
Chapter 53 53 Nobody Asked For Them

When Wolfe woke up in the morning, both of the Crests had faded. He could still sense them, but they weren't visible to the naked eye anymore.

It was earlier than he had expected to be awake, but today he felt incredible. Energetic, powerful and refreshed. It was a bit like he had just finished the most amazing meal after starving for days.

There was a change in their bond as well, other than the emotional change he had first noticed. Sleeping side by side, Cassie and Ella's auras Blended and balanced with each other. But the flow of mana wasn't limited to them. It flowed back and forth between the three of them through Wolfe's Mana Focus and the Marks with every breath.

Before, it took effort and concentration, but now it just happened when they were touching, and the flow moved both ways. Not only did Wolfe let them gather mana more quickly, but they also did the same for him. The overall increase was enough that Wolfe had to actually slow down his intake a bit when he was nearing his limits so that he could properly stretch the mana pouch and not just crash into his limits.

[That Inheritance really is a miracle. If I have this much mana to work with, I can finish my first focus in less than a week.] Wolfe thought.

He had the time, so Wolfe began to meditate, filling and emptying his Mana Focus. He had it almost halfway complete now, which gave him the motivation to keep working at it, especially since every bit of strength he had helped strengthen his Witches.

They really were his now, he realized. The Inheritance recognized them as his Familiars, and they wore his Crest, even if it was only visible for a few hours after intimacy or manually filling it. He briefly considered refilling it before they got up for the morning, but the side effects of its formation seemed to have left the girls worn out, so he resisted the urge, at least for a little while.

It would be convenient if he had a way of measuring their strength though. Maybe when their bond was stronger, or when he had more practice, he would be able to tell.

"I don't think I can walk, but I might die of embarrassment if Professor Ashcroft asks why I didn't make it to class on time," Cassie muttered as she woke up.

"I hear that a long, hot shower helps with sore muscles. Why don't you and Ella get in, and I will get your uniforms ready?" Wolfe offered.

They seemed a bit stiff getting to the showers, and Ella was walking very delicately while resting a hand on the spot where the mark was, but Wolfe could sense their relief once the shower started running.

Getting uniforms set out and linens changed only took a moment, so Wolfe headed for the supply room quickly.

"You're in a hurry. What can I get you this morning?" The attendant asked when Wolfe ran in.

"Muscle relaxant and painkillers." Wolfe requested, and the Witch behind the desk winked at him.

"Say no more. This numbing gel is gentle and long-lasting. Take this massage oil as well. it's reasonably priced for staff, and you will likely want to have it available for later." She told him but didn't pry into who it was for.

She didn't really have to ask Wolfe directly as it would likely be the topic of the day in the staff cafeteria if he were with another staff member anyhow. The academy wasn't exactly swarmed with young men.

The witches were still in the shower when Wolfe returned, so he waited for them to get out before offering the gel.

"It relaxes and numbs sore muscles." He explained, and Cassie stretched her arms to the side.

"Just coat me like it's body butter. I don't know what happened after the marking spell was cast, but I feel like I ran a marathon with every single muscle of my body."

Ella giggled at that and took the plastic tube from Wolfe. "He brought a bottle of massage oil, too. We can have him do that later. For now, you'll have to settle with just the worst bits."

Wolfe assisted while they got ready and escorted them to breakfast, where the two very excited Witches from Mary's study group were waiting for them.

"Thank you so much, and I promise I learned my lesson. Reiko says that you guys bought the reagents, and we activated the Talismans this morning on the first try." The taller of the two blonde roommates who had been involved in the truth or dare game last night whispered.

"That's good news. They will help a lot during afternoon classes. I'll get food while you all discuss your evening." Wolfe told her with a smirk that made her frown and lift a threatening hand.

"What happened will never be spoken of in public."

Wolfe learned while he was eating that he wasn't going to be sent to the second Potions Lab after breakfast today. The gossip of the cafeteria was that new lab assistants for the classes had arrived this morning at the direction of the Coven Council, against the Headmistress's protests, and without any advance warning.

For the First Year regular class that he had been assisting, that was six young men, all from noble Witch families, with equally disdainful attitudes toward those who were not part of their family's social circle. It was clear that someone had finally gotten the political leverage to send in personal assistants for their young Witches.

The Headmistress had been very much against the practice, but she must have caved to pressure. The big news wasn't about their sudden appearance, though. It was about the reorganization of rooms for tonight.

The Coven Council had forced the Headmistress to accept that the new assistants, who were mostly made up of the families' chosen marriage candidates, would be living with various Witches they were engaged to and not in the servant's quarters.

All of the noble women had been bemoaning the loss of their servants at the start of the year, but now they had gotten used to the level of freedom that having classmates as roommates allowed them.

Very few were happy about this change of circumstances, but some, like Christa Abilene, the council minister's daughter, were overjoyed.

Wolfe had convinced the Goblin she summoned to act more civilized, but civilized and Goblin didn't really mix, so she had been keeping the unfortunate creature locked up whenever it didn't absolutely have to accompany her.

Now that she was going to have a servant around, it would make her life much easier.

She was far from the only one in First Year Class A who had received an assistant. In fact, over half of the students had a lovesick young man next to them right now, trying to make himself helpful.

Professor Ashcroft was not happy. Not even a little bit.

"Since it seems we have an unusual level of nuisance in the class today, all of you who have received an assistant from your families in the city are dismissed for the morning to get settled into your new rooms." The Professor commanded, pointing to the door to leave no doubt as to her intentions.

"Can't we send them back? I have been doing quite well with Mary as my roommate." Reiko asked.

"Yeah, this guy they sent to me smells funny, and he insulted Pup," Mary added.

"Take it up with the Headmistress. Her Assistants are accepting complaints and giving room assignments in the auditorium right now." Professor Ashcroft directed the girls while pointing at the door.

Soon all that remained was the smaller half of the class, plus Wolfe and two young men wearing uniforms from the Coven's Public Safety Department, one of the handful of secret police forces within the city.

"Who were you sent to? If you're not assigned, please go to Human resources for a job task," The Professor asked them.

"We have been sent to join the top student at the entry exam and the student who summoned a humanoid Demon. Our orders are directly from the Coven." The large, black-haired young man informed her very seriously.

"Great, more nuisances," Wolfe muttered to himself, looking over the two men.

The big muscle head might be easy to fool, but the slender blonde guy looked like he might be a real Cassanova once he got a chance to show his good side. That would have to be prevented at all costs, Wolfe decided as he began to make plans for how to dispose of them quietly.

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