
Chapter 114 - Foreboding


My body felt stiff as I felt my consciousness resurfacing. I roused myself and slowly began to awaken from my temporary state of sleep.

What a strange dream to have of the past, such memories are now behind me.

"-Ster…" A faint voice called out to me as I still tried to fully grasp my environment and sync with my body completely.


I'm hearing it more clearly now, but who's voice is that? It'll take a moment for my entire self to fully integrate with my body, along with the recent memories I have acquired since I revived.

"Ah!" I let out

Finally, my eyes opened and I took in the surrounding area. I looked around me and saw three people looking at me with concerned and worried faces. Two girls and a boy, what are they staring at me like that?

Still, this area, this bed I'm lying on, even these people… They all look familiar, oh wait… I remember now. This is my room. Those are my slaves…

"Integration complete."

"I'm back" I smiled.

"Lord Hexarion!"



Ana, Shamac, and Talia respectfully addressed me with teary eyes of relief.

What a strange feeling… A bunch of creatures like these are worried about my well-being. It's almost funny.

But, how utterly disgraceful. This is the reality of my situation. I am too weak. But not for long.

"You all, grab a seat. Tell me about everything that has happened in my absence.

I let them take turns in explaining, but they all basically told me the same thing.

 Five days have passed since I passed out and not a lot has happened. They received a message from the Adventurers Guild that we passed the test and we've been promoted to the highest rank in the Adventurers Guild. I assume this will cause a lot of conflict among the Adventurers, but I couldn't care less.

I am not interested in the small fries.

So far, it seems Jared isn't causing us any trouble, in fact, they haven't heard from him since the incident. Other than that, they have been informed of a particular event that will soon take place, in approximately a week… The biggest sensation in the whole of Lamar will take place!

The annual dungeon exploration that every adventurer in Lamar can participate in, not dependent on Rank or skills. The 'Raid' Conquest. When they told me this, I smiled.

"It's finally that time uh, good..." I muttered.

This is one of the major reasons I have come to Lamar, and it's right on schedule. I and my slaves need to improve greatly, and the perfect opportunity has presented itself.

"Many people have gathered in Lamar over these last few days for this event. Many people are even rushing to sign up as adventurers just for the purpose of partaking in the event" Talia reported.

Who can blame them? It's only natural, after all… It is a 'Dungeon Exploration'

"The Dungeon is known as the Vanishing Dungeon. According to the Guild, and also information Nadia, the receptionist, the Dungeon appears once every year, for 15 days. After this span of time, it disappears and returns after a year." Shamac stated.

Of course, I know of it very well.

"The Dungeon is said to be a treasure trove, a place where plenty artifacts and wealth can be found within. It is said that one of the tip adventurers, ranked the 2nd strongest in the whole of Lamar got his Relics and fame from the Dungeon exploration just last year and quickly shot up through the ranks." Ana added.

"It is subject to luck, and even the weakest of Adventurers may end up getting a phenomena amount of treasure or a Relic that can change their lives. Ancient coins are also abundant there. In short, it is a paradise for Adventurers and a golden opportunity for anyone who seeks to participate." Talia said.

Who would have thought it would gain such renown? This Dungeon, one of the many I made, has become a hotspot of attention and a tourist trap. I suppose it is because I designed it that way.

"Great, thank you for the info," I told them.

So far, things are looking good. There is one thing that worries me though, what Ana said about Jared's last statement just as I was about to lose consciousness.

"He knows I was an Apostle… Or rather, he still thinks I am one," Ana said.

It is worrisome indeed. In the first place, how does he know Ana's previous identity as Lauria? That doesn't sound like what Jared in that state of mind would say, or even know. If I am correct, this is actually...

No matter, that will be resolved as well. But first, eyes on the prize. I can't afford to get distracted now that we have gotten to this juncture. The Vanishing Dungeon is one we will have to challenge because hidden within it is something I have to retrieve no matter what. It poses equal value, maybe even greater, to root. It is indispensable to me.

"Get yourselves ready. We'll be visiting ROOT shortly for some training. In six days we'll also be challenging the Dungeon, and I expect great results from you" I said to them.

"Of course Master"

"Got it, Boss!"

"I understand, Hexarion"

They said with reverence. Great. They've been working hard in my absence, but that doesn't mean I was also slacking off while I was unconscious. Before my body shut down, I transferred my consciousness into ROOT.

The past five days for them were quite a few months for me. During that period, I was able to gain a better perspective and plan things further. It won't be the same as before, because I have evolved even further.

"I will get what I want during this expedition."


"Are you certain you saw her?" A mysterious voice rang out in the darkness.

"Yes, Milady." Another voice let out.

The person who responded to the higher figure was a short and young-looking girl. She appeared to be no older than ten years, with a long gown and a cute bun tied around her hair.

She bowed her head while she spoke, not daring to raise it in the presence of a being that greatly superseded her.

"Hmmn… I find this almost hard to believe… That silly girl, why would she even…" The mysterious lady said, clacking her fingers on the arm of the chair she sat on.

"I do not know, my Lady. I could only see her for a short moment and communicate to her for a brief second." The cute, young lady answered.

"What did you say?"

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her with the heathens, so I asked to confirm her identity, and then I…" The young girl spoke quickly, trying to explain herself.

"Tell me the exact words you said" The lady, whom the little one bowed to, cut her short and demanded impatiently.

"You there… Lauria, am I correct? Aren't you an Apostle?" The young lady voiced.

"I couldn't say more than that, or even hear her response. There was an unknown interference that forcefully ejected my consciousness from the body and negated my Grace…" The young girl quickly added.

"I see… Did you at least get a good look at her face?"

"Y-Yes, Yes I did, Milady"

"And? What do you think? Is she the one...?!"

The young lady paused to contemplate on the words of her superior. She had to give her a satisfactory, yet truthful answer.

"I believe so" She answered.

"Your reason?"

"The initial reason for my possession of the man's body was because I sensed her presence nearby. I immediately tracked her and took over one of those who were closest to her presence. There is no way I could have made a mistake, one of those had to be her. Also…"

"Also what?"

"She… One of them looked back immediately I spoke and from her expression, I could tell that she was the one. I do not know how she is supposed to look like, but if any of the people I saw had to be her, she has the highest likelihood."

"Then, look at this projection… Do you recognize it?" The mysterious lady said.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed, and a picture appeared in front of the young girl. She raised her head slightly to view the image that was placed in front of her. Her eyes widened as she saw what was given to her.

"So…?!" The lady asked.

"T-There is no doubt! The picture matches the person I saw! That woman, was definitely Lady Lauria, Apostle of the god Hades." The young girl spoke with a trembling voice.

"Ah, I see… Very well then. You are excused" The lady told her.

"Yes… Lady Gratiana!"

The young lady gave a bow and slowly exited the room, leaving the seated woman alone in the room. She heaved a sigh and continued to tap her hands on the arm of her chair.

Her eyes were focused on the projection of the one she knew as Lauria and her lips furrowed in a forbidden manner.

"Lauria, what do you think you are doing?" She muttered.

The image flickered and then buzzed, before finally disappearing. The absence of such a bright picture returned the room to darkness, with the woman alone, seated on her chair with contemplation.

"Lamar, eh? I'll be there soon… Lauria…"

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