
Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Episode 38 – Territory Dispute, Part IV

Chapter 13. Territory Dispute, Part IV

Translator: Khan

Editor: RED


It was a vacant lot meant for a building.

At the center of the vacant lot stood Kim Tae-hoon, surrounded by Mac Clan’s soldiers and a number of other Awakeners who were assigned their missions, waiting for the time to perform their duties.

‘All I have to do is pull the trigger.’

‘Let’s just act on orders. It’s not that difficult.’

While waiting, they had recounted their duties hundreds of times.

But all of them were stiffened when the devil snake appeared following the Howling of Kim Tae-hoon; it was a huge monster over twenty meters long, and it was big enough to swallow a car in a gulp.


The devil snake had not yet shown the power of its fear. Everyone, who looked at it, could imagine their own death so easily, and they were paralyzed.

Awww! It was Howling of Kim Tae-hoon that shook their stiffened minds and bodies once again.

At the Howling, all the attention of the devil snake was focused on Kim Tae-hoon, and those who came to their senses moved without missing the moment.


“Pour water!”

The main character of the first move was a fire truck.


Two fire trucks, already deployed, rose high into the sky and began spraying out water columns over the snake.

Under the streams of water, the devil snake turned its attention to the fire trucks that were spewing water nervously.

The streams wet its body. It didn’t like the cold, so the water was much more annoying and nasty than the bus that ran into it a while ago.

The devil snake intended to hit the fire trucks spraying the water streams if the Sword had not left a finger-deep scar on its scales.


The devil snake’s eyes locked on the Sword which had hurt it.

The devil snake saw the Sword flying in the air. The Sword rejected the laws of physics and could not be compared to any flying animal.

Even the devil snake could not easily deal with the movement of the Sword that flashed to attack it.

The devil snake stood upright and pursued the Sword, but it dodged the devil snake’s attack and began to slice through the body of the devil snake, producing wounds.

There were no deep wounds. Most of the wounds were only about the length of a little finger.

Considering the huge body, its thick skin, and flesh of the devil snake, they were just scratches with a tiny bit of blood, definitely not deep enough to stop it.

‘This is as expected.’

A hard stab would make the wound deep, but it would end there.

So he had been practiced cutting thinly, just enough to draw blood.

Of course, it is impossible to kill it with only thin wounds.

“Spraying water is completed!”

“Get out! The fire truck, get out!”

So he prepared a fire truck!

The reason he prepared the fire truck was to spray water to irritate the devil snake, and that was not all.

“But will the pesticides work?”

“It consisted of half pesticide and half water, and it will work if it gets inside.”

He had put plenty of poisons in the water the engines sprayed out. If they were absorbed through the wounds, it would surely affect the devil snake in some way. Pesticides were a medicine made for killing!

That was why he chose the ground where the soil was tramped. The soil was loaded with pesticides and became mud. The soil was sticking to the body of the devil snake, and the pesticides would be delivered to its body repeatedly. If the devil snake ate the soil, then it could affect its internal organs. And this was just the beginning!

‘It was distracted by the blade.’

Kim Tae-hoon, who saw the devil snake chasing the Sword, immediately pulled an Arrow of Sun-sin from his waist.

The arrow, without a tail and feathers, was different from usual. It was coated with ice.

The ice, of course, was not ordinary ice. It was poisoned ice!

Moreover, the poison was a tetrodotoxin.

The poison of a blowfish!

Kim Tae-hoon, when he heard the story of the devil snake, first thought of how to hunt using poison, instead of thinking that he could kill it with physical force.

At the same time, the place where he heard the story, the place called a sushi restaurant, inspired Kim Tae-hoon. It was the inspiration for using blowfish toxin.

After that, Kim Tae-hoon immediately collected the poison from the dead blowfish at a blowfish specialty store in Bucheon City.

He also checked its effect.

In the case of the farmed blowfish, there was no toxicity, or only really weak, but some of the blowfish collected by Kim Tae-hoon were caught at sea, and the effect of the venom was confirmed against pigeons and monsters which had survived in the cold land.

Of course, he knew that the poison from only a few blowfish was not toxic enough to kill the devil snake.

Because of that, he was not expecting a lot.

Twisting, stumbling, or losing consciousness for a few seconds was all he wanted.

The arrow flew toward the devil snake, which was focused on the Sword, as expected by Kim Tae-hoon.

Pok! Then, like a syringe, it drove its little needle into the giant body of the devil snake through one of the small wounds.

‘That’s it.’ The feeling of the arrow piercing the body of the devil snake was transmitted to Kim Tae-hoon through his Telekinesis.

At the same time, the presence of the arrow disappeared from Kim Tae-hoon’s senses.

‘It’s beginning.’ This was the prologue.

This was not a mere fight, but a fight against the presiding ruler, the predator who dominated the center of Bucheon City, where prey became a challenger to take the land back.

It was a fight for all or nothing.

‘The first step is the mortar fire.’

It is natural to prepare for all-out war, and it was mortar fire that would be the beginning of the all-out war.

Mortars were different from rifles, but they were difficult to use easily, and they had never been used properly in battle with monsters they had met so far.

There was not enough distance, and people could not afford to aim.

In other words, if a target was at the target point, there is no more effective weapon than a mortar against the target, even the target was bigger than a tram. It was a big monster, and they could not miss it.

What was even better is that it was not difficult to get one or two artillery soldiers if a hundred Korean men were gathered.

Kim Tae-hoon looked up and saw the Sword against the devil snake.

The movement of the Sword was playing with the devil snake, and as soon as it found a gap in the snake’s quick movement, it made a wound, racing along the body of the devil snake.

Only the Sword was in the yellow eyes of the devil snake. It was focused on nothing but the Sword.

Kim Tae-hoon began to lure the devil snake. He manipulated the Sword with his Telekinesis and led the devil snake closer to the center of the vacant lot.

‘The right time.’

The only thing left was to give a signal.

As soon as he gave the signal, the mortar will fire out their shells continuously.

At that moment, the glitter of the eyes of the devil snake changed.

Its eyes, which had been chasing only the Sword, began to shine with a golden light that was not mere light.



Something that had to be called like that passed through the senses of everyone concentrating on the vacant lot.

Those who were exposed to it stiffened at the moment.

He felt that the devil snake was now scouring all of them, like dissecting them.

Soon the eyes of the devil snake began to move along the force controlling the Sword, not the Sword itself, along with the Telekinesis that could now be seen.

Of course, there was Kim Tae-hoon at the end of the power.

The devil snake saw Kim Tae-hoon, its tongue fluttering.


‘I was discovered.’

At the moment the devil snake’s eyes shone, Kim Tae-hoon could feel intuitively that it saw the power to handle the Sword, not the Sword.

Soon after, Kim Tae-hoon was sure, as the devil snake’s eyes turned on him.

‘I’m dead.’

Today, a man named Kim Tae-hoon would be killed by the devil snake.

It was not a vague conjecture or feeling.

He’d already experienced death. Through the Golden Glass of Napoleon, Kim Tae-hoon clearly learned how that death felt.

However, there was no passing light like a revolving lantern in front of Kim Tae-hoon’s eyes.

‘I will be killed by the devil snake.’ He had never wanted to die, He had tried to live. He had learned what he needed to survive in the ocean of death.

He had a clinging obsession with the struggle for survival.

‘I have to kill it before I die.’

At that moment, his half-paralyzed body began to move.

His Energy supported its master’s will to live. His Energy revived his body, which had frozen under the glitter of the eyes of the devil snake.

But the devil snake had already become a black shadow on Kim Tae-hoon’s head as its jaws gaped open.

‘Run away? No, I can’t run away.’

His body told him, “Do not hope you will have a chance to run away with your body already half-paralyzed.”

Therefore, Kim Tae-hoon did not avoid it.

Rather adversely, Kim Tae-hoon threw himself into the huge mouth of the devil snake that opened toward him.

Kim Tae-hoon’s body was sucked into the mouth of the devil snake.


There came a strange sound from the devil snake’s throat. It was going to eat its prey, but its target threw itself into its throat; therefore, it was not a natural sound.

But the devil snake did not mind it.

Kim Tae-hoon, in the eyes of the devil snake, was an animal without poison.

No, it didn’t matter if the prey had poison. It was visible in the glowing eyes of the devil snake.

The only animal that could show its teeth to it was Kim Tae-hoon, and when it ate him, the rest of the animals were just its own game.

That’s why it swallowed Kim Tae-hoon.

Soon afterward, the devil snake’s body began to crush Kim Tae-hoon.

A body was forced to compress, and in the process, the flesh ruptured. Bones were dislocated, and eventually, there was the sound of breaking.

The sound also reached Kim Tae-hoon. It was simply the sound of death.

The screaming of the bones in his body knocked from the inside, not outside, was a sound that no one could see and hear, only those who faced death.

But Kim Tae-hoon did not listen to the sound.

‘Let’s listen.’

It was the snake’s sound, not his own sound.


The heartbeat of the devil snake was slow, like a snake.


As soon as he heard the slow heartbeat of the slow snake, as he waited for the next beat to happen, Kim Tae-hoon ordered the Sword connected to his will-


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