
Chapter 892 - Hellfire Werebear Against The Glacier Dragon

\'What is wrong with this dude?\' He wondered.

A subtle smile appeared on Lars\' lips as the wandering soul around him began to change its shape.

At the same time, the Hellfire Werebear\'s soul was released to a higher extent, completely blocking Jason\'s attack.

Jumping backward, he retreated a few more meters before changing his means of attack.

Using the mana that coursed through his body, he inserted small portions of it within Byakur.

Tightly enveloping Byakur\'s blade with the frozen flames of Solaris, Jason further enhanced his weapon.

This allowed Byakur to reach a state close to the prime level that Jason could have possibly hoped for.

Thus, after Byakur had reached its prime state, he catapulted himself ahead once again, attempting to break through the defenses of Lars.

Meanwhile, the small youth didn\'t remain idle either. He was completely in control of the change in the Hellfire Werebear\'s shape.

Before, it was an armor that had simply enveloped him tightly.

However, now this had changed, and the wandering soul returned to its original state, just in a smaller version.

More of the wandering soul had been released.

As such, Lars was unable to control the Hellfire Werebear armor as proficient as before.

Because of that, he had returned his wandering soul to its former state. This way it didn\'t require an additional means of control.

Instead, he could control it at the bare minimum level, which meant that Lars was able to manifest more of the Hellfire Werebear.

Through this, he was able to increase his combat prowess by leaps and bounds.

Sensing that Byakur slashed at him, Lars didn\'t hesitate to erupt in an inferno of flames around him.

The fire immediately spread around, burning away everything in its wake.

This caused a fight between fire and ice, cold and heat as the Arctic aura collided with the flames of the Hellfire Werebear.

Jason couldn\'t pay much attention to this as his entire focus was set on Lars, and his movements.

He wanted to know how Lars moved even before he was aware of this, which made it difficult for Jason to avert his attention.

After all, he was using his Emperor Eyes and the foresight blessing!

It was necessary for him to see every single movement of Lars in order to predict his future moves, but even then it was easier said than done.

As such, Jason could only ease his mind by lunging forward with Byakur that was enveloped in the frozen flame of Solaris to collide with the Hellfire Werebear that enveloped Lars tightly.

Yet, even after inserting more neutral mana into Byakur, it didn\'t seem to have any effect.

Thus, Jason took a step closer before using his entire physical strength to fling Lars away with a powerful kick.

In the end, this didn\'t give him the result he had been hoping for, but it was better than one might think as he pushed himself away.

This allowed him to use the little distance he had between himself and Lars, who was occupied with controlling the Hellfire Werebear, in order to initiate one of his strongest, if not THE strongest attack he had.

Releasing the Frozen flame to an extreme level at once, both Jason and Solaris were controlling the suddenly erupting flames that were more than ten meters both in height and breadth.

They were flickering wildly in front of Jason, and by holding Byakur horizontally, with one of his hands touching the tip of his blade, he allowed Solaris to manifest in the middle of the blade.

By controlling the Frozen flames exquisitely, Solaris\' size quickly enlarged.

Meanwhile, Jason continued to retreat, giving his soulbond some time to prepare the Breath of the Glacier Dragon.

Normally, Jason would use it with Solaris inside his mana core, but while being fused with Artemis, everything was working perfectly fine as well.

Thus, after releasing the Frozen flame with moonlight transmuted mana and divine energy, the flames had not only become powerful, but also slightly more difficult to control.

However, that was not a problem because Solaris and Jason were working together in sync while receiving subtle support from Artemis, who wanted to help.

Wanting to be a part of the fighting squad, she was giving her best to control the coldness of the flames, while Solaris and Jason were shaping them within seconds.

Just preparing attacks took much longer, but with the help of two soulbonds, Jason was able to form a ginormous dragon head-shaped from the Frozen flames.

It almost looked like it had emerged out of the sky blue flames that had been suctioned towards the center of Byakur, where Solaris was located.

Thus, seeing a ginormous sky-blue dragon head with silver glowing eyes emerge suddenly, everyone shuddered for a moment as it issued a thunderous roar.

\'Is…that a real dragon?!\' A few Elite of Liun thought when they first saw the dragon head.

Yet after seeing how calm Elder Ben and Jennifer were when they saw the dragon, they gave it a second try.

However, even after realizing that the seemingly real-looking dragon head was just made of compressed flames, they still had a hard time believing it.

After all, it almost looked like a real dragon, and their heart began to beat wildly just because of the roar it had issued.

Thus, they couldn\'t help but feel overwhelmed, only to witness how Lars\' entire body was enveloped in blazing flames. It overshadowed his appearance as the Hellfire Werebear\'s wandering soul enlarged.

Both sides were giving their utmost efforts, and the huge shape of a claw manifested out of flames was about to come into existence.

Yet, instead of letting Lars receive an opportunity to launch a counterattack, Jason compressed the Arctic aura within a moment. He then enveloped the Glacier Dragon head with it before further enhancing the effect of his Stigma.

This was possible by inserting pure divine energy into it.

Glowing in a bright golden shade, the two Stigmas that were covered by a bunch of feathers pierced through the disguise, highlighting the appearance of Jason.

However, that was something Jason couldn\'t care less about as he released more divine energy to enhance the Glacier dragon head.

This provided him with the final piece of energy that was required to initiate his attack; the Breath of the dragon, or simply put, the dragon flame.

Opening its maw widely, he gathered all of its energy in one area which was the center of the Glacier Dragonhead.

This took a few moments, giving Lars the necessary time to manifest the majority of the Hellfire Werebear\'s fire claw.

However, it was yet to be fully completed when suddenly the Glacier Dragon released its destructive dragon breath.

The fiercely powerful flames targeted the center of the Hellfire Werebear, wanting to destroy it then and there.

The suddenly released dragon flame froze the ground of the entire arena, covering it in a thin sheet of ice.

The surrounding temperature quickly dropped by several degrees, even before the flame collided with the Hellfire Werebear that lashed out at the flame with its fire claw.

This was a means to protect itself, and its master, Lars, who could only use his entire Soul force to try and stop Jason\'s advance.

He continued to release more and more flames, in order to fight against the coldness that was slowly seeping inside his body, making his teeth chatter.

The fight of the Hellfire Werebear against the Glacier Dragon had just begun.

Yet, it would not take a genius to know who the winner of this battle would be as he geared up to defeat his opponent in an overwhelming manner.


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