
Chapter 26 - 26-Preparation Pt.2

"Listen," Lord Prestonheim set his sights on Servus 305-M. "He is our best hope for this exploration," he pointed at Servus 132-X.

Servus 305-M stroked his chin as his brows furled in disbelief. "The exploration should be a knight's job!" He twitched his lips, "A knight is well-experienced with whatever magical monstrosities that might come their way. But, if you leave it to a slave? He'll die there! He has no magical prowess!"

The red-haired slave had a point. Compared to the knights, slaves are utterly weak. Firstly, their exousias are sealed by the heavy, metallic slave collars attached around their neck. Secondly, slaves weren't trained for fighting and if ever they were, the slave collar made sure their abilities doesn't activate.

Servus 132-X knew about the risk of doing this expedition. He truly wished that his abilities weren't erased by that damned god on his previous life, but what can he do at this point? He had to make do.

Servus 132-X glanced at the Commander and the red- haired slave. He mustered up his confidence and spoke to Servus 305-M, "You are right about that!" Servus 132-X rode into his idea. "But rather than my lack of skill, I could see that this is more about you underestimating me."

"Excuse me?" The baffled Servus 305-M raised his eyebrow from the egregious claim. "Well, that wasn't what I meant to--"

"Were you a freeman before, Servus 305-M?" Servus 132-X looked at the red-haired slave, straight in the eyes. "Because I can see that you were," he added.

The red-haired slave made no reply.

Servus 132-X glanced at Lord Prestonheim, who averted his gaze. "I am a slave. I was born on a slave barracks, not knowing my parents" he stood up and approached Servus 305-M who sat silently on his chair. Servus 132-X grabbed Servus 305-M's chair, and leaned closely to him.

He looked into the eyes of the red-haired slave and said, "I want to become a freeman. I want to free my friends as well, but it's not going to happen if I am to wait idly for a miracle."

He left Servus 305-M dumbfounded with an half-opened jaw, unable to find any words to say.

Servus 132-X turned his attention to Lord Prestonheim. He approached him at his table and wanted to review the plan they made. There were some parts of the plan he wanted to clarify and change, but before they can begin, the red-haired slave bursts into laughter.

Their attention went to the red-haired slave who guffawed over Servus 132-X statement. Both men had a puzzled and worried look over Servus 305-M's reaction.

"Freedom, huh?" Servus 305-M smiled at them and stood up from his chair.

He patted Servus 132-X's back, "You truly are an interesting slave!" Servus 305-M laughed some more. "Very well, August and I shall help you!"

"August?" Servus 132-X scratched his head.

"Servus 305-M you are speaking out of term!" Lord Prestonheim sternly scolded the red-head, "Make sure not to do that again."

The red-haired slave smiled from ear to ear, "Ahem!" He mockingly cleared his throat. "I apologize my Lord, this entire master and slave thing, is very new to me." He glanced at the baffled Servus 132-X and winked at him.

"Enough about that!" Lord Prestonheim commanded. "Let us go back to our strategem."

Servus 132-X nodded, while Servus 305-M cracked another smile in response.

The discussion started well, with all three of them agreeing on how to execute the plan. Firstly, Servus 132-X's collar would need to adjusted with runes to let him use a portion of his exousia. This is at least to help him with activating some Prinicipalia-issued runes during his descent.

They agreed to give Servus 132-X with three pieces of fire runes, three pieces of water runes, two pieces of air runes, three pieces of earth runes and seven pieces of light runes to help him see in the abyss below.

Secondly, they need to use a long and sturdy rope enough to support him going down the burrow. Since the hole was dug by a Giant Centipede, all they could do is set an estimated depth of the hole.

Lord Prestonheim told the slaves that the Crescent Isle garrisons of Aqueom and Unum will provide a rope of fifteen footlings each. The Commander estimated that the holes can as deep as twenty-five footlings.

Servus 305-M, however, argued that the rope is still too short, and asked for the Commander to order for a longer rope. Lord Prestonheim had to decline the request. The Commander reasoned that it might put the garrisons at risk, in case there are invasions coming from the Moon Clan.

It took them a while to figure out the length of the rope. A few bickering and curses later, they came up with forty footlings. Servus 305-M wanted to ask for more, but decided to compromise since he found it tiring to ask a bull-headed man like Lord Prestonheim.

Lastly, and the most challenging one of all, their means of communication. Servus 305-M wanted Lord Prestonheim to grant Servus 132-X with the crystal ball.

"A crystal ball?" Servus 132-X, baffled by the request. "What can a crystal ball do during my descent.?" He scratched his head in confusion.

"Good thing you asked, pleb!" Servus 305-M spat at Servus 132-X. "It's actually, a design that I, the great--" the cocky slave suddenly paused, as if he remembered something he's not supposed to say.

Blood drained from Servus 305-M's face. Servus 132-X also observed how Lord Prestonheim held his breath in horror listening to the chaotic red-head.

"Are you okay?" Servus 135-X asked the terrified Servus 305-M.

"Y-yes, I am. Ahem," Servus 305-M cleared his throat. "As I was saying, this crystal ball is a new invention from the Principalia, which enables the bearer to receive messages from the other person who has another crystal ball." he explained proudly.

Servus 132-X nodded in amazement. It looks like the Principalia had already a prototype to some sort of distant communication, like the ones they had in his previous incarnation.

"The crystal ball can communicate with you wherever you are in a half-ildwyrm radius!" Servus 305-M patted Servus 132-X back again. " I should tell you how it--"

"Servus 305-M, you don't have to go into the details." Lord Prestonheim curbed his enthusiasm.

This spark another bickering session between both men. Servus 132-X could only look and sigh at how these two grown men chewed on each other's pride as it got more heated.

A thought crossed Servus 132-X's mind as he spectated the war of words between the silver-haired Commander and the red-haired slave. What was Servus 305-M trying to say earlier before he stopped and went pale?

Then, it dawned on him.

If Servus 305-M continued with the word Servus 132-X thought he was about to say, it's likely he would die right in front of them.

Servus 132-X recalled a slave he was acquainted to before whose head exploded just because he mentioned something he shouldn't't--his real name.


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