
Chapter 44 - 44-Dawn Of New Beginnings Pt.4

Prince Arterius carefully moved out of the carriage leaning on Stolas on one arm and the cane on the other. His foot numbed as the medicine took its effect giving him ample of time to move around and carry around the task.

The prince used the cane to lean his body into while his good foot stepped on the marbled floor of the facility. Prince Arterius strutted hastily from the well-lit corridor towards the research room. Stolas followed him, worried about his master's condition might worsen if he carelessly disregards his injury.

Prince Arterius swung the door open, and was welcomed with the sights, sounds, smells and gleeful faces of the researchers working for him. They stopped what they're doing, greeted him with smiles and admiration for his dedication to the craft.

"My friends, as much as I appreciate your warm welcoming embrace, I am afraid we do not have the luxury of time to celebrate." Prince Arterius began. "In two days, our facility will be closed in accordance with my father's command if we do not meet his deadline for the cannon—which is in two days." He sighed emphasizing the deadline.

The researchers chattered amongst themselves. Their faces painted with worry and uncertainty after hearing the news. Prince Arterius understood their feelings and consoled them.

"Friends, this is no time to gloat or worry. Inventions cannot progress that way! Within the next two days, I want you to focus yourselves on the weapon project!" He commanded. "Help me! And I swear to you on my mother's grave, that we will get our victory! Then, gone will be the days of them ridiculing our research facility! We prove all of our skeptic wrong!"

As the prince made his speech, his words of encouragement lit a fire on his subordinates' heart. He gazed into their eyes and saw that fire glimmered.

"We shall no longer be the laughingstock! Nay! We shall be the ones to laugh at them for not believing in our research! Now, who's with me?!" Prince Arterius ended his speech with a burning determination and raised his fist rousing a clamor from his peers.

The research room echoed with shouts of determination. Prince Arterius just lit the fire for everyone who began to divert their attention to the cannon—their magnum opus and their last hope. They convened themselves and decided to split the daunting tasks amongst themselves.

One team managed the different design sketches Prince Arterius made for the projectile on the cannon and started working on making them. The other group experimented on the perfect mix of red mercury and aetherite to serve as propellant for the cannonball. And the other team worked on making a special fire rune that could withstand water submersion and would only work for Principalia military personnels in case the cannons get captured.

The research room was full of life, buzzing and hectic. Everybody was as focused as they were as desperate to stay afloat and be recognized. Everyone left whatever project and research they had to help the prince and save themselves from shutdown.

Their determined looks also lit a fire to Prince Arterius. After giving the leaders of each team some instructions, Arterius left with the copy of the cannon's blueprint and some sketch designs on his hands. He hurried back to the carriage and instructed Stolas to go to the Smithy.

"Looks like we ended up staying there longer than I expected." Prince Arterius smiled. "Now, it's time for us to get our cannon."

Stolas could only help but smile and hope that the gods smile upon them on their endeavor.

They started to travel again from the facility going to the Smithy which was 2 ildwyrms on the opposite end of the capital, near the Proteus entrance gate.

The long bumpy ride caused Arterius' leg some discomfort. The numbing pain became unbearable as time passed. Halfway along their journey Arterius asked for Stolas to give him the medicine. His ward hesitated and reminded him of the possible adverse effects if he consumed more than the prescribed dosage. But Prince Arterius was adamant about needing a few more swigs to manage the pain.

A few arguments later, Stolas gave up and handed over the bottle. Prince Arterius took a sip of the drug before giving the bottle back to his ward. Arterius dozed off once more, but this time it was more of a peaceful dreamless sleep.

It was already late in the day, around the high level of Andenoon when they arrived at the Smithy. Prince Arterius rushed inside the forge and looked for the forge's master whom he found hammering some ore in the corner. Stolas caught up with his master afterwards.

The sweltering heat and noisy clanking of hammering metal irritated the prince. It didn't help him either that he needed to shout at the top of his lungs for the forge master to notice him. The burly dwarf looked at him from foot to head and gestured him to approach. Unfortunately, due to the clutter surrounding the dwarf, it would really be hard for him to approach.

Stolas intervene just in the nick of time. Just before he hurt his throat from his constant shouting which deemed to be ineffective over the clangs and bangs of metal being hammered. His ward gestured back to the dwarf his master's condition and his inability to go to where he was.

Arterius could see the dwarf sigh while scratching his head. He signed to them meet him at his office which was quieter. They followed the dwarf deeper into the forge passing the huge cauldrons of molten metal hissing and bubbling as it poured into molds. There were also human slaves and other races, carrying barrows of unrefined ore piling it to the side of the cauldron. Some dwarfs were also seen hammering folded metal.

The heat from the forge was not good for Prince Arterius' feet. It started to throb and ache a little after a few walks, but the persistent prince never let it bother him.

Finally, they reached the part of the forge where the temperature was cooler, and the sounds became almost inaudible to a point. The dwarf turned right, crossing an iron bridge suspended over a bottomless pit. At the end of the bridge was a huge wall that the dwarf touched revealing strange runes that Arterius hadn't read yet. The wall began to open and there it was, the dwarf's office.

The forge master's office was made of wood. As expected from their hectic schedule, the office was full of clutter and dust. The forge master took a towel from one of his cabinets and wiped some chairs for them to sit.

Prince Arterius was very earger to rest his leg and indulged the dwarf's hospitality. When everyone was settled in, the dwarf cleared his throat and began to ask questions.

"What 'er ya doin 'ere?" The dwarf stroked his beard while he leaned on the backrest of the chair.

Stolas looked at Prince Arterius before answering the dwarf. His master nodded to him.

"We would like to know the progress of the can—"

"Bahh! Iz da Prince mute, eh? I wanna hear frum yah, prince!" The dwarf pointed at the prince, irritated that Stolas had to talk for Arterius.

Prince Arterius smiled. He liked the dwarf's audacity albeit disrespectful tone, "Good ser, I would like to see the progress of the cannon." He asked.

"Ser?! Ah Ser, eh?" The dwarf scratched his beard. "This is nay a Ser! And yar cannons aren't dun yet. Hell! We only finished the breach and 'alf of it when we received an order from the Imperatur to seize operations. At this point, we had our hands full, we cannot get it done with the specifications you asked." He said as he stood up from his chair.

"Gentlemen, I would 'ave to leave yer right now, I 'ave work ta finish." The dwarf mockingly bowed as he went for the door.

Arterius knew it was a long shot. He knew how these dwarfs are. His mother told him about their nature and Stolas told them about their condition inside the forge. The dwarves work tirelessly to keep the forge open and working. Creating weapons and armors for the Principalia making sure that they dominate the world.

But even with that honorable task, they were treated differently compared to their human counterparts. As slaves and prisoners of war, they weren't given salary nor days of rest. Most of them had worn the same clothes they have worn ever since they were captured.

Some of their clothes are most likely, sewn from used clothing that the other slaves have. It has been a known tradition inside this hellhole of a forge, to take the garments of the deceased and re-use them for your own, rather than burning them along with the body.

The prince hated the condition they're in, but this was no time for pity. He had no time to hear their wiles, not when his life and research facility is also at stake. He had to think quick. He had to make them a deal to get his work done as quickly as possible.

"A SMALL CHEST OF 200 GOLD TALENTS!" He offered to the dwarf.

"But My Prince—" Stolas tried to object but was shushed by his master.

Arterius saw the dwarf's reaction. He froze and slowly looked at him with a dead serious stare.

"Yer kiddin right?" The dwarf couldn't believe it. "That value is so much for just a fucken—"

"A fucken cannon?!" Arterius smiled and stood up. He approached the dwarf, "I know how dire your situation is here. And I also know how much this could help the dwarvenkind and other slaves here." He muttered.

"And if we make the cannon, how sure are we to get that money?!" The dwarf looked at him in the eyes.

Prince Arterius smiled as he took off his ring. "I hope this would suffice as collateral." He reached out his hand to the dwarf and gave his ring. "This is a ring created by the finest dwarven craftsmen at Orfiega, on the north end of the capital—your brethrens."

"And what good would this be for us? You can pay another one to make yer ring again." The dwarf spat.

"They cannot. The materials wouldn't be the same. This is also an heirloom from my mother." Prince Arterius answered. "So, it can never be replaced. I am putting this as collateral as sign of good faith."

The dwarf looked at the ring once again. He ran it along his fingers before putting it to his pocket. "Why would you risk your mother's heirloom for a fucken cannon?" The dwarf asked.

The prince smiled, "I also have my battles to win and that cannon is the key to my victory. Would you help me?"

The dwarf's laughter surrounded the small, spaced room, "I like ya, Prince. Ya got balls! I will help yah! When would you need it?"

"Tomorrow by sunrise. Doable?" Prince Arterius asked the dwarf.

The dwarf was silently stroking his beard. His eyebrows furrowed for a while, but it lightened up a few moments later. "Ya don't know who yar talking to?! Be here with the money by then."

Both the Prince and the dwarf smiled at each other and then clasped each other's hand to formalize the contract.

"You will be delighted to see the cannon by tomorrow!" The dwarf claimed.

"I believe in your abilities." The prince smiled once again.

"Ya Bettar!" The dwarf grinned.

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