
Chapter 733 – Fighting over him

“Are we any government agency? We are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! We do not accept anyone just like this. Call that student over. I will speak to him. I don’t believe he does not want to join my department!” Old Zhou raises his voice.

“Oh, Old Lu, are you busy? Old Zhou is here too?” A man walked in and greeted them.

“Old Meng? Why are you here?” Old Zhou had a bad feeling. The recruitment by the government agencies should be over. It should be settled during the internship.

Old Meng was here today, that means he should be eyeing that talented student too!

“I am here to recruit a student.”

“Recruitment? Your unit should have completed your recruitment long time ago.” Old Zhou asked.

“What about you? Why are you here?”

“I am here for a chat with Old Lu.” Old Zhou replied.

“You are here for a chat? Ok. I am here to speak to Old Lu about work. Old Lu, your faculty has a student called Feng Yu? Can you call him over? Our Ministry of Agriculture wants him.”

What? This Old Meng also want to recruit Feng Yu? How can they do that? We want this student first!

“Wait a minute. Old Meng, what do you mean by your Ministry of Agriculture wants him? I am here first. He belongs to our Foreign Affairs!”

Old Zhou immediately stood up. If Old Lu agreed to Old Meng’s demands, he could not answer to his superiors. This student knew two foreign languages, attended Moscow Summer Camp, and had been to Hong Kong as an exchange student. This talented student should enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

What can this student do in the Ministry of Agriculture? This will be a waste of his talents!

Old Meng knew Old Zhou still have not recruited Feng Yu from his words. He was still waiting for Feng Yu. Ok. He will also remain in the office too. He doesn’t believe that his offer will be less attractive than the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. How many young men were willing to travel every few days?

“I do not want to talk to you. I will wait here too. Later, when Feng Yu arrives, let him decide. I know he will definitely pick my department. Old Zhou, you better go back now.” Old Meng confidently said.

“Bullshit! What can he do at your department? Be a technician or drive a tractor? His future will be ruin if he enters your department. He knows two foreign languages and has overseas experiences. He is more suitable in my department!”

Old Meng was pissed. Entering our Ministry of Agriculture mean becoming a technician or drive tractors? Damn! This was too insulting!

Old Meng did not continue arguing with Old Zhou. When Feng Yu arrived, he was confident that he will choose to work in his department. The welfare in his department was excellent!

Director Lu saw both men had started arguing and quickly move in between them. “Stop quarreling. This is a school. Also, I will repeat myself. That Feng Yu had clearly said that he does not want to enter the government ministries. It is pointless for both of you to fight over him.”

“Old Lu, whether he wants to enter or not is our business. You just call him over.” Old Zhou replied.

Old Meng heard this. They still have not called the student over? He immediately said: “Old Lu, you don’t need to call Feng Yu over. Tell me which hostel he is staying at. I will go and look for him myself.”

To get a talented student, Old Meng was willing to lower himself.

Old Meng was so desperate to recruit Feng Yu because his higher-up had issued this order. Two days ago, his higher-up had read an article in an internal circular. The article was about the management of farms. It was awe-inspiring.

The higher-up knew the person who wrote this article was a talent in agriculture. Was this person a professor or an expert from some province? No matter where this person was, he should be transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture!

The higher-up instructed his men to investigate who was the author of this article. He was overjoyed when he learned that the author was a graduating student from Beijing University. This article was submitted by the university and was part of his graduating thesis.

This student must be recruited into his department!

On the other hand, Old Zhou heard from one of the professors at Beijing University that there was a student who was good at two foreign languages. This student was still not recruited by any units. If the professor had not participated in the thesis defense, he also did not know this student was so fluent in two foreign languages. That professor had only taught Feng Yu for one semester before and did not know much about him.

Old Zhou knew this talented student must be recruited into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He quickly reported this finding to his higher-up, and his leader agreed with him. It was rare to find someone so talented. This student must be recruited. Even if his department had hit the recruitment quota, he would add one more spot for Feng Yu!

“Old Meng, you are too much. I am here first, and I should meet this student first.”

“What you mean by you are here first? You think you are buying vegetables in the market?! This is the student’s future career. We must respect his decision. My department has just built a new quarter for our staffs. If Feng Yu enters my department, he can live in a new quarter, and if he gets married, he can apply for a new apartment with 3 bedrooms. You hear it? It’s an apartment with 3 bedrooms!” Old Meng raised his voice.

“He can get an apartment with 3 bedrooms? He is not qualified to apply for that type of housing yet. You all cannot do this!” Old Zhou was furious. 3-bedroom apartments were only for Divisional Chiefs and above!

“Our leader says that we should take care and groom this type of talented staff. No one would say anything for giving him special privileges. Also, our staff quarter is beside Railway Dance Troupe. There are lots of pretty young girls. We can still introduce a girlfriend to him.” Old Meng replied proudly.

“You…… How can you recruit staffs like this?” Old Zhou’s hands were trembling from his anger. He was from Foreign Affairs and could articulate well. But now, he was speechless.

“It’s none of your business. Old Lu, tell me which hostel Feng Yu is in. I will go and speak to him now.”

Director Lu wanted to tell both men that Feng Yu would not be interested in their offers. But since you all don’t want to listen to me, then I will just let you all bang your heads against the wall.

Hmph! Don’t think all of my students are desperate to join your department!

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