
Chapter 238 - Arthur’s Anger

Right after the man who seemed like just the average GNE employee leaped in the air in hopes of knocking down Arthur with a single hit, Arthur turned towards the man with a confused look as if the GNE employee was an insane man.

"Are you sure this is a battle you want to fight?" Arthur asked the man before easily holding back the GNE employee\'s kick with his left palm and forcing him to back off.

After getting slightly knocked down to the ground, the GNE employee got up from the group and began to breathe heavily with conviction in his eyes.

"I don\'t care who you are, I\'ll defeat you!" the man said as he began to charge towards Arthur at his top speed. Unfortunately for him, to Arthur, the GNE employee just looked like a regular human walking in slow motion. Seeing this fixed Arthur to sigh in disappointment as he couldn\'t bear to watch as the employee humiliated himself for no reason.

"Hey man, what\'s your name?" Arthur asked out of nowhere.

"Huh? My name is Tim! You better not forget the name of the one who\'ll defeat you!" Tim yelled out as he charged at Arthur with a clenched fist aimed at Arthur\'s head.

"I wasn\'t asking for your name because I respected you.. No, that\'s far from the truth. In fact, all I needed was your name for what to write on your gravestone!" Arthur replied with a grin as the man\'s punch came close to his face only for it to be knocked away by Arthur as he didn\'t even have to use a small fraction of his strength as he effortlessly knocked away Tim as if he was nothing but a mere insect.

Even though Arthur hadn\'t put any power into his counter, Tim looked to be gravely injured due to the large power gap between the two of them.

All while this was happening, Stephanie watched from the back while he continued to tremble in fear due to the fact that she couldn\'t get over the power difference between her and Arthur.

"Are you done fighting now?" Arthur asked Tim still with a grin on his face.

"No! I won\'t stop fighting until I defeat you or someone else comes and does it!" Tim replied back with a scowl.

"You don\'t seem to get it, do you? There is no one in this room who can defeat me," Arthur replied to Tim. Although Yuki would have been technically stronger than Arthur, it wouldn\'t have made the statement he made as cool as when he didn\'t mention Yuki.

"You\'re wrong! It doesn\'t matter if I can\'t defeat you! What matters is that you get defeated as well. There is someone who is stronger than you, I know there!" Tim yelled back with a hopeful yet arrogant tone.

"Oh I see. You probably believe in the saying that there is someone always stronger than you, right?" Arthur asked with the most evil grin he could make.

"That\'s unfortunate for you because after each and every person has been defeated in the world, only I stand alone as the sole strongest creature! You see, there simply isn\'t anyone who is stronger than me. I\'m just at the top of the food chain," Arthur replied which for some reason resonated with Tim as he began to back away like a helpless animal.

"You\'re wrong. A hero will come to save me. Just like I saved her, a hero will come to save me as well," Tim replied as he tried to stop himself from crying in fear as he brought up that he thought that just because he had saved someone and instead put himself in a helpless situation, someone else would do the same which was simply stupid.

"Oh Tim, how foolish of you. You really thought that a hero would come to save you? You sound just like a kid who\'s watched too many superhero movies. Maybe it\'s for the best if I just kill you right here," Arthur began to speak.

"You see Tim, there are no such heroes. There are only things known as idiots who are full of themselves and have allowed themselves to become absorbed by their hero complex. If there were truly something called heroes, there wouldn\'t be a single thing that would be deemed bad in this world as they simply wouldn\'t exist. Unless you\'re a moron, you can clearly see that our world is far from perfect. Hence I must ask, where did you get an idea as stupid as that?" Arthur asked Tim, mocking Tim.

Hearing those words, Tim was left speechless as he wasn\'t able to even get a single word out. All he could do was stare into Arthur\'s cold eyes while allowing tears to flow out of his eyes as the helplessness of his situation became evident to even him.

"Although I have to ask Tim, why don\'t you use your ability? I mean it would make things a lot more fun for me and although it\'s almost guaranteed that it won\'t, it might even help you get out of the predicament you\'ve placed yourself in," Arthur told Tim to which Tim simply wiped away his tears as he prepared to activate his ability.

However instead of a look of determination or conviction in his eyes, Tim\'s eyes only presented one single emotion. Acceptance.

"Activate ability: Form Change"

After activating his ability, Tim\'s body began to change as it morphed and began to turn smaller until all that was left was nothing but a child.


"So this supposed to be your real form where you\'re able to cut mountains in half and bring endless destruction to the world or something?" Arthur asked Tim in a confused tone as he didn\'t understand why anyone would choose to use their ability to turn them into a kid.

Hearing those words, Tim simply shook his head in disagreement as that wasn\'t the true purpose of his ability.

"Huh? So why in the world would you choose to turn yourself into a kid?!" Arthur asked if he couldn\'t believe that his opponent was stupider than he had originally thought.

"No. I didn\'t turn myself into a kid! My ability allows me to turn myself into an adult. My original body is that of a child," Tim shamefully admitted.

"So you\'re telling me that I\'ve been fighting a kid this entire time?!" Arthur asked with a face of concern.

Just as he said that, Arthur turned to first face the attack force which he had come with to attack GNE which all gave him looks of disapproval which meant that they didn\'t agree with what Arthur was doing. 

Next Arthur even turned towards the group which had come from the global government to assist GNE in fighting FFF\'s WD\'s attack force. Just like Arthur\'s comrades, they all also gave Arthur looks of disapproval.

"I knew you were an evil person Arthur but I never took you to be a woman and child beater. I mean I was even willing to let go of you beating up the woman since she is our enemy but don\'t you think that you took it too far by attacking a helpless child as well? I mean how low of a person do you have to be to attack helpless people?" Batol asked, seeing his opportunity to ruin Arthur\'s reputation just as he had done to his.

  "B-But-" Arthur tried to defend himself before the tallest one from the group which asked the global government to stop Yuki began to talk.

"I see that Arthur is an even bigger threat to society than Yuki himself. I guess we\'ll have to start getting serious," said the tall one from the group.

"Even I have to admit Arthur, I never took you one to be a woman and child beater. It\'s a bit sad to see one of my greatest warriors in such a sorry state," Yuki added as he shook his head in disappointment all while everyone else did the same. Even the old man who worked with GENE shook his head in disappointment.

"What are you going to do next? Hit an old man?" the old man from GNE asked to which Arthur sounded surprised that he would be accused of such an act while everyone else just gasped as if Arthur had already done it.

"First of all, why are you talking to Yuki? You\'re literally a mass murderer which is being hunted globally. Didn\'t you kill the collective army of 3 whole kingdoms? I have absolutely no idea why you\'re talking," Arthur began to speak as he had enough of listening to what everyone had to say about him just doing his job.

"Even so, there\'s no record of Yuki actually killing a woman or child. As such, you\'re more of a criminal than him," Batol said just to continue to get on Arthur\'s nerves which seemed to be working as Arthur looked infuriated as if he was going to explode any second. 

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