
Chapter 37 - Talia Vs Shamac

The wingless fairy finally obtains her wings, along with an explosive amount of power.

The Hybrid is in his natural domain, the night. Holding the initial advantage, he seems to now be the one cornered. A sudden turn of events.

"How interesting" I smiled.

"So you grew a pair of wings... So what?" Shamac retorted

"That\'s no guarantee you can win against m-"

Before he could complete his sentence, his eyes widened as he sensed something approaching his domain. Before he could react, a vine whip charged by him, slashing a portion of his cheek.

"Tch, looks like I missed." Talia muttered to herself.

Shamac\'s face was filled with shock.

"My shadows... Couldn\'t even react on time... Just how fast...?" Shamac\'s thoughts rang.

"It seems I can\'t afford to mess around anymore. I\'ll be going all out now!" He said seriously.

"I wouldn\'t have it any other way!" Talia said excitedly.

"I said that but... It looks like since this is my first time with this power, I\'ll only be able to maintain it for about 10 minutes before the dam shuts again. I better finish this quickly!" She thought within herself.

Her eyes glowed brightly, causing the vines around her to glow bright white. She flicked her hands a bit, manipulating the movements of the vines. They all shot up, ready to strike their target.

"Bigger. Faster. Tougher." She said, her eyes glowing brighter.

Immediately responding to her words, the plants grew larger in size and their green colors changed to a silver light color, like metal. Their bladed edges and intimidating size made Shamac\'s shadows seemed diminished. However... It wasn\'t as though Shamac was done for just yet.

"Form: Anaconda" He whispered.

His shadows immediately bursted forth in a much larger size than before. With a slithery form and a very large body, it was even larger than Talia\'s vines. However, unlike the previous form... It was only a single shadow.

"You have a bigger shadow construct, however... I win in the matter of numbers!" Talia commented.

"Ever heard of the term \'Quality over Quantity\'?" Shamac responded.

Talia waved her hand, commanding her fortified and overgrown plants to attack Shamac. Their speed was outrageous, closing the distance between them and him with a second. Their sharp edges and pointed end aimed at all points in his body, leaving no room for escape. Simultaneously, they went for the kill. However...

The shadow construct of Shamac slithered and rolled around shim, protecting him from the multiple assault of the vines. Due to the shadow\'s bulk and thick build, the vines were unable to penetrate the dense mass of the shadow.

"Form: Porcupine" He quickly said.

Immediately, the shadow brought forth spikes out of the mass protecting him. However, their strength was not able to overcome the durability and toughness of the upgraded plants. The spikes merely prodded at the silver plated plants and caused no noticeable damage.

The vines continued attacking his shadow, aiming to break through to him. Of course he had some spaces opened within his shadow. He still needed air, and in order for him to still have sights on Talia and observe what the situation outside, he required visibility. Since the vines had been amped up, they weren\'t small enough to penetrate the little spaces he had left open.

"Tch" He let out in frustration.

"That all you got? Then..." Talia said, from her safe distance.

She brought forth her hand and began to condense some form of light on her palm.

"Shit! Don\'t tell me..." Shamac said in surprise.

"I am in a major disadvantage. [Anaconda] is currently protecting from from the non-stop barrage of these annoying vines. My shadow doesn\'t have infinite durability and it is only matter of time before they are breached." He thought within himself.

"She is keeping a safe distance, so I can\'t reach her unless I use a far reaching form of my shadow. But that will weaken my defense. Her attack speed is too fast, so I need my shadows close by at all times. How annoying" He added.

The lights condensed more, forming a bright ball of white essence on her hand. It kept growing larger, and proportionally more dangerous.

"And then there\'s that! The biggest problem so far. My attribute is weak against light. How is she able to manipulate light based essence so fast? Isn\'t this just unfair? This is a terrible matchup!" He complained.

However, the thought struck him.

"No, no... Think straight Shamac. You\'re panicking." He calmed himself down.


The anaconda form shadow sounded, indicating the durability was already reaching its limit.

"Think... Think..." He closed his eyes intensely to concentrate.


The shadow began to slowly chip away and break part.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and his eyes shone with an idea.

"T-That\'s it! I see, so that\'s how it is!" He said in realization.

Suddenly tremors filled the entire place Shamac stayed in, meaning his time of hiding was up.

"It takes too long to prepare, but since I had so much time on my hands while you were busy playing \'hide\'... Here\'s a present for you" Talia smiled and declared.

The brilliant ball of light, now as big as an adult male\'s head floated above her palm as she readied herself to launch it.

"Your shadows won\'t do you any good in blocking this anyway, so you might as well give up now" She said.

He didn\'t respond, but tightened the shadow even further, leaving no room at all, no matter how little.

"Fine, have it your way" she sighed.

She immediately, without hesitation, launched the light ball at Shamac. Light travels at 299, 792, 458 meters per second. In that vein, the time it took for her attack to reach Shamac was beyond any of their perceptive or cognitive processes.

Before even Talia could react further, her attack reached the already battered shadow defense of Shamac. The light explodes, causing a blinding hot radiation which disintegrated the shadow, rendering any defense it made entirely pointless. The darkness faded away, and smoke covered the scene.

Hisses and seething sounds generated from the hot light explosion, and the charred ground glowed amber from the impact.

Talia, after recoiling from the impact herself, finally regained balance in her flight.

"Whoah, what was that? I didn\'t expect it to be so powerful!" She exclaimed.

"I couldn\'t even react to the blast till it was too late" She added.

She stared at the charred ground and the smokey area of impact she caused, and even she grew a bit nervous about the power she unleashed. Even her vines which were in the area suffered considerable damage, having burn marks and incomplete structures.

"He\'s still alive down there... Right?" She asked herself.

She flew closer to the site and observed it closely. She gazed as hard as she could but...

"There\'s no sign of him... Don\'t tell me, did I overdo it?" She thought in panic.

She looked toward my direction and I merely smiled, not giving her any expression other than that.

"Looks like Hexarion isn\'t angry. That means It\'s all good. He\'ll most likely use Hex to revive him... Or maybe there\'s an item that can help with reconstructing him." She muttered.

As she was busy contemplating on what her next course of action should be, after all she won the fight, she didn\'t expect what came next.


Talia\'s eyes widened and her facial expression changed from that of panicked victory to shock and surprise.

"Y-You..." She muttered, blood suddenly flowing from her mouth.

Her stomach had been pierced by the hands of an unexpected assaulter.. Shamac himself. He suddenly appeared from behind her and drove his hand through her with such speed that she didn\'t notice until her body was penetrated.

Blood dripped from her bloodied dress, and still attached to her body were the cause of her injury... Claws.

"Celebrating so soon?" Shamac smirked as he smiled from behind her.

"H-How?!" She let out in pain.

"I... I was sure I..." She groaned.

"Oh, that. Indeed you had me at a tight spot back there. But you seem to forget Talia..." He said slowly.

His other hand quickly morphed into a large drill, readying himself to pierce her again.

"... I\'m not just a Shadowmancer.... I\'m a Shapeshifter as well" He smiled wickedly, thrusting his hands and lunging for her head.

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