
Chapter 19 - Ch.19 Shopping

Just cause I\'m awesome double release :)

I won\'t talk about powerstones, but I\'d be happy if you could leave a review on the fanfic and give me your input on it so that I can be better in the future. Thanks again, and have a nice day! ​​


"Alright, let\'s go shopping." Said Aidan as he took Ais\'s hand and brought her out of the Loki familia manor. "Luckily, we made quite a bit of money from the dungeon in our last few entries. We shouldn\'t have too many problems." He continued as they walked towards the tower of Babel.

"What kind of equipment do you want to buy?" Asked Ais as she walked next to Aidan and was looking at their destination in the distance.

"Well, I plan to buy some greaves and some fingerless gloves with some protection on the back of the hand, such as metal plating. Finally, I want to buy light armour, one to protect my heart and important organs mostly. However, light armour is most important since we both rely a lot on our speed in the dungeon." He answered back. "What about you?"

"I also want to buy some greaves along with some boots. In addition, I will also need armour that can cover my chest from hits. Finally, I need a new sword; mine has started to crack already." She explained while taking out the sword from her scabbard and showing it to Aidan.

"Well, we did kill a lot of monsters in the dungeon, but I\'m surprised your sword already cracked." Answered Aidan with eyes slightly more open, showing slight shock. "In that case, it is a good idea to change sword since it would be dangerous to enter the dungeon with even slightly broken equipment." He nodded.

"Right, if I still have some money at the end, I will go and buy some potions to store in my card. We didn\'t yet need to use the ones given to us by Loki-sama, but it would be better to have some more in the inventory just in case. After all, it\'s not like it\'s tough to transport them." Continued Aidan as he shared his plan on stocking up on some potions.

"Mmm." Nodded Ais, who started walking a bit slower as she noticed her favourite snacks on a nearby stall.

Seeing her eyes following the snacks on the stall even while walking, Aidan stopped and accompanied her to buy a few since he could eat them as a dessert after his lunch.

Arriving at the tower\'s doors, the two golden-eyed youngsters didn\'t stop as they entered the building and climbed up the stairs leading to the fourth floor of the tower, which was the lowest floor of the Hephaestus business area. The hanging lamps well illuminated the floor. On the walls were windows showing the works sold in each shop.

Seeing the great selection of weapons and armours, the two of them didn\'t know where to go when Ais started to lead the way, something she rarely did as she preferred to be led by Aidan. Seeing her enter a store, the young boy immediately followed behind as he didn\'t know where to go either.

As they entered the first shop, Aidan immediately recognized that this shop specialized in selling heavy armour along with axes and maces. Moreover, the equipment was all made bulky and relatively small, which showed that this particular shop owner especially created works for dwarfs.

However, right as Aidan was about to call her to leave the shop and look for another one, he saw her engrossed in looking at the armour and weapons one by one. Feeling a bit of sweat on his back and a weird premonition seeing her so absorbed in shopping for something she would never use, Aidan decided to follow her around since she was rarely interested in things other than fighting monsters.

\'Anyway, it shouldn\'t take too much time, right? She wouldn\'t spend so much time looking at armours and weapons she can\'t even wield and wear... Right?\' Thought Aidan as he swallowed his saliva, looking at Ais, fear slowly creeping onto him.

At that time, Aidan still didn\'t know that he would regret having brought her shopping for the first time and even more to have created a storage card.

Following behind her and waiting as he slowly practiced his magic control as Riveria had taught him, he managed to increase it from 40% to 45%. This increase wasn\'t simply due to him being a high-human which helped him learn things faster, but it was more because Ais had spent one and a half hours window shopping the same heavy armour and axes sold to dwarves.

It was to the point that even the shop owner was looking at her weirdly for examining each piece one by one while sending a look at Aidan, which he could only decipher as feeling sorry for him.

Finally, half an hour later, as Aidan was even more tired than when he was fighting in the dungeon while he did practically nothing, they moved on to the next shop.


Finally, seven hours later, Ais and Aidan left the tower of Babel. Ais with a slight smile on his face, which was extremely rare from her and Aidan with a tired look as if he hadn\'t slept for two days. Luckily, they had both managed to buy their new gear and potions with their respective leftover funds.

As they were walking back to the familia\'s manor, Ais, with a bounce in her steps, and Aidan with a weary look, couldn\'t help asking him. "How about we go shopping again tomorrow?" She asked with a bright smile and interest in her eyes which he had never seen on her face.

However, as Aidan was trying to figure out a way to evade the task of going shopping with her again, she once again talked, seeing the look on his face. "Could it be that you don\'t like shopping and spending time with me?" She asked with a downcast look as her previous smile slightly waned.

Seeing her look, Aidan couldn\'t help but grit his teeth and accept the torture. "No, it\'s not that. We should enter the dungeon tomorrow instead since we spent most of our money, and we won\'t be able to buy much if we go shopping tomorrow." He answered, knowing full well that he would have to shop with her once more shortly.

"Alright! Tomorrow, we\'ll spend more time in the dungeon!" Exclaimed Ais excitedly, something Aidan had never yet seen from her.

\'Well, maybe it\'s fine to accompany her to shop if she\'s that happy.\' Thought Aidan as a smile appeared on his face seeing her like this. She noticed his happiness as well as she took Aidan\'s hand and brought him back to the manor rapidly. "Tomorrow, let\'s wake up early, and we will spend more time in the dungeon!" She exclaimed before opening the door to her room.

"Ais," Said Aidan as he couldn\'t help to remind her. "We haven\'t eaten yet."


The following day, two hours before their usual time, both youngest members of the familia arrived in the deserted cafeteria. Well, not utterly vacant as two chefs were sitting at a table and talking with each other.

"Good morning, sorry to bother you, but we would each need breakfast along with a lunch and a supper packed for the day." Said Aidan as the two men nodded their heads and immediately walked into the kitchen to prepare their food.

The cafeteria was open at all times. However, there was almost no staff at this hour due to the low amount of adventurers.

Sitting on a table with a yawn, they talked a bit together for ten minutes before their food was ready, and they left for the dungeon. "Alright, today we will finish exploring the fourth floor and then fight the monsters on that floor to gain excelia and improve our stats." Said Aidan while Ais couldn\'t help but interject in an innocent voice. "We also want to make money."

"Right, to make money." Nodded Aidan as he knew that most adventurers only fought monsters for money.

After spending some time on the road, the two walked down to the fourth floor and continued exploring and fighting.

In this way, most of their day went by, fighting and taking a rest from time to time, and they eventually stayed a few hours after eating their supper, which should bring the time to about ten in the evening. "We need something to keep track of time." Said Aidan to Ais as both were equally tired after a day of fighting monsters.

"Yes, but I think now should be a good time to go back; even with all the rest we took, I\'m still tired." Nodded Ais as she expressed her opinion fully.

"Alright, let\'s go ba-." Said Aidan while turning around, only to stop as a flaming arrow flashed above his now bent head.

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