
Chapter 1615 Niflheim I

He would need Kanlaon to thaw out the layer of frost that accumulates on his body every ten minutes or he would be frozen alive. The three of them must stick together as the influence of the heat that Kanlaon is emitting would diminish if they are far from each other. They also did not move much from their location as the snowstorm was brewing at an incredibly dangerous pace.

"Can you feel my sister\'s aura?" The God Freyr asked.

"I can feel it, but it is incredibly faint. It is in the direction where the snowstorm is blowing." Frey stated as she could feel a faint connection in the northern location.

"I thought I was just sensing things differently, but she is actually in that location." The God Freyr stated as there is a bit of fear in his voice.

"Why? What is in that general direction?" Adrian asked as he is not that familiar with NIflheim unlike the God Freyr that has been here.

"North from here where the sandstorm blows are the settlement of the Frost Giants. They are not really on friendly terms with the people of Asgard. What even makes me wonder more is that my sister is in that direction when they do not want to even associate with us after the war." The God Freyr stated.

The people of Asgard waged war and managed to acquire some resources in Niflheim like precious metals. This world is incredibly rich in minerals that can be forged to make powerful weapons. They managed to push the Frost Giants far north while they occupy the center of Niflheim where the mines are.

"You said Frost Giants, right?" Adrian asked.

"I did. Is there something wrong about them? Well, they are incredibly tough to fight against and they cannot truly die as long as there is ice around. They will regenerate after ten years or so which is why we always fight them. The Gods of Asgard even made them something like training targets due to this." The God Freyr stated.

"Frost Giants are part of the Jotunn Race which is a one of the Five Asmodian Races. If we are against them in their home turf, then it is not going to be good for us. They are also called the most patient of all the Five Asmodian Races." Adrian stated.

"Why are they the most patient?" Frey asked.

"Not only could they be revived from their own body fragments, but they are also incredibly durable." Adrian stated.

"They are not that durable as I managed to destroy one with a swing of my weapon back then." The God Freyr stated.

"Let me finish with my explanation. They are beings that become even more durable as they continuously \'revive\'. This is what earned them as the most patient as they become more durable every time that they reform their fractured body.

The people of Asgard are not the only one that turns the Frost Giants as training targets. The Frost Giants are also making all of you akin to training partners. I believe that they do not even send their best soldiers when you fight against them." Adrian stated as the God Freyr suddenly felt something true to what Adrian has said.

When they were always in wars with the Frost Giants, there would only be one or two extremely tough frost giants. The latest war that they have done had already fifty or so which means that the ones that have reformed countless times have joined as well. The God Freyr suddenly had a realization that the last war had more Frost Giants that were destroyed.

"We must hurry and save my sister! The next time for war would be in five days. They wanted to transfer the Valkyries today because they would be vanguards for the incoming fight." The God Freyr stated as he actually did not tell that information earlier.

"Why did you not tell us something that important?! A war would break out once again in Niflheim and you just happened to neglect telling us that?" Frey stated as things suddenly started escalating.

"I thought that we could use the guise of the war to save my sister who will also be used in the war. We would also use that to save the Valkyries, but his statement suddenly had me getting cold sweat. I feel that we will lose this next war with the Frost Giants as the last one was difficult to handle." The God Freyr stated.

"Next time, tell us everything immediately. You might be a god, but we are not. We can easily die and let me remind you that I am your only hope in returning should you be unable to rescue your sister. Are we clear?" Adrian stated in a rather irritated tone as he did not expect such troublesome matters.

"It seems that I did not make myself clear. Tell us everything that we need to know, or I will send you to a place where even a god like you will have difficulty breathing. You are in a weakened state in this world as you only have the power of a demigod. I can easily accomplish that feat if you wish to try me." Adrian threatened the God Freyr.

Seeing Adrian\'s intimidation, the God Freyr made sure to give every information that he knows of Niflheim. He knows that the demon before him does not care where he lives or dies because he was only here to help Frey and not him. The God Freyr is the one that just tagged along with them, and it dawned on him that the demon will discard him should he become untrustworthy.

"I apologize. My head was full of thoughts helping my sister." The God Freyr stated as this was actually the first time that he bowed to a being weaker than him.

  Night suddenly fell and the snowstorm finally subsided which means that the Valkyries will now be transported to Niflheim. The Bifrost in the Asgard settlement could be seen being activated as fifteen beautiful women in chains and collars are dragged by a very buff god. The look of resentment could be seen on all of the Valkyries as there were also some bruises on their bodies, but they are not strangers to pain.

"I welcome the God Thor!" The head guard of the Asgard settlement stated.

"At ease. Give me the status of the movement of the Frost Giants." The God Thor stated.

"They are currently showing inactivity. They did not even come near the first defense station. We are also preparing for the upcoming battle." The head guard of the Asgard settlement stated.

"Good. Lead me to the dungeons as they will be sent there. They will be our Vanguard when the Frost Giants arrive." The God Thor stated as he dragged the chains that linked all of the Valkyries.

The Valkyries did not even speak as their menacing looks made even the normal guards steer away from them. Only the God Thor could actually have the ability to be passive. The Valkyries are also not fighting back because they are conserving their strength.

The Valkyries already knew that they would become fodder for the front lines against the war between the Frost Giants. The God Loki was mocking them for such fate as they were being punished due to the misery that their patron goddess is experiencing. The Valkyries do not hate the Goddess Freyja though they know that their goddess made the correct decision.

The Goddess Freyja protested that they should not weaken the main world\'s barrier as it would create danger. The people of the main world would suffer as a result of the numerous foreign entities that could slip through. What she feared is actually coming true, but these foreign entities are keeping a low profile.


"King Shivr, the people of Asgard are preparing for the upcoming training with our children. Shall I start preparing the ones that need to fight against them?" A three-meter-tall frost giant asked a five-meter-tall frost giant that was sitting on a frozen throne.

"Make sure to have at least a five thousand young ones to join the upcoming battle. For the ones that are older, offer about five hundred spots that will be for competition. We must make it look like we are pushing the people of Asgard back or else they might cower and run if they know what their real use is for us." King Shivr stated as he generated the snowstorm once more.

"My King, there seems to be another foreign entity that was reported to us that has arrived in Niflheim." Another frost giant stated as she gave information about the unique being that entered the world and it made King Shivr\'s raise his brow.

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