
Chapter 817 - Conspiracy theories

Chapter 817 – Conspiracy theories

Wilson had set up a law firm in New York because Feng Yu will be staying in the US for the next two years. Other than helping Feng Yu with the legal documents, he also becomes Kirilenko’s personal lawyer in the US. Just the fees from these two were enough to cover his costs. Furthermore, his firm can take on other jobs.

Yesterday, Wilson had completed the Empire State Building’s paperwork for Feng Yu. This morning, he was reading the papers in his office when he saw an article about the sales of the Empire State Building.

The Empire State Building was now the headlines. But this was not a piece of good news.

A mysterious Chinese businessman had acquired the Empire State Building.

The Empire State Building changed owners again. Why is our iconic historical building owned by an outsider?

The Chinese Capitalist is invading the US.

The headlines of more than a dozen papers were about the sales of the Empire State Building. The reports also mentioned about the identity of Feng Yu as a shareholder of Microsoft. They did not say about the rest of his companies. Maybe the reporters were still unaware of his other businesses.

Feng Yu frowned. This is the conspiracy theory that the Americans love, but the Americans were a bunch of selfish people. They only want to enjoy the perks of being in a powerful country, but they refuse to give up their own benefits for the country.

That’s why these theories will not have any impact on Feng Yu’s investments in the US. Companies will still rent office spaces in the Empire State Building, and they cannot force Feng Yu to sell his Microsoft shares.

But Feng Yu could sense these reports had political influences in it. The stories kept emphasizing his nationality as a Chinese. This was in line with the Chinese-threat theories that the US believed.

Feng Yu wanted to ask Kirilenko about his views on the reports, but he noticed he was more furious. What’s wrong with these reporters? Why they didn’t mention about Russian-threat theories?

Kirilenko was furious that Russia was left out. I am also a shareholder of the Empire State Building, and I had spent a lot of money. How can they only mention Feng Yu and not talk about me? Why are they only concern about China and not Russia?!

This is too much!

“Feng, we must retaliate!” Kirilenko shouted.

Feng Yu wanted to say that he should be the one to refute those reports. Kirilenko was not mentioned in these reports at all!

But since Brother Ki wants to be under the spotlight, go ahead. Anyway, Feng Yu does not want to be in the limelight.

“Ok. How should we retaliate?” Feng Yu was curious about what ideas Kirilenko have.

This was the US, after all. These papers were mainly catered to the Americans. Even if you have an article, the media might not publish it. Even if they published it, the Americans will also not read it, unless the article is full of praises for the US. But Feng Yu will never do that, let alone Kirilenko.

Kirilenko can’t wait for the US economy to collapse like Japan. Feng Yu suspects Kirilenko’s face will cramp from smiling if the US economy collapses tomorrow!

“We should tell the Americans that we are going to buy out all of their pride! We have bought the Empire State Building today, and we will buy the Statue of Liberty tomorrow!”


Feng Yu’s spat out a mouthful of tea. What are you thinking? You want to buy the Statue of Liberty? Why don’t you say you will buy the White House?

That’s the US national monument and symbolized freedom. It is like the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower in France, and the Pyramids in Egypt. The US will never sell it unless the country is gone. It’s impossible.

“Cough… Brother Ki, are you joking? What will you think if someone tells you that he wants to buy the Moscow Kremlin?” Feng Yu asked.

“I will think it is a joke and will pay no attention about it,” Kirilenko replied.

Damn! You want us to pretend to be idiots and let this incident pass?

You can go ahead of yourself! I will not do it!

What a stupid idea!

Feng Yu knew that if the Empire State Building is sold to another Japanese or even a Tribal Chief from Africa, there will be no reports about it. But because of some of China’s military actions, the US becomes very concern.

China had conducted a military exercise last year and planned another military exercise this year. The budget set aside for the exercise this year was more than 4 billion RMB. Was this really a military exercise?

Even Feng Yu believed that the ‘Old Man’ wanted to take over Taiwan by force. The plans for this military exercise were leaked. If not, China might really succeed!

Mid of last year, the US intervened with the Taiwanese government and caused the relationship between China and the US to sour. President Clinton had been testing China’s limits and made us of this to gain support for another term.

During President Clinton’s term, the US economy was developing well. The US had opened the gap from Japan and the Soviet Union in terms of military power and economy.

But at this time, the Chinese threat was brought up again, and the people will take note of it. After that, the US will show off its power to make its citizens feel proud again. This way, Clinton will regain the confidence of the voters.

China’s military power is currently the strongest in Asia. This was mainly because the ‘Old Man’ is still around and was able to unite all the leaders.

Also, the ‘Old Man’ wanted to take back Taiwan. China had already taken back to Hong Kong and Macao. Taiwan is the only place left before China becomes whole again. This is not any secret and the entire world knows about it.

Last year, the US had sent an aircraft carrier to support Taiwan, and this year, they sent another aircraft carrier over. This was to warn China not to take over Taiwan by force. If not, there will be a war!

China’s economic development had just started and cannot afford to be involved in any wars. Russia’s attitude was also unknown. Russia does not want China to take back Taiwan as no country wants its neighbors to be too strong.

China had been at war since the olden times. Russia was still recovering from the impact of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and will not allow China to become too powerful.

If China takes back Taiwan, its economy will grow rapidly and will overtake Russia in no time. With enough money, China’s military will become stronger and Russia will be worried as they had occupied parts of China in the past.

That’s why when the US sent its aircraft carriers to threaten China, Russia did not do anything.

The two aircraft carriers were enough to threaten China’s coastal cities. These cities were the pillars of China’s economic growth. If these cities were damaged by war, the Chinese economy would be severely affected, and when China was able to take back Taiwan in the end, their economy will take a beating. This was something China does not want to see.

Feng Yu knew that China will give in after threatening Taiwan. In his previous life, there were rumors that the ‘Old Man’ fell sick because of this and did not manage to live until Hong Kong’s return.

But Feng Yu does not care about all these. The US wants to report on the Chinese threats, go ahead. You all keep saying that China will rise up again and its economy will overtake the US?

Fine. I will make this happen in the future!

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