
Chapter 336 - Choose Every Day

Chapter 336 - Choose Every Day

The last deed before going back home is to talk with Duke Grahm.

I invited him to have tea in our garden, and the Princess ran to organise it so that no incidents could happen.

The knights and the maids have been placed so that no inch of this place is without a guard. As if I was hosting a dangerous mercenary and not just a noble. Not even the Dowager Empress would have required such an amount of preparation.

?Thank you for coming this far, Duke Grahm,? I say when he sits in front of me.

The table is covered by the most delicious specialities from the kitchens. The Princess chose the finest tea, and the shadows of the trees shield us from the insistent sunrays.

?We have to talk about a little detail that escaped my mind for a few months. Now that I'm not in constant danger anymore, I remembered something that happened in Stoneyard at the end of last year.?

?Ah, I hope it's a pleasant memory, your highness...?

?Oh, killing the assassin was certainly pleasant,? I sigh.

He freezes in place and stares, dumbfounded.

?I'm relieved your highness didn't get hurt,? he murmurs, wondering why I'm talking like this in front of a Princess.

Why are people still surprised when I talk out of order? I mean, I talked back to the late Dowager Empress. Why should I be afraid of anyone else?

?Not just that you sent an assassin to me,? I point out. ?You even bypassed the guild and broke one of their rules. I'd like to see what happens when someone tips them off. Does a Duke of the Empire have such security and influence that he doesn't mind challenging the continent's first assassin guild??

If they decide to get even with him, he won't be able to defend himself.

?What do you want?? he asks, holding the armrests with both hands.

?You will retire from politics for good and never return again.?

Killing him would be a waste since he might have some utility in the future.

?Unless I ask you to,? I point out. ?Your life will be safe, and I'll keep the secret. But! If I hear that you're planning something like this once again, I won't be this merciful. Oh, I might as well tell my husband without many ceremonies. Who would reach you first in that case? Archduke Kyre or the assassins??

I couldn't use this before, while the Dowager Empress was still alive. The Duke would have worked against me in secret while pretending to be a friend. I would have risked my life and made the environment even more complicated.

Now, my position is clear and stable. No sound mind would think of targeting me. Be it in secret or in the open.

For the moment being, I am the most powerful woman in Ethiro, right? Until his majesty marries, at least.

?I... I made a mistake,? he admits, bowing his head. ?I apologise.?

An apology like this doesn't have any value. The Duke would have never confessed if I didn't bring up the matter in this way.

And now, I'm supposed to accept such apologies? For real?

?That mistake could have cost us two lives,? the Princess points out. ?Not just my sister in law, but also my niece...?

Oh, I don't think Lavinia was already there at that time. But she certainly wouldn't have been born after my death.

?Are apologies enough? Not even close.?

She crosses her arms and glares for the rest of the morning. I'm so glad I asked to tag along...

The tea party ends before causing a diplomatic incident and just in time for Lavinia's meal. The Princess walks with me back to the room, where my daughter has just woken up.

?You can stay, your highness,? I say when the Princess looks at the door with a dejected expression. ?It's nothing secret. I'll just feed Lavinia.?

She widens her eyes and sits not too far.

?Are you sure you're not annoyed by my presence?? she inquires. ?It's not like I have to be here by any means...?

?It's fine,? I chuckle.

Also, I'm quite used to being surrounded by people in such moments. Alexander doesn't surely leave the room, and the maids continue their work. I'm not breaking any law, just feeding my baby.

?You shouldn't have pardoned the Duke for what he did,? she says when the atmosphere becomes less difficult to bear.

Lavinia starts sucking her milk and doesn't pay much attention to us, so we can talk undisturbed.

?He might be useful. Also, he's old, isn't he?? He's the last one standing of that generation. I didn't want to be the one wiping them out completely.

After all, it's thanks to them that we're here, managing an Empire that still exists even if in constant danger.

No matter how cruel, unmotivated, or simply dumb their moves were, they did as they thought was fit.

We can only understand their mistakes and try to do better.

?There is nothing he will do to me, by the way. I'm not on his way anymore. And, by now, he must have understood that his granddaughter won't be chosen either. Alive or dead, I'm just an eyesore but nothing more. He doesn't have weapons to point towards me.?

?I haven't thanked you yet. You avenged my parents,? she says, her voice now low and sad. The cheery Princess can also make this kind of expression, ah?

?It's not revenge,? I point out. ?It's justice.?

Alexander didn't want revenge; he was clear about it. I couldn't bring myself to disappoint him, so I decided to follow the path of justice and stick with it till the very end. It's difficult, but the reward is satisfying.

?We'll soon depart for Kyre,? I sigh. ?I will miss you, your highness.?

?You will? For real?? she inquires, her eyes shining content. ?I will miss you too! But I'll write many letters. We can write to each other, right? Just like last year, when we organised the auctions for the pictures...?

?Oh, about the pictures,? I remember. ?There are some that I haven't sold yet. I'll entrust them to you. A few are for you, your highness. The painter wanted you to have them. But the rest, well... You can give them away as gifts to diplomatic delegations or your closest friends...?

She tilts her head.

?The painter wanted me to have some??

Her own grandmother made the art. She left quite an amount to her. Mostly, to use as assets for the future. But some should definitely stay with her.

The scenes of Stoneyard, coming from the late Empress Grandmother's memory, won't be given away that easily.

?You told the painter about our collaboration? Is that why??

I just shrug, checking if Lavinia fell asleep. This little ball is exhausted today. Has she played with Alexander in the morning?

The departure is imminent: a couple of days more. Even Duchess Prim already came here to greet me.

His majesty sent a missive and also invited us to court, but I've gone without Lavinia. That place is still too poisonous for her.

I've done all that was on my list, haven't I? Now, I only have to go north with Alexander and start our new life.

?I'm so happy you two are comfortable together,? the Princess says, one hand on the chest.

She smiles when I look at her. Her eyes remind me so much of the painting of the last Lady in Stoneyard.

She's so similar to her mother, the woman whose name was passed down to Lavinia.

Other than their appearance, they have their loyalty in common. Till the end, through life and death.

Even Martia, the silent kid, decided to believe in me and entrusted her life to my plan.

No matter the titles, this one is still Alexander's little sister, the one feeling at ease only when her brother was at Stoneyard, even when he didn't have any power to protect her.

?I feel so lucky to have met you,? she continues. ?Xander was supposed to travel to Polis, but that way we wouldn't have ever spoken to each other... I'm not sure a Queen does have pen friends, so we wouldn't have even exchanged letters.?

?Whatever happened in the past, it brought us here and now,? I point out. ?I wouldn't exchange Lavinia for another environment. I'm happy as well, your highness.?

?Even if your marriage was forced??

?I knew since turning nine that I would have married someone without considering my will. My only option is to find happiness after marriage, not choose a husband,? I say.

?Xander was forced into it too,? she reminds me.

?I know,? I admit. ?And I am going to fix it. My husband will have a choice with me, every time.?

?Mhm?? she moans, tilting her head even more. ?What do you mean??

?I haven't forgotten about it. Alexander has the right to choose every single day to stay with me or not, even if our marriage was forced upon us. And also, this situation will be solved, your highness. Believe me.?

?I take your word for it,? she chuckles. Maybe she understood what I want to do.

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