
Chapter 444 Who is the lucky lady?

Chapter 444 Who is the lucky lady?

  Yu Dong felt her thoughts go down the drain at rapid speed as if her brain had become a soft paste. Every muscle in her body went taut, a coil twining itself around her insides as Xiao Hua stepped right into the bar, dressed in a way that he was aiming for every woman to drop dead at his feet —— it wouldn't be wrong to say that at the moment the guy looked like he has stepped out of the fantasy magazine of this world's women and has come alive to stand in the middle of her less than satisfactory bar. 

  He was walking in the direction of the mer who called him at a slow pace but then his gaze met with hers and he smiled. It wasn't an ' I am glad to see you' glance, nor was ' How is your day going?' kind of glance either it was —— a glance that promised something. 

  What, Yu Dong found out in a few seconds. 

  Before she could register what was happening and prepare herself, Xiao Hua moved and when he moved Yu Dong swore that even when she tried to look away she couldn't because her attention was literally snapped out of her control. Xiao Hua changed his pace and she didn't know how he did it but she couldn't help but notice that particular change. 

  He was walking towards the mer but she could feel that his attention was on her even if he wasn't looking in her direction. His pace was slow and languid as before but this time there was a touch of sensuality in it. He was moving as if he was moving towards his lover—— a lover that he was bent on driving crazy with his charm and beauty. Push her into a corner until she gave in and let out a string of profanities before pushing him onto the bed and making him scream. 

  That slow, sensual movement of his hips and legs was a complete contrast to his face he had an innocent expression on his face as if he didn't even know what he was doing. His eyes were glimmering with joy and he was smiling like a little fox who was teasing its friend. Flirtatious—- that was what Yu Dong called him in her head. 

  Dark hair let loose in soft curls, a pastel pink shirt with a matching robe that showed off his sharp collarbone, and wide pants that though hid the length of his legs they couldn't hide the movement underneath it. 

  Yu Dong wanted to stop looking but seriously Xiao Hua was dressed to kill, even if she wanted to look away she couldn't. First, his gaze tracked downward at the fair chest that has been left clear of nosy bounds for the world to see because Xiao Hua once worked as a courtesan, so him dressing a bit extraordinarily was something that everyone was used to but today he has broadened his own approach and left his shirt hanging loose on his body. 

  Usually, he left his shirt out and hardly cared to emphasise his figure but today he tucked it in and made sure to let others see just how dainty his figure really was. 

  He came to a stop in front of the mer and opened his mouth before letting out a tittering laugh as he answered, " What? Can't I come to the bar just because I am on a holiday huh?" 

  Yu Dong's spine went rigid. She thought that after what happened last night and her attempt to stay away from Xiao Hua, he will understand what she wanted and would give her the space that she needed to clear her head off him and his less than decent images in her mind. 

  The mer who teased Xiao Hua smiled and smacked him on the shoulder. " What are you talking about? You can always come here, this is where you belong! Isn't that right, Ming Ming?" 

  Ming Ming was one of those few women who worked in the bar. Naturally, upon being blinded by Xiao Hua's charm that was raised to the max, she just stared at the latter with her mouth gaping open, like a clown fish. " Umm…what …" she then blinked her eyes and then looked at the mer who was talking to her and said, " What did you say, Zhongyue?" 

  Zhongyue looked at Ming Ming in surprise and amusement before he turned to look at Xiao Hua and patted his arm. " Good going, Brother Hua, you have nearly eroded the mind of every woman in the vicinity." 

  Yu Dong agreed with Zhongyue, even her vocabulary was reduced to almost one word as she stared at Xiao Hua.

  " You are such a jester," chuckled Xiao Hua with a wave of his hand before he tilted his head back and met Yu Dong's gaze. " If only I could erode someone's defiance." As if he was worried that Yu Dong wasn't affected by his flirtatious actions enough, he even winked at her. 

  He was totally eyeing her, wasn't he? And from the twinkle in his eyes, she was pretty sure that he knew she was avoiding him or at least trying. 

  Ming Ming finally got out of her daze and recovered her wits, as she looked at Xiao Hua in shock and awe. " Did you finally fall for someone, brother Hua?" 

  Her questions set up alarm bells ringing in Yu Dong's head as she looked at Xiao Hua. She didn't even have any idea about what her feelings were for Xiao Hua if he was to say something or maybe even mention her name then her speculations will become reality —— they were already more or less but she could still deny it with Xiao Hua never confessing to her face. 

  But if he said her name then——?

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