
Chapter 675: Bedridden

Chapter 675: Bedridden

Xiao Hua was dragged to the main hall where he was patched and bandaged and as for Ye Liu who was the one who got the most injuries was led straight to the bed, no matter how many times he said that it was just skin wounds and nothing else, no one heard a thing that he was saying. Shen Li went as far as barring Ye Liu from using his hands to eat, in fact, he clearly said to everyone that they were not allowed to let Ye Liu even move a finger.          

And Ye Liu who could not withstand being tied to the bed tried his best to get up from the bed only to be literally tied to the bed.      

On the other hand, Yu Dong whose bones were broken was receiving treatment from doctor Gu in another room. The wounds that Yu Dong received got so ugly by the time they reached the village that even though she said that the wounds were completely fine and they did not hurt but no one believed a thing.      

No matter how strong she was, she broke at least three ribs, how can she be completely fine? No one was willing to believe her and called doctor Gu who was shocked to see that Yu Dong was still standing straight despite having three ribs broken.      

She immediately ushered the latter to bed and started dealing with her injuries.      

" Oww, what the…take it easy doctor Gu, even if my hand is twisted a little, there is no need for you to set it in place so harshly, treat me a bit gently," Yu Dong who did not think that there was in any need for her to be treated by a doctor was cursing in her head. All she needed was a good night's sleep and nothing else by the morning she will be completely fine but her husbands who were still spooked by what happened in the night did not dare to take any risk.      

Doctor Gu who was treating Yu Dong harumphed and then said, " Now you know what pain is, why did you not call the authorities from the beginning? Did you not know that Gu Li trained as a soldier when she was young? You are very lucky that she only broke three ribs of yours. The last time she fought with someone, she almost smashed their head open."      

" I was too angry to think straight, Oww fck" Yu Dong cursed just as Doctor Gu snapped her wrist back in place. If she knew this was how she was going to be treated she would have hidden in the forest after dropping Gu Li and her husbands in the house. This was simply torture for a spiritual energy user like her!      

Doctor Gu however did not show any mercy to Yu Dong, no matter how much Yu Dong screamed or flailed on the bed, she continued to snap the bones back into place as for the broken ribs, she could only apply some medicinal herbs and say, " You can only hope that your bones will be healed on time, the last time someone broke their bones it was simply impossible for them to mend them and had to stay the rest of their lives on the bed."      

As Doctor Gu thought about how a good woman like Yu Dong will be bedridden for the rest of her life with five husbands behind her, she could not help but shake her head in regret. She smacked Yu Dong on the arm and then said somewhat angrily, " This is what happens when you let your anger rule, now keep praying that your broken ribs mend on their own or you will drag your husbands down with you."      

Yu Dong who had her spiritual water to heal her wounds and bones was not worried she even cheekily smiled and then said, " Don't worry doctor Gu, I have trained my husbands really nicely, even if I get bedridden for the rest of my life they will be able to survive on their own and even feed me for the rest of my life."      

As for everything else, she chuckled dryly. Her husbands were the reincarnation of succubus, even if she was to really get bed ridden they will be able to use her broken body to their use really 'well'. She has taught them really well, as long as she was alive there was no way the four of them will have to live like a widower.      

Doctor Gu glared at Yu Dong, hating iron for not being able to become steel. She thought Yu Dong was a woman who was filled with motivation but she was actually willing to become a house woman and even rely on her husbands, she truly had no desires in her life! Yu Dong of course knew that she was being disdained but there was nothing else she could do.     

She could not tell Doctor Gu that she will surely be able to get up from the bed, could she?     

" Make sure that she stays in the bed for the next three months, doesn't dare to make a lot of movements, and doesn't turn on your sides." Doctor Gu told everything to Shen Li and the others as she came out of the room after treating Yu Dong. " As long as she stays in the bed and does not run amok, she will be able to get on her feet. At least there will be a chance of her getting on her feet without staying on the bed for the rest of her life."     

Shen Li was very worried when he heard Doctor Gu's words, though he knew that no matter how big the injury was Yu Dong will be able to heal herself with ease but the thing was that breaking a few ribs was supposed to be instant death for the villagers or the officials in the town.     

  Even if they had a lot of money, there was nothing like surgery in this world—— even Wu Junfen did not dare to dabble her hands in such a difficult thing lest she makes a mistake. Without surgery, it was really rare for someone with three ribs broken to survive, thus even though Shen Li knew that Yu Dong will be fine. He couldn't help but feel distressed for his wife.     

If he had held on a little more and called for help from all over the village instead of running back to his wife like a bullied child then his wife wouldn't be beaten by Gu Li like this.      

" Doctor Gu, will wife be able to recover from this injury?" Chen Mi asked with a worried look on his face. His son was still young and Fang Chi was going to give birth at any moment, there was no way for them to survive without their wife. Even if she had taught them how to stay without her Chen Mi did not want to even imagine a life without Yu Dong, if she was to leave them …if she did not get well then he wouldn't be able to stay alive either.     

As Chen Mi thought about it, his eyes turned red and he looked at Doctor Gu who sighed and then said, " There is no need for you to worry, I can see that Yu Dong is in good energy even though she has three broken ribs, she is acting as if nothing is wrong. As long as she doesn't get depressed over whether she will be able to get well and pays proper attention to her recovery, she might be able to get well soon."     

She paused and then added with a hesitation-filled expression. " For the next month please try to refrain from getting involved in any kind of extraordinary strenuous activities in the bedroom, she will not be able to withstand it."     

Shen Li's face turned a bit red while the faces of the others were simply reddened to the point where they resembled overly ripe tomatoes. Shen Li cleared his throat and then said, " You don't have to worry, Doctor Gu. I will make sure that Yu Dong heals properly and does not move around a lot." He paused and then asked, " May I ask what will happen to Gu Li?"      

He was too busy taking care of Ye Liu, Xiao Hua and Yu Dong——now that Yu Dong was asked to stay in the bed for the rest of the next month and even more if her bones does not mend, he was the one who had to take care of everything in the house and could not go outside to see what was going on with Gu Li and the villagers.      

" She will be taken to the authorities tomorrow," answered Doctor Gu as she sighed in annoyance, she couldn't believe that one of her relatives was actually a murderer. She wanted to clear out Gu Li from her family tree once and for all but she has to wait for three days until the elders of the Gu family arrive at the village! What a disgrace!      

On the other hand, Chen Mi and Xiao Hua exchanged a glance with other and then nodded in silent agreement.      

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