
Chapter 216 - Ability Exposed

"Activate ability: Freeze Shock"

After exchanging punches for a while, Batol grew tired of having to do the same thing over and over again. In the end, he resorted to using his ability which caused Yuki to stop in place for just a moment at which Batol could get in a couple sneaky punches while Yuki couldn\'t even move a single centimetre.

"Now you\'re just playing dirty!" Yuki yelled out as he was finally allowed to move freely once again at which he used the time he had to go in for a punch at Batol. 

However an unexpected turn of events took place as one of the 8 remaining fighters changed into the battle and grabbed Yuki by the neck before slamming him down to the ground. Due to Yuki being distracted by Batol, he couldn\'t move away from the upcoming attack in time. 

"Man! This is seriously giving me one heck of a headache! I can\'t keep up with these guys even though I\'ve trained so that I would be much higher of a level than them. Could potions really make a single person this strong? What\'s worse is that it\'s not just a single person which I\'m fighting against but a whole group of them. I better end this quickly," said Yuki from the ground and kicked the man who had interfered with the battle between him and Batol before finally getting back up on his feet so that he could continue his match.

"Go! Formation C!" another one of the remaining fighters of the group yelled out as two people slid to grab hold up Yuki\'s legs so that he couldn\'t move out of place while two others grabbed him by the wrists so that he couldn\'t fight back. Lastly, a final member of the formation grabbed Yuki by the neck as he placed him in a headlock and began to choke Yuki to the point where he was starting to lose consciousness.

"Dammit! All that training and I have nothing to show for it! I really am pathetic. I thought that I could run a whole clan on my own but can\'t take down some nobodies from another clan. Who am I to ever think that I could hold the title of the clan leader for the strongest clan in the world?" Yuki began to doubt himself.

"I see you\'ve finally decided to stop fighting. It\'s good though. At least you realized that you won\'t be getting out of this alive. It\'s not your fault though. Who would blame you for trying to be heroic and save your clan leader. Anyway, you\'re going to die here. Although don\'t be sad about it. We\'ll make sure to find who your friends are and we\'ll send them off with you. That way you won\'t be lonely," said Batol and he clenched his fists and began to bombard Yuki with an endless amount of punches so that he would get exhausted quicker.

"M-My friends?" Yuki asked as he was confused as to what Batol meant by friends because as far as he was concerned, he didn\'t have any friends. Yet at the mention of that word, Yuki remembered two figures.

"Man, I should actually stop drowning in myself. The reason why I hate myself so much is because I tell myself that I\'m a horrible person when in fact I\'m better than most. I choose to do what I want to do and live how I want. I\'m not the least bit pathetic," Yuki said out loud as he allowed smoke to escape from his mouth before clenching it hard once again.

"Activate ability: Fire Control"


After yelling out the name of his attack, Yuki\'s mouth began to glow red as a large beam of fire began to shoot out of Yuki\'s mouth as if it was a light beam. The best part about the attack being that it attacked each and every single one of the fighters who had decided to grab hold of Yuki so he wouldn\'t be able to move freely. 

First we\'re the two which were grabbing onto Yuki\'s legs. After getting the two of them off his legs once he blasted them with his fire beam, Yuki directed some of the fire to hit their heads and hair just for a little extra punishment. 

After allowing his legs to roam free, Yuki focused on the main problem being the one who had placed him in a headlock. That was the one which was draining most of his energy, as such Yuki decided to play dirty as he bit the arm of the one who had grabbed Yuki by the neck and held him in a headlock. Due to Yuki\'s sharp teeth combined with the fire from his ability, the one which had been determined to make sure that Yuki would be knocked out had no choice but to give in as Yuki was much too powerful to tank and attack from him.

"Now that you\'re out of the way, I can finally take care of the rest of you," said Yuki as he could finally breathe properly. Seeing as he was basically free except for his hands, Yuki quickly pulled his wide arms back before swinging them back forward which forced the two fighters which were hanging on to them to get pulled forward and slam into each other. 

"How did you like that? I bet it wasn\'t so pleasant when you had to experience all of that pain," said Yuki with a gentle smirk.

"I\'ve complained and figured all of you out. Right now you\'re only boosted with attack boost potions. So that would mean that you\'re all nothing but glass cannons! As long as I get even a single hit in, you\'re going to die!" Yuki yelled out as he clenched his fist before pointing it at Batol and preparing to punch him straight into oblivion.


Even though the punch had managed to make contact with Batol\'s body, it didn\'t look that Batol needed any assistance at all as he managed to move pretty well even after taking in that devastating punch.

"Huh? But how?" Yuki asked as he began to get worried that he might actually be dealing with the real deal when it came to Batol. 

"You\'re probably wondering why I\'m still alive or why I look completely fine. I\'m sorry to break it to you but I\'m just too strong for you to handle! Give up now and we\'ll even accept you into our clan," Batol offered Yuki as he placed his hand forward.

"Although it would seem like a pretty good deal for anyone who would be in stress in a moment like this. I feel that there\'s something missing. I should just test him just in case he\'s trying to hide something from me," said Yuki as he prepared to use his ability one again.

"Activate ability: Fire Control"


Yuki began to blash fire from his mouth all around the room at which Battle seemed to dodge all of the attacks with ease. However even so, Yuki didn\'t give in one bit as he continued to push with his ability until Batol finally spoke as he tried to hide the fact that he was clearly exhausted.

"Y-You see! I\'m clearly stronger than you so just come and join our side of you value your own life along with that of your friends. After all, when it comes to speed, defense or attack, I\'ll always be superior to you," said Batol in an arrogant voice.

"Oh is that so? I guess you must be finding it pretty easy to dodge all of my attacks then. So good luck," Yuki said with a smile as he prepared to shoot more fire beams at Batol before stopping as he saw that Batol was willing to go on with the game even though Yuki had figured out all of his tricks.

"Come on, just give it up already. I already know what you\'re doing. You\'re just activating your ability at the right time so that my entire body freezes while you move out of the way so that you don\'t get hit by the attack. Although at first it really did seem like you were faster and stronger than me while also being more durable, I knew that there had to be something off with what was going on," said Yuki as he began to explain.

"So to test you, I kept using my ability to see if you could actually dodge my attacks. While at first it looked natural. As time went in, it began more and more clear that you were just using your ability to make it seem like you were invincible. After all, there\'s no way you could dodge a moving attack while making it seem natural when it clearly wasn\'t.. Although I do have to give you credit before I finish you off," said Yuki with a large smirk on his face as he prepared to get revenge for the punches that Batol got in while his comrades had made it so that Yuki couldn\'t move out of place. 

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