
Chapter 107 - Oblivious

And then with a soft hum, hundreds of fireflies flew out of nowhere, lighting up the flower valley in a golden glow. It was as if small pixies were flying around them, creating a magical performance only for the two of them.

Shen Li was surprised and then he turned around to look at Yu Dong with a smile that was so wide that his entire face was split in a wide grin. He seemed to have completely forgotten about the questions that he wanted to ask " it's beautiful!" he gushed, he never knew that something so beautiful could be there in the village.

" I know," said Yu Dong, she has found this place a few months ago but she couldn't bring anyone here. Firstly, it was too far away from the village and secondly, she wasn't that close with her instant husbands back then, so now that she was more or less being accepted by her husbands, she could at least bring one of them to this place. " let's go in?" asked Yu Dong as she held her hand out, and this time Shen Li didn't hesitate for a second, he immediately placed his hand in her hand and intertwined their hands.

Yu Dong brought Shen Li to the middle of the flower valley before the two sat down side by side, the moon hovering up in the sky was beautiful and so was the serenity as they listened to the soft croaking of the insects. The entire valley was serene and hidden from the villagers making it more mysterious than anything.

Shen Li inhaled a deep breath, enjoying the fragrance of the blooming flowers. His heart leapt when he realised that he was still holding on to Yu Dong's hand. A part of the escaped memory from before returned to him, of course, it was true that he likes Yu Dong. But it was also true that he didn't know anything about her, she was like a mystery she was powerful and smart and knew how to carry herself. As a wife, she was both capable and strong but that was just from his observation, he wanted to know more about her more than he knew from observing her " tell me something about yourself, I mean before you came here?" asked Shen Li feeling a little childlike, he wanted to control his curiosity but it was quite impossible for him. He wanted to know everything about Yu Dong the first woman who was able to shake his heart.

" what do you want to know?" asked Yu Dong not sounding ruffled at all, it was as if she knew what he wanted to know.

" you said that you have someone in your world whom you miss, is that true?"

" I do" she verified with a single nod as she looked at him like she wanted to know where he was going with it.

Shen Li tried to suppress his emotions when he heard her agree. Something about her words did something to him, however, he couldn't bring himself to snap at her - she wasn't in the wrong. And whatever that happened was out of everyone's control, surely he couldn't get jealous of her past when she wasn't of his? But he was upset he couldn't control it, he didn't want to act petty but he hated the idea of someone other than him being important to Yu Dong in a place where he couldn't see her.

Again, Yu Dong felt the change in his aura. She arched an eyebrow and leaned closer to him " what is it now? Why are you upset?" her tone was light but something about it flared Shen Li up.

How can she be so oblivious? It wasn't as if she didn't know what was going on in his heart? No wait, she didn't know because he never told her. It was so despicable of him to crave for her attention but never asking for it? Why? Why cant he ask it?

' don't be troublesome once you get married, be quiet and accept whatever your wife do to you'

Yes, that's what is it... He did it all because of the teaching his parents gave him. They asked him not to be wilful, to be quiet and invisible and do whatever his wife asked him to but what if he didn't like it? What if he wanted more? He wanted to tell Yu Dong that he was jealous when she gave more attention to others and looked over him.

" what's wrong with you?" Yu Dong had never imagined this reaction, she thought that Shen Li would be happy if she brought him given how much he likes taking care of the berries and vegetable patch behind their house but somehow he looks utterly pissed at her " what did I do?"

Shen Li has expected her to react like that, so he clenched his teeth and blushed before stammering " it's nothing but if you talk about your lover, the one you left behind whom you miss. I think you would want to do a few more explanations than that don't you?"

" lover?" echoed Yu Dong sounding a bit affronted.

She couldn't understand how Shen Li reached to this conclusion and wanted to set him right at once, and clear up the misunderstanding but that was until she caught sight of his furiously blushing cheeks and that thin curve of his lips - he was jealous.

She was surprised at his sudden explosion but it was good to see that he felt something for her usually he was so gentle and calm that even seeing him blush was a rare sight much less to see him explode in anger.

Yu Dong cocked an eyebrow, then leaned closer a dark glint passing in her eyes as an urge to tease her ever sombre husband rose up in her heart " what is it? Are you jealous? I thought you didn't like me"

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