
Chapter 93 - The Guards

Chapter 93 - The Guards

"Your Majesty!" The twins shouted the second they spotted a familiar shadow whirling past them.

"There you were." Elias slowed down and glanced at the assassins with distaste. "Shoot their arms and legs, I want a few alive."

"Of course, Your Majesty," Easton fluidly said.

"If you're heading towards Adeline, where is Lydia?" Weston asked.

Elias and Easton exchanged glances with each other. "She's in the room, hiding under the desk like the appropriate daughter of an armory tycoon," he snickered.

Weston shoved Easton towards the room. "You heard His Majesty, go."

Easton gaped at his older brother. "Why do I have to go? I don't even like her that much!"

"You agreed with Dorothy, so the least you can do is protect the woman you wish to be Queen," Weston hissed. "Besides, we already killed the people here. Just go."

Easton rolled his eyes. "I only chose Lydia because I knew it would piss you off. I actually support Princess Adeline you know and—oh look, there's Lady Claymore!"

The twins turn in time to see Lydia Claymore stepping out of the room. She was tripping over her dress, which was long and constantly got in between her legs. "Stupid gown! Whoever designed it should get fired and never touch a sketch book again."

Lydia walked out, gun in hand with a disgruntled look. She pointed an accusing finger at the King. "How can you give me a single gun with no bullets to reload, except for the nine inside! And you—hey, wait for me!"

Lydia g.r.o.a.n.e.d in irritation when she saw Weston and the King take off in the other direction, most likely towards Adeline's room. "You should've protected her in the first place instead of charging there later. Idiots!"

Lydia let out a huff. She slid a sharp ring off her finger. Making a cut into the fabric, she instantly yanked it apart, so that she could easily move her legs.

"Very classy move, Lady Claymore." Easton warily eyed the discarded gown. It was an important one, specifically reserved for the ritual, but she tore it like it was nothing. He stared at the limp fabric on the ground before letting out a loud sigh.

Her eyes narrowed. "Please tell me that brute of a King had informed Adeline of the events going on tonight, and that the servants don't know a single thing. They're going to talk you know, about the so-called ritual that was supposed to take place," she said.

Lydia crossed her arms. "I don't understand why His Majesty decided to employ this trap, instead of just capturing Quinston for interrogation. Must he wait for assassins to come in, and maids to talk before moving?"

"His Majesty needed thorough evidence. And seeing how these assassins came in with military grade weapons… We have what we need," Easton said.

Easton kicked a dead body over, revealing the assault rifles that nearly nipped him. It was foolish of that human to send in even more humans.

Did they forget what happened in the Species War and exactly why they lost in the first place? No one could match the speed of light. A bullet did not travel faster than a vampire could, especially the Pure-Breds that led the battle.

"I didn't think Quinston would try to implicate my father as well." Lydia bent down to pick up the assault rifle. She showed the Claymore logo to Easton.

"Well, your father had it coming for disrespecting Quinston, even though they're supposed to be friends with each other." Easton smiled at her scowl. She dropped the gun with disappointment, stepping over the dead body.

"Aren't you supposed to cower back and scream the blood?" Easton asked. He had never seen a woman so fearless before.

Lydia Claymore walked over the blood and dead bodies as if she was on a runway. Nothing here fazed her, not even the squish of the blood on the carpet. The stench of gunpowder was strong, but she flicked her hair over her shoulders. Flashing him an amused smile, she tilted her head.

"I'm the daughter of Duke Claymore. Surely, you didn't think I grew up in a sheltered life?" Lydia Claymore bent down to pick up another assault rifle, deeming it useful for later.

She'd have to speak to her father about this. But by tomorrow morning, he would've known. They'd have to spin a careful tale to the press and newspapers tomorrow.

"Well, certainly not." Easton helped her over a particularly large man.

She ignored his help. "Both Weston and His Majesty are fools for going to Adeline as well." Lydia began to walk down the hallways at a quick pace.

"And why is that?" he asked.

Lydia glanced at the walls and broken decorations. There were bullet holes that could easily be patched up, but the vases and paintings must've been priceless. Not to mention the repair of the crashed windows… she sighed. The castle was a mess, all because the King wanted to catch a single rat.

"Don't you know?" Lydia asked. "I thought you would've looked into Adeline by now."

"Well we did," Easton said.

Easton quickly caught up to Lydia's pace without breaking a sweat. Soon, they crossed the corner. Just one more hallway and they'd reach the King's corridors, where Adeline resided in a room over.

"And what did you find?" Lydia returned. She eyed the torn curtains and wondered if these assassins could've been more classy. If they planned to storm the castle, wouldn't they have been more elaborated and careful? She expected more men than the ones lingering in their hallway. But given Easton's bloodied hand, and his stained face, she suspected they had already ridded the ones on the floor.

Unless…. Her eyes widened. Their target wasn't His Majesty.

"W-wait, Easton, where is Adeline's room?" Lydia suddenly asked.

"Oh, just down the hallway, why do you ask—"

Loud gunshots were heard.

Easton and Lydia exchanged horrified glances with each other. Not a second later, they began to sprint down the corridors. Their footsteps thundered against the carpeted floor, as loud groans were heard.

Easton recognized that groan. He would from miles away. It was coming from his older brother!

"AN AMBUSH FROM ALL SIDES!" Weston roared, just as approaching footsteps could be heard from behind.

Easton and Lydia spun around, to spot the reinforcements that had come. But now, they were more prepared than ever.

"Run!" Easton shouted, shoving Lydia to the side.

In the blink of an eye, Easton was gone. He was dashing forward, avoiding all of the bullets dancing through the air. He was a whirlwind of black and white, moving faster than the eye could see.

All she witnessed was his quick movements. He took down one assassin by slamming his hand into their face, and took another down with his other hand.

"Silver bullets! Watch out!" Easton shouted, just as more gunshots were heard.

Lydia watched in horror as the assassins switched their bullets. They had used up the normal ones. Now, they were targeting the twins and His Majesty. Which could only mean one thing—they had their true prey cornered.

"Adeline!" Elisa demanded, just as Lydia turned around.

Through the mass of assassins and gunshots, she saw a familiar shade of blond hair. Adeline was being ambushed from both sides, the front and back.

"Worry about yourself, Lydia!" Weston growled the second he saw her guard lower.

Lydia shakily readied her gun, her eyes jumping instantly to Easton. The assassins were still reloading their gun, just as Easton had jumped back. He was running in a zig-zag motion, dodging the bullets.

But Lydia found it nearly impossible to concentrate—especially when Adeline was surrounded. Adeline only had eighteen bullets, and there were at least thirty people here.

Where were the guards when they needed them?!

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