
Chapter 344 - Familiar Atmosphere

Chapter 344 - Familiar Atmosphere

I visit the stables the day after Alexander informed me about the new horses. He bought me the present while I was still a wife, but I won't press too much on the details.

After all, a gift is a gift. Details shouldn't be analysed too much. It's the thought that matters.

The steward taking care of the Lord's horses welcomes me with a bow, and I just nod while looking behind him.

?I heard that some new horses arrived,? I say. ?The Lord said I could choose one...?

I smile, hoping Alexander already informed them. It will save us time and discussions.

?Oh, yes, my Lady! Here, this way...? he exclaims. ?I've ordered the horses by size and colour.?

What are we talking about? Clothes?

?Most of them are young, but there are a couple of older horses. I guess my Lord predicted events like parades and ceremonial rides...?

?Wait,? I murmur. ?What does it mean??

?It doesn't happen very often here in Kyre, but it's better to have a calmer horse for those occasions. And also, even if they are not young, they're still beautiful...?

?No, I mean... Wasn't I supposed to choose one horse??

The man blinks, surprised.

?My Lady, I didn't receive precise orders about how many horses can be used at a time...?

Well, I can ride one at a time, that's for sure. Unless I don't lend one to someone else... Oh, I can go riding with my friends, like this!

?So, the horses are mine?? I murmur. ?All of them??

?Yes, my Lady. All the horses in this area are of exclusive use to my Lady. No one is allowed to take one without your permission.?


But I'm not that surprised. After all, Alexander's ways are a bit extreme at times.

I walk in front of the horses, wondering if I'll have to find a name for every single horse.

?This one,? I say, stopping in front of a white stallion.

?This one is not yet fully domesticated.?

?I know,? I chuckle.

It can't even stay still in place from nervousness. It needs to run, to have some good exercise.

?Yes, my Lady,? the steward says after just a second of silence.

He prepares the horse for me while I wear the gloves and wait outside.

The stallion is beautiful, ready to get out and barely still for the time I need to mount.

?Now,? I whisper while caressing its crest. ?Let's see what you can do.?

When he seems to accept my guide, I grab the reins and hit him with the stirrup iron. Just a tap to make him walk forward.

Only when I'm sure it won't go crazy, I gallop away to the lands out of Stoneyard.

The guards open the gate for me, and they don't close it. A few metres behind me, my personal guard follows me.

I've almost forgotten about him. Hasn't Alexander retreated my escorts? Oh, but it's fine. I'm used to being followed everywhere.

I had a few days of freedom soon after marriage, and I ended up sick in bed. I prefer being followed, just in case.

I've grown up with the bodyguard's shadows following me, so it's not like it annoys me more than a little.

Even if I'm no one, now. I'm not a target for the moment, so I should be safe.

After running in the wild for an hour or so, I return to Stoneyard at a trot. The stallion is as content as me for having the chance to use his muscles, so he doesn't try accelerating when I relax my hold or lower the control.

Such a well-behaved animal. Choosing it was the right thing to do.

?Thunder will be my favourite horse,? I say, caressing the crest and wondering if it'll annoy my new companion.

It shakes his head in approval, and I chuckle, happy to have found a name.

?Thunder is such a good boy!? I exclaim when the stableboys run in my direction to help me down.

They spot a dark shadow a few metres from us, and they halt. No one is willing to hold my hand while getting down now.

No big deal, I can do it alone.

?You named it Thunder?? Alexander asks.

?Yes,? I reply.

I don't explain the reason, as it's obvious enough.

I hope Alexander won't make trouble, though. He's been overprotective till now, but I do know how to ride a horse. And there aren't as many threats as before...

?I thought you would name it Cloud or Bolt.?

?Because of the colour?? I murmur, caressing the candid fur.

?Yes, because of that.?

?I didn't think about it,? I sigh. ?Have you already eaten??

?No, not yet.?

I have the feeling it's better not to ask if he stayed nearby waiting for me to come back. He came in a few seconds; it's unlikely it's by chance. Yet, the Lord of Kyre is a busy man...

?We can eat together,? I propose. ?If you agree, of course.?

?I like the idea. Let's go,? Alexander says. ?The only available place, though, is the one on my right. I hope you don't mind.?

?I don't. Just, don't tell your future wife I sat there,? I giggle, locking my arm around his.

Also, the table does have plenty of empty places. But that is another detail we have time to find a spot for.

?I'm starving,? I say. ?I've done so much exercise today. I think I'll rest this afternoon.?

?I think you'll like your place today,? Alexander murmurs.

?Hmm? Have you put a soft cushion there??

?No, you don't need it. You already are soft enough, right?? he chuckles, looking down at my body with a grin.

?You!? I whisper. I pinch his forearm, but this block of stone doesn't feel anything.

When we enter the dining hall, I notice the messy head sitting next to my place.

?Were you planning to bait me here to have lunch together?? I inquire, looking at Alexander with suspicion.

?No, I just wanted you to be at ease.?

?I am always at ease,? I murmur, lifting my nose and closing my eyes.

I open them when Alexander's lips peck my forehead.

?My Lady!? Olly exclaims when he sees me.

Oh, right, I've heard he was appointed to work in the Lord's suite. I haven't seen him yet, though. I should have asked before.

Alexander wouldn't mistreat him, I'm sure of it. But this child is so afraid of him that I should at least explain to Olly that he won't be hurt, that the Lord isn't as scary and dangerous as he looks.

?I'm happy to see you, my Lady!? he continues.

He jumps down from the chair and tries dragging back mine to allow me to sit comfortably.

Alexander watches the scene with a black look, and he intervenes only when the chair swings back and almost hits Olly's nose.

He grabs the backrest and shows me to sit down while I witness those two's interaction with ill-hidden amusement.

They are collaborating, kind of. What has Alexander said to Olly to let him fear him less? I'm so curious, but I won't have the truth that easily, will I?

?I've written a message for my Lady,? Olly says, keeping the paper in his little hands.

I would like to pinch his red cheeks, but I'm not sure how he would react. And Alexander is nearby; better avoid showing too much closeness.

?You learned to write,? I realise. ?Good job!?

I pat the little one's hair, and he closes his eyes and moves his chin up, rubbing his head on my palm like a puppy.

?Miss Lyana told me my Lady likes messages,? he explains. Miss?

Oh, right, the little one might have been confused by too many ladies. He doesn't know capitalisation yet, does he?

Also, the maids don't like to call lady any other woman here.

It's something unique to Kyre, and I needed a year to realise it.

?Have you seen my daughter yet?? I ask him. ?You'll have to protect her when she grows up and starts running in the castle.?

Olly nods, clenching his fists with determination.

?I will be the perfect guard!? he exclaims.

Wonderful! Lavinia already has a playmate for the first years. Also, Anne Mary will bring her children so she won't feel too alone without siblings.

As the maids bring the food, the Countess sits in front of me, and lady Lyana next to Olly. Kate brings the baby to me, after hours far from each other, and I check that she's not hungry yet.

?You'll let your mother eat, won't you?? I murmur, moving the cap back to free her forehead.

Olly observes the little ball with curiosity while the Countess seems curious but holds back her requests. She wants to hold Lavinia, to look from close up.

?You already have enough admirers, right?? I continue, looking back into the little ball's black eyes.

All until Alexander says something, and I lose her attention for good.

The table is chatty, the mood is good. I like this feeling of familiarity. As if we weren't away for months.

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