
Chapter 525 525 [Eternal]

The sense of protection from the orb that floated over the spire in the centre of the city now gave off a much more protective feeling to go with the natural and nurturing, peaceful feeling that it had always given to the nonmagical residents of Forest Grove.

It was like their personal star to wish upon, floating in the sky over the city.

Wolfe wasn't done for the day, though. He fully intended to set himself up with [Eternal Vigilance] before he finished the day, and he was already working on trying to get the spell perfect so that he could cast a second Grand Magic today, but this time using only his own power and what he could draw personally from those closest to him.

The Pentacles were so closely bound to him that he could sense their general mood from anywhere in Forest Grove, so it was no lie to call that part of his own power at this point. They wouldn't be harmed by the extra draw, and from what he could tell, he might not even need it.

The spell was complex to cast, but not massively mana intensive.

Wolfe carefully layered the components of the spell, one on top of the other, until finally, he heard the chime of the Inheritance.

[Eternal Vigilance] active.

[Updating status]

What sort of status, Wolfe wasn't sure of. The Inheritance was notoriously short on details, but this time he had no other pressing business, so he began to search through it to see what it would tell him about himself.

[True Name] Beowulfe Abraxas Asmodai Lokarth Noxus

[Magi Bloodline] 85 Percent

[Demon Bloodline] Isolated

[Bloodline Skill Active: Clarity] enhanced

[Mana Density] 70 Percent

[Mana Focus 5/7] 1 Percent Complete

[Lightning Affinity] Adept

[Fire Affinity] Medium

[Gravity Affinity] Medium

[Unholy Affinity] Adept

[Air Affinity] Medium

[Other Elements Locked Due to Bloodline]

None of that was new information to him, and none of it appeared to have changed in the last few minutes, so he wasn't sure what part of his status it might be talking about.

He searched through his recently cast spells, and they all looked normal, though Eternal Vigilance showed as [Active] and not recently cast, the same way that the [Body Enhancement] spell suite did.

He really couldn't find anything about his status that had updated, until he searched the portion of the Inheritance that was related to the Noxus Family.

[Noxus Family Patriarch]

[Official Members] 5

[Unvetted Potential Members] 1183

[Maintain Status as Family Patriarch Through Reincarnation?] Y/N

That was what had changed. He now had the option to return as the Family Patriarch if he had to reform himself a body. That wasn't exactly in the plans, but it would be good to know that he wouldn't have to go through a whole process to regain his position if things went wrong.

[Maintain Status selected]

There, that was one more problem solved, and Wolfe finally relaxed and opened his eyes, only to realize that everyone in the room was staring at him.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He asked.

"What did you just do? We all felt that spell activate, and felt the wave of Unholy Magic flow out, but none of us could identify what it was." Priya asked from a position just behind his shoulder.

"A personal defensive spell from the Inheritance. It is a rather powerful bit of magic, but it only works on the caster." He explained.

"We can see it." Mary informed him, and Wolfe looked all around himself, not seeing anything.

"I don't see anything." 

"Find a mirror for him, maybe that will help." Mary ordered, and one of the witches quickly cast a [Polished Mirror] spell on one of the aluminum trays.

Wolfe looked into the mirror and saw a very different image than what he had seen before. The outfit that he had put on for his armour spell was still the same basic outfit, but now everything gave off an ethereal glow of Unholy magic.

He looked like a ghost, or a bit like the Little Reaper, who was essentially a shadow given form.

A moment spent tweaking the elemental balance of his armour spell fixed the glowing effect, but he noticed that when he activated [Detect Hidden] to make sure that everything was good, his eyes glowed that same ethereal blue, and it didn't seem to be a result of the armour.

"Well, those eyes aren't creepy at all. But if that's what it takes to have some cool exclusive defensive spell active all the time, I guess it's alright." Priya informed him with great reluctance.

Wolfe returned [Detect Hidden] back to its normal levels, and his eyes returned to normal, bringing a smile to Priya's face.

"That's much better. I guess it's just like Witch Armour, it has a visual component to it that you can't hide if you increase the power." 

Wolfe nodded in agreement. Witch armour created a black shadow around the user when you cast it, and did its best to hide them in shadows. But it seemed that [Eternal Vigilance] attuned him much more closely with the Underworld, and some of that appearance leaked through when he used Unholy Magic.

"Now that we've got the defensive magic covered for the day, where are my helpers? We should get to the border before our guests arrive." Wolfe asked.

"We're all right here, waiting on you to finish whatever it was that you were casting. We've got all the ingredients we can for healing potions, and they only take an hour or so to make, so we will make some once we get there, and then we will use our own healing magic on the worst of the refugees' injuries. Will you be able to take care of their Nerve Gas damage today, after all that magic?" Mary replied.

"I should be good by the time we get there. I'll just take a short nap on the boat and everything will be good to go."

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