
Chapter 597 597 Morning Meetings

Chapter 597 597 Morning Meetings

597 597 Morning Meetings

Wolfe sat in his new apartment for a few hours after Rail left, just trying to work out what he was going to do tomorrow. He would feel a lot better if he could just contact someone and let them know where he was and that he was relatively safe, but there didn't seem to be a way to do that, and the bonds were just as suppressed here as they were in Faerie.

Though, he did get a vague sense of Cassie and Ella from here, so perhaps it wasn't fully blocked. If he could sense them, they should at least be able to tell that he wasn't dead or being tortured, that sort of agony would spill through the link even if you couldn't tell where the other partner was.

As he lay in bed, Wolfe worked on trying to establish the link between him and anyone back home, working through most of the night before he finally found some sort of success. It was only Cassie and Ella, but he could move a faint trickle of mana to them.

Less mana than even the very first time he had tried with Cassie before they went to the Academy, but it was enough that he could feel their relief that he was alright, and that they weren't personally in any danger that they knew of.

He still had no way to warn them about the Saints, or even find out what had happened since he left, but it was a start to finding a way back.

That was enough to let him sleep just before the sun came up, but he wasn't asleep for long before someone was knocking on his door and calling for him to get up and get dressed for the morning meeting.

"Wolfe, it's time to get up. The meeting is in ten minutes, and they will add to your sentence if you skip them." The voice called.

That was enough to motivate him to get out of bed and activate his armour spell to bring back his clothing.

"Alright, I'm coming, just give me a minute to brush my teeth." Wolfe complained.

"Use magic, we've got to run, or we will be late." The voice replied.

Wolfe sighed and opened the door, where he was met with what looked like Rail's younger sister. Their faces were nearly identical, but this one looked like she should not be old enough to be working. But why would some strange Succubus come to get him in the morning? No, it was more likely that this was Rail playing games with him to see what he liked.

So, Wolfe picked the smol succubus up under the backside and set her on his hip, then began to fly down the hallway toward the open window at the end.

"Which direction is the meeting? I will get us there much faster than running." He informed her.

The succubus giggled as they flew out the window, and pointed toward the far side of the village outside the castle walls.

"That's where we are holding the meeting. Be sure to fly through the gate, the guards get mad if you go over the walls." She reminded him, with a gentle flap of her tiny black wings. How anything could fly with those was against physics, but magic was the most probable answer to every question when Demons were involved.

They raced to the gates, and the Succubus pulled out her ID card, confirming to Wolfe that it was really Rail, just shrunk for her own amusement.

The guard waved them through, and Wolfe picked up speed, passing all the other running Demons headed in the same direction.

"Is it tradition to show up at the very last minute?" He asked the Succubus in his arms.

"Yep. Nobody wants to be here, so they subconsciously put it off until the very last second. They will run away the moment that they're released as well, but I need you to stay back for a minute so that we can get your assignment confirmed if they don't do it during the meeting." Rail agreed.

They landed in front of the office with almost six minutes to spare, and Rail was very proud of herself for making it with so much time to spare, despite not actually doing anything to aid their travels.

"Good morning boss. I brought the new guy with me, and we're even early today." She announced, while a large, horned demon that looked a lot like Chen, Wolfe's new neighbour, gave her a suspicious look.

"I take it that he flies faster than you do? Miscalculation is the only reason that any of you show up early." The boss asked.

"He's incredibly fast. And he wasn't even really trying. He went supersonic in the throne room to break the challenge for the Justice position." Rail replied, not at all ashamed to admit she was never willingly early for work.

"I heard about that. My cousin is on the throne cleaning team, and they were there working overtime last night to clean up the mess. From what I heard, it shook bottles off the wall in the potion storage closet, and in the sitting lounge next door."

That sounded like a real mess. The sitting room most likely had bottles of liquor on the wall, since it was customary to entertain noble guests beside the throne room after the introduction, at least it was in the history books that Wolfe had read.

That meant dozens of bottles of booze, plus a whole closet full of mixed potions to clean up. He should probably stay away from that part of the castle for a while until they forgot about him.

"First things first, Rail, the new guy is with you personally, on the orders of the Justice. I've got the documents right here. I've gotten over a hundred requests for the services of a Magi already this morning, and I am not dealing with them, understand?" Rail nodded. "Just send the good ones to me, and we will take care of them." She agreed.

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