
Chapter 250 - Punishment

"I-" The fat woman wanted to talk; however, she didn't know what to say.

"I am getting tired of your 'I-'" Said Alfonso.

 The fat woman clenched her teeth and, after a few seconds, said

"Is true, I didn't let my son go to school, however, I had a good reason!" Said the woman

"Oh? Let's heard it then" Said Alfonso.

The fat woman teared a little.

"As you can see, I am a widow,  my husband die in the battle against Tulip Town, he was a brave hero that fought for Wasteland Valley, however, not only he wasn't recognized, but, I was left alone, I can't work due to my condition so, I asked my son to be the man of the house, of course, I know that this was cruel for the child, however, he accepted it, so, there is no crime here, my lord" Said the fat woman.

Alfonso looked at the fat woman for some time.

"My lord, you said that you wouldn't be an oppressor, I am confident that I didn't make any crime, however, if you still want to accused me, then, I want to be judge in the ministry of justice"

The confidence of the fat woman increased the more she talked.

"Not bad, you are not stupid, that's for sure" Said Alfonso.

"Thank you" Said the fat woman.

"However,… there seems to be a little misunderstanding here" Said Alfonso.


"Yeah, you do think that I will come here, in the middle of the night, alone, just to denounce you to the authorities?" Said Alfonso.

"Eh?" The fat's woman blood went cold.

Alfonso stood up from his sigh and in the next moment, he disappeared.

At the next moment, he reappeared in front of the fat woman.

"I have a soft spot for kids you see" Said Alfonso.

"Wait, wha-what are you trying to do!?"

"You know, I hate my job" Said Alfonso while taking out his eyepatch, showing his green eye.

"It's always troubles after trouble after trouble"

"Frankly is getting boring"

Alfonso lifted his cane and put in the thick neck of the fat woman.

"However, it has his advantages"

"One of the them, is that…"


The fat woman's legs treble so hard that she kneeled on the ground and even pissed herself.

"This would be so easy; I just need a move"

"One move and everything could be solved" Said Alfonso.

"Wait, please wait, I beg you, mercy, mercy" Begged the fat woman.


Alfonso looked at her and took out his cane from the neck of the woman, he grabbed her from her hair and put her face close to his.

"Tomorrow, you will go to Deferio and enlist your child in the army, after that, you will pack your things and get the fuck out of my town"


"If you are here after the sunset, I will personally hunt you!" Shouted Alfonso.

"I-I-I promise!" Said the fat woman.

Alfonso smiled and disappeared from her sight.


Alfonso appeared outside of the house, he took a deep breath and smiled.

"Everything is done" Said Alfonso.

"So, you did wake up your powers" A voice interrupted Alfonso's monologue.

When he turned around, he saw Artemis looking at him with a small smile.

"Shut up, now, I have to stay like this for a while, this ability is quite troublesome now that I lost my powers as a goddess"Said Alfonso.

Artemis looked at Alfonso.

"[First Love]" Said Artemis.

"A power that let me copy the abilities and image of one person" Added Artemis.

"It comes with a price thought" Said Aphrodite.

"I know that, however…" Aphrodite turned around and saw the house.

"It was worth it"

Artemis could only sight after seeing Aphrodite like this.

"You better prepare, Alfonso is going to nag a lot" Said Artemis.

"I know, by the way, Artemis, I must say that your darling has quite the abilities"

"…" Artemis Blushed a little after hearing the word darling, however, she didn't deny it.

"His power to manipulate time are quite something, if he didn't have this shitty body, I would like to stay like this" Said Aphrodite.

"Don't use the powers of time" Said Artemis.

"Stop being a pain in the ass, I got it okay?" Said Aphrodite.

"Okay, let's go back"

"Wait for me, this guy can't even walk properly, what a nuisance!"

"I forgot to ask, where did you got the cane from?" Asked Artemis.

"Oh? This? I stole it!"

"… What?"

"I stole it!"


"Oh, shit" Though Artemis.

"Why, what's wrong?" Asked Aphrodite.

"No, nothing" Said Artemis.




"Where is it!?"

"Where is it!?"

"Where is my fucking cane!?"

Alfonso, who was on his pajamas, searched desperately in the room obviously making a mess in the process.

"Alfonso, come back to bed already~"

"Demeter, help me look for my cane!" Said Alfonso.

"Sure, sure" Said Demeter.

"I can't tell him that I saw Aphrodite stole it right?" Though Demeter.

"Oh Aphrodite, you are in some serious trouble"


It was late in the night, and a funny sight could be seeing inside the Alfonso's room.

Alfonso was kneeling in the floor with an apologetic face while another Alfonso was looking at him with flame on his eyes, however, this wasn't all, another person was also kneeling on the ground. It was Artemis.


"I have a lot of questions right now, however, I will give you an opportunity, does any of you want to talk?" Said Alfonso.

"I have something to say" Said Artemis.

She signaled at Aphrodite.

"Is all this slut's fault"

"Huh!? How are you calling slut!? Mainly woman!"

"What did you just call me!?"

"You heard me, bitch, where are your breast!? All I see is flat board here!" Said Aphrodite while signaling at Artemis's breast.

"I am gonna kill you!" Shouted Artemis.

"Come on, bitch. Bring it on!" Shouted Aphrodite.

The two of them started a cat's fight, because of this, they didn't notice that Alfonso's mouth had been twitching for a while.



"You knew something about this?"

"Me? No, I didn't know anything about it, not a single thing, not even the slightest, not even the tiniest" Said Demeter.


Alfonso grabbed his cane and looked at Artemis and Aphrodite.


Both of them felt a chill gaze on them and turned around, only to saw a demon in front of them.


"Woah, I haven't seen him this pissed off in a while" Though Demeter.

Artemis and Aphrodite shiver a little after hearing Alfonso's voice.

"W-w-wait, it's a misunderstanding!" Said Aphrodite.

"Th-that's right!" Added Artemis.

Alfonso heard them and made a smile that wasn't a smile.

After that a couple of hours passed, however, no one in the manor could sleep.

Why you ask? Because the cries and apologies of two person could be heard in all the manor until daybreak.

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