
Chapter 671 – My Good Mood

“Falling in love with you is like drinking milk tea, warm and there is aftertaste in. The world will change, the love will fade, it’s not terrible.

Let me express my love in other ways. Love not just words. When I have concerns, love is more harmonious, not complicated.

I want to go shopping, I want to meet, I miss you until 12 midnight, I don’t feel tired. I will be greedy for your love forever. I want to make use of every day. I am elated to fall in love with you.

My good mood is up to you. From now on, I will not waver. Do you want to grow old with me, let me know? My good mood is up to you, leave no question marks for my love. All the answers will be all revealed, we are like this, we need each other.”

Feng Yu changed some of the lyrics, and it could be used in the commercial. The first line should be “drinking tea,” but Feng Yu changed it to “drinking milk tea.”

When Feng Yu sang the first line, Song Wen’s face changed. Feng Yu’s voice was really not suitable for singing. But maybe Feng Yu had put emotions into his singing, and they felt this song was good.

The lyrics for this song was not fantastic, and the melody was not complicated. The song was about a man expressing his love for a woman.

They looked at Li Na, who was beside Feng Yu, and they knew this song was written base on what both of them had gone through. But was this song really written by Feng Yu?

If this were a comic, Li Na’s eyes would have been changed to the heart shape. The lyrics in this song was obviously telling Li Na how much Feng Yu love her.

Li Na was shy as Feng Yu sang this song to her in front of the Little Tigers. Why did he sing this song in front of so many people? He should wait until they are at home alone.

After Feng Yu finished the song, he held Li Na’s hand. Li Na’s face was as red as a tomato. She looked down and kept quiet.

Huh? What’s wrong with my singing? Although the vocals were not that good, Feng Yu had put in his emotions into this song and did not go out of tune. He had practiced this song in KTV during his previous life. There should be no problem.

Where is the applause?

Clap…… clap…… clap……

Wen Dongjun grew up with Feng Yu, and he immediately knows that Feng Yu was waiting for applause from his look. He immediately starts to clap.

Song Wen and the Little Tigers recovered from their shock and start to clap. They must admit that this song was well written. If this song was edited slightly, it should be able to become a hit.

“Mr. Feng, this song is composed by you?” Song Wen knew the answer in his heart, but he was still not very sure. This song was too well written, and how can a businessman, without a music background write this song?

“You still don’t believe him? Have you heard of Na Ying’s ? Sun Nan’s ? He is the one who wrote the songs for them. You all really think that only you all know how to write songs?” Wen Dongjun retorted.

“That’s not what I meant. What I wanted to ask is Mr. Feng really want to give this song to the Little Tigers? Is he serious?” Song Wen asked.

The two songs written by Mr. Feng were famous in Taiwan. Mr. Feng was really a genius. Not only he was good at doing business, but he was also talented in writing songs!

Just this song alone was worth recording an album. I must get someone to write some more songs of similar style. The Little Tigers will definitely be more famous than now.

“Do I look like someone who likes to joke? I said I will give this song to them and I will keep to my words. I only know numbered musical notation. I will write it down for you and you all can get someone to rearrange it. I had only sung the first part. The second part is about the same. How is it? Does this song suit the Little Tigers?”

Before Song Wen could answer, Handsome tiger said: “This song is really suitable for us. Thank you, Manager Feng, for giving us such a beautiful song. The first line of this song seems to suit this milk tea commercial.”

Handsome tiger was also curious. This song should be written some time ago. But have Mr. Feng drank milk tea then? If this song was written recently, then Mr. Feng should not be able to sing it so well. It was apparent that Mr. Feng had practiced singing this song. This was too weird.

But no matter what, this song suits their vocals and style. If the Little Tigers performed this song, they should be able to get more fans. Mr. Feng was really a genius, and they should not have doubted him earlier.

“I wrote this song when I had nothing to do. I had changed some of the lyrics. Now you mentioned it, I also think it is suitable for this commercial. You all should get someone to prepare this song, and we will use it for this commercial.” Feng Yu said.

It was because of Well-behaved Tiger, Feng Yu remembered this song. After the Little Tigers disbanded, this was Well-behaved Tiger’s only song that became famous.

“Don’t worry Manager Feng, I will get someone to write out this song tonight. I will make sure we will record this song as soon as possible. But what about the royalties and rights of this song?”

“There is no need for all those. I said that this song is a gift to them. Let them sing more nice songs for us.” Feng Yu waved his hand. How many royalties can there be for a song?

After dinner, Feng Yu took out a piece of paper and wrote down the numbered notation and lyrics of the song before leaving with Li Na.

In the car, Li Na was looking at Feng Yu lovingly without saying a word.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Are you happy to meet the Little Tigers?” Feng Yu asked.

“Yes. But I am happier to hear the song you wrote. Your song is really well written, and your singing is great.”

“Better than the Little Tigers?” Feng Yu asked shyly.

“Better than them.” Li Na replied.

Feng Yu was perfect in Li Na’s eyes. Even her idols, the Little Tigers, cannot be compared with Feng Yu in anyways. Furthermore, Feng Yu knew how to write songs. How many of the Little Tigers’ songs were written by them?

Feng Yu laughed and said: “I love the look on your face when you lie.”

“Ahh…..” Li Na punched Feng Yu lightly.

“Hahaha, I will sing the song for you later.”


“…… my good mood is up to you……”

Feng Yu played the guitar and sang this song to Li Na. Li Na was memorized by Feng Yu’s singing.

“Play it one more time.”

“Ok. One more time.”

After singing the song again, Feng Yu was about to put down his guitar when Li Na said. “I love this song. Play it again.”

Feng Yu looked at his fingers. Although he had used a pick, his fingers still hurt. But when he saw Li Na’s face, he gritted his teeth and played the song again.

After the song ended, Feng Yu could tell Li Na was about to say something. He immediately says: “My fingers are hurting. I will not play the guitar and just sing it to you. How about I teach you this song?”

Li Na massaged Feng Yu’s fingers for him. “Let’s stop. Why didn’t you tell me that your fingers hurt?”

“You want to listen to this song, so I will sing it for you. Because…… my good mood is up to you……”

Feng Yu finished his sentence and carried Li Na from the sofa and walked towards the bedroom. He wants to do something that will let him have a better mood!

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