
Chapter 137 - Let The Battle Begin

The Cocoon of Darkness, a unique treasure crafted by Hexarion through using his Void Aspect. With the ability to seal and contain energy, it keeps Talia's body from crumbling away, maintaining the vast amount of uncontrollable power squirming within her.

Talia practiced using this Treasure independently, without relying on the Fairy Aspects within her. This gave birth to a new power she could use.

Cocoon Of Darkness: Equip. With it, she covers her entire body with the properties of the Cocoon, manifesting the invisible layer of darkness which lays dormant in her. Using this, she can use the effects of the Cocoon to affect anything she comes in contact with.

"Use the 'other' power Master Hexarion gave you'!"

Once Shamac said this, the words rang in Talia's ears, making her realize that she could use the Cocoon to break the barrier without trying on excessive force.

Shamac had realized this first, by remembering the similar properties being used in Hexarion's blast attack when he shattered Maria's barrier the first time. Using this logic, and remembering the explanation Hexarion gave when he gifted Talia with the Cocoon, he had the plan set out.

And it worked!

Fortunately, Ana was quick on the uptake and closed the distance between Talia and the Apostles, making her deal a direct hit on the barrier in a surprising manner. This quick blow made the protection of the Apostles ineffective due to the Void Aspect of the Cocoon.

They won… But they, not even Shamac, could have predicted what happened next.


More blood gushed out of Talia's mouth as she groaned in pain. She looked above her and found many other swords descending upon her in a flash.

Her body was paralyzed due to the searing pain she felt so she could hardly move her body. The rebound effect of her use of the Cocoon's power also affected her, making Talia's body go numb.

Being unable to move, she fearfully awaited being impaled by the several swords and meeting an untimely end.

"Talia!!!" Shamac yelled.

Just as the swords were about to pierce her body, Talia faded from the location, causing the blade which was stuck in between her stomach to fall in a clang. She disappeared, vanishing without a trace.

At the same time, the swords all landed on the ground, crashing and breaking apart the concrete. The force of the blades made the surrounding area crack, sending pebbles and dust flying about.

Shamac's eyes widened, not seeing Talia in her supposed location. She was taken away.

"That is…" He muttered, realizing what just happened.

Talia's injured self appeared beside Ana, who looked weakened and distraught. She held her chest as she took slow breaths in an attempt to calm herself.

She had used her Realm Of Limbo's effects to quickly rapture her to her side. The negative effect of doing that at such a quick pace was tasking on her body, making her recoil as a result of overexerting herself.

"Tch, how troublesome…" Gratiana let out in dissatisfaction.

"I wanted to quickly kill that wench and take my time with the other cur… But she just had to get in my way, using the Holy Art for that matter… How unforgivable!"

Gratiana was beyond upset. They had caused her disciple harm and insulted the Apostle's sanctity. They all deserved to die.

"Laura, no, you abomination… I will make you regret doing that. You should have let your friend die, and followed her in death. But, by doing this… You have made, not me angry, but the gods… And I will now respond to you on their behalf." Gratiana said.

Ana appeared nervous, still shaken by the sudden use of her Grace, though the effects were subsiding already. She turned to Talia with a concerned look.

"Are you okay?"

Taliban grunted as she struggled to stand, cleaning her blood-stained mouth.

"Urgh, do I look okay? But you don't need to worry about me…" She responded, her eyes focused on their enemy.

"I'll get better soon… Third Seal…"

As Talia muttered this, a pink aura enveloped her, and her wings appeared once again. The slit on her stomach caused by the piercing sword slowly closed.

"You're… Healing…?!" Ana exclaimed, surprised by the speed of Talia's recovery.

"Yeah, by that's not important right now… That move, what the hell was that?! It was almost like-"

"Like my Grace, right?" Ana interrupted, completing Talia's words.

Talia nodded.

"That's because it is… She uses the same Grace as me, or more accurately, mine is merely an inferior version of hers…" Ana muttered.

"What do you-"

Before Talia could complete her words, she found herself fading once again, however, before this could be completed, Ana quickly held Talia, causing the process to be canceled.

"Uah" Talia gasped in shock, surprised by the strange phenomenon that occurred.

"Careful. She can also send you to her Realm, but as long as I can maintain physical contact with you, it won't work…" Ana warned.

"Tch" Gratiana eyed Ana.

Using the Grace of Hades, the Apostle can take in objects, living, dead, or inorganic. However, a weakness in this ability, known only to its users, is interference.

Once an object has been targeted for transportation, it must be isolated from foreign interference. If any foreign object comes into contact with the target, the effects of the REAM OF LIMBO integration ceases.

"There's no time to explain, we need to finish her off now that she's being lenient… Shamac, have you come up with a strategy yet?" Ana said, desperately turning back to Shamac.

Shamac looked absent-minded for a moment, not paying mind to Ana. His eyes were blank, entirely focused on his mental processes. Finally, he snapped out of his semi-conscious state, looking at Ana who kept calling for him.

"I've got it!" Shamac said.

"Sorry for taking so long… It's finally time for a counterattack!"

Within a flash, he dashed to Ana's location, covering himself in his shadow.

The black cloak enveloped him, making a coat and inner garments for him, giving him a dark shade of darkness. His face was left untouched, and sparks of black energy swirled about him.

Talia slowly levitated, staying in midair. Ana, being completely recovered from the shock, stood firmly and smiled as Shamac confidently stood beside her. Shamac grinned and cracked his neck.

"This is going to be a dangerous fight… But if we play our cards right, we'll win!"

"What are our chances of victory?" Ana asked.


Shamac's face became serious, looking grim after he heard the question.

"Less than 10 percent… But, we have no choice but to win!" He stated.

"So tell us, what's the plan!?!" Talia asked

"The plan is…"

Gratiana had grown impatient observing the three, and her preparations were finally complete. Maria groaned as she awakened, looking disoriented.

"L-Lady Gratiana… I'm so sorry… I failed you…" She muttered, looking sad and disappointed in herself.

A look of fear appeared on her face as she slowly glanced at her mentor, expecting her usual harsh punishment.

"That is not important currently. I have need of you now… I am about to enter into battle. Once I do, I'll be too occupied, so keep yourself safe…" Gratiana said, not bothering to look at Maria in the face.

"Lady Gratiana… You're too kind!" Maria beamed, tears slightly showing in her eyes.

"Maria… I will most likely be the victor of this fight. However, if it appears that the opposite is about to come true… Then do 'it'!" Gratiana muttered, turning to Maria slowly.

"W-Whaaa?! There's no my milady would lose!" Maria exclaimed.

"I am aware. However, I still give you this instruction. Can I count on you, Maria?" Gratiana asked.

"Y-Yes! Of course, Milady!" Maria said.

"Good. Then, take care of yourself. Retreat to the far end of the building. I'll be opening the [Realm Of Limbo] and using the [Property Of The Underworld]. Don't get in my way"

With these last words, Gratiana left her location and slowly advanced to the three heathens she would dispose of. Marie stepped back, erecting her barrier as she retreated to a far end of the wall in order to protect herself from the damage about to occur.

"Here she comes…" Ana muttered.

"I still can't believe we're going to be doing that…" Talia mumbled, thinking about what Shamac told them.

"Anything else you want to tell us about this Gratiana?" Shamac asked.

Ana considered the last words to say before venturing into battle.

"… Your calculations may not be accurate. There's a reason she has allowed us to talk all this time… She's that confident in her abilities. However, as you said… We have no choice but victory."

They all smiled and then turned to Gratiana, giving her their full attention.

"Are you mongrels done with your pointless chatter?" She asked.

The trip did not respond, rather, they armed themselves with their weapons of war. Ana summoned her treasures from her Realm, Shamac created shadow projections of bladed tentacles, while still covering himself with his shadow cloak. Talia, who was partly in midair, generated a light beam on her palm, and it solidified, forming an elegant staff.

Gratiana raised her hands, placing them on each arm into a folded position while glaring at the trio.

"Remember the plan, if anything goes wrong… We all die!" Shamac declared.


"Not bad… They seem to be holding out well"

I watched from the screen before me, the fight that was taking place. My slaves are struggling nicely. In that case, I better move on to my business.

"This will be a hard fight for me too… If I remember correctly… I'll be fighting WRATH." I muttered.

Since my slaves are showing me such an impressive display, I can't afford to disappoint as well… I'll be using everything I have!

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