
Chapter 1317 - Business delegates

Yuan Xinwu and ten engineers boarded Feng Yu’s private jet to fly to Minsk.

They are supposed to come as a team of business delegates, and they were troubled about how to do that. But Feng Yu told them that he would make the arrangements.

This business delegation visit is under Tai Hua Holdings. Their purpose is to look at Minsk’s light industries and trade. Also, Feng Yu is here personally, and it’s normal to receive a grand welcome.

Feng Yu’s title as the World’s Richest Man allows him to receive the grandest welcome in any country.

Feng Yu’s private jet can easily enter Belarus with Alexander’s help, and everyone, including Yuan Xinwu, used normal passports. All of their identities are confidential.

Tai Hua Holdings’ business delegation had saved them lots of troubles. They had wanted to use a state-owned enterprise as a front for them to fly to Belarus. But Feng Yu’s solution is much faster and easier.

Yuan Xinwu saw Feng Yu at the hotel.

“You must be Feng Yu. I am the team leader, and my name is Yuan Xinwu. You can call me Manager Yuan.” Yuan Xinwu extended both his hands for a handshake.

Feng Yu also extended both his hands for the handshake. “Nice to meet you, Manager Yuan. Have you instructed the rest of your members? They are here to help my company buy shipbuilding technologies, and all of them are engineers working for my company. They must forget their previous identities.”

“Don’t worry. They are all informed. The higher-ups had also instructed us to listen to you. We only hope to get as many useful technologies as possible. We are also willing to pay a portion of the cost.”

Feng Yu waved his hand. “Don’t worry about money. I can settle it. I can never finish spending my money, and it’s right for me to donate to the nation. We will work together, and I will do my best to get all technologies. But let me handle the business negotiation, and you all will handle the technical aspects.”

“No problem. We will do our best to coordinate with you.”

“Alright. Then let me tell you the current situation, and you should let me know your situation.”

“From what I understand, Belarus is not by the sea and does not own many Navy technologies. They don’t even have a Navy. Their Navy equipment technologies are from the former Soviet Union, and they have not been developing them. Their air force and army are more developed.”

“Of course, I don’t know much about the military, and I cannot verify this information. But I am sure Belarus had gotten the aircraft carrier battle group’s technologies from the former Soviet Union. I heard they had saved a copy of these technologies when they traded with Russia and Ukraine.”

“My contact person is from an influential family. His father is Belarus’s President and is planning to extend his presidency for the fourth term. To do that, he needs to do something for their economy. That’s why they wanted to trade with us as they need money, and I have money.”

Feng Yu did not expect Alexander to be the youngest son of Belarus’s President, and his father gave him this name.

Of course, Alexander’s full name is very long.

After knowing this information, Feng Yu understood why Alexander dares to say he can get whatever technologies he wanted. Feng Yu suspects that Alexander is representing his father to deal with him.

The senior Alexander is in his early fifties, and he kept a mustache like Hitler. Many people said this shows how overbearing the senior Alexander is.

Yuan Xinwu listened to Feng Yu and nodded. He added. “I will tell you a bit more about President Lukashenko. He is very authoritative and become the President when he was forty. He also opposed corruption and had even accused senior government officials, including the former Prime Minister, for corruption.”

“Wait... you are saying he is anti-corruption?” Feng Yu interrupted.

If that’s true, why would Alexander set up a company with Kirilenko?

“That’s right. He is anti-corruption, and he had changed the Belarus government. He can win the presidency with high votes is also because of this reason. What’s wrong?” Yuan Xinwu asked.

“Nothing. Please carry on.” Feng Yu decided to call Brother Ki to ask him about the Polar Bear Supermarket Group’s shares later.

Feng Yu thought Alexander loves money and he can use the money to entice him. He must change his strategy if Alexander does not like money.

“You are saying Lukashenko will win the third term? We had analyzed the situation and had come to the same conclusion. Belarus does not have anyone else who is as popular as him. The people will receive his policy of improving the economy and the people’s life.”

“But there’s one thing you might not know. Belarus has a bad reputation with many western countries, especially the US and those that restricted them from exporting their weapons. They claimed Belarus had sold weapons to those evil countries, like Afghanistan, and the US imposed sanctions on them because of human rights violations. But Lukashenko had denied all these claims.”

“In fact, we had already contacted Belarus, and we have over 200 million USD worth of trades. But the trades are mainly focused on minerals and light industries.”

“We have wanted to work with Belarus military. After all, Russia does not have much military cooperation with us and prefers to work with India.

The strategy of associating with distant countries and attack the nearby ones have been used since ancient times. If the US has not been targeting us, our relationship with Russia would have deteriorated a long time ago.”

“I had received a piece of information which I think is very important. The number of retirees had increased this year in Belarus, and their government requires a large amount of money. I think this is one of the reasons why Belarus wants to sell its technologies. There is other information which I can’t remember. But I had brought much information with me. You can take a look too.”

Feng Yu took the materials. “Alright. I will read it later. You should tell the rest to behave like business delegates and go out for site inspections tomorrow. Leave the rest to me.”

Alexander Lukashenko

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