, according to the main control center’s plan, only a portion of the Sea God Legion would remain following the completion of the Sea God Array, while he would lead the Sea God and return to their original post.

He was rather disappointed by this arrangement. He hadn’t even had a chance to put himself on full display yet, and the battle was already over. He didn’t enjoy conflict, but he had a strong yearning to prove himself through battle.

He withdrew his gaze and rose up into the air, then descended toward the bridge. He enjoyed watching the sea, but it was time for lunch.

As he slowly descended, he controlled his soul power so that the air around him acted like a companion to slow his fall.

Right at this moment, Chen Zeyu suddenly felt a tremor run through the Sea God below him.

He faltered slightly upon sensing this, and his first thought was that perhaps it was just his imagination. How could an 80,000-ton ship possibly be swaying, particularly on such a calm and placid day?

However, in the next instant, a piercing alarm had already rang out across the entire ship.

This was an enemy attack! 

A sharp look instantly appeared in Chen Zeyu’s eyes, and he began to rise upward again.

He quickly opened his military communicator. “This is Chen Zeyu; what is the situation? Why has the alarm been raised?”

“Commander, we’ve suddenly been struck by an irregular wave, and at the same time, we discovered a massive creature approaching us from the north at a very high speed.”

Chen Zeyu’s heart jolted slightly upon hearing this, but he immediately issued an order. “Enter the highest level of battle readiness right away, and inform the Northsea Legion and Eastsea Legion that there’s an enemy attack.”

He turned toward the Sea God’s control center as he spoke, and he knew that trouble was coming.

Just as he landed and began to rush toward the control center, the Sea God swayed violently once again.

His expression instantly darkened upon sensing this. Having been on the Sea God for so many years, he was extremely familiar with all of its statistics, and he knew that extremely powerful ocean currents were required to sway the ship.

If these currents were being created by this creature, then just how fearsome was this thing?

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