
Chapter 74 - Let's Go Home

Just as he was wondering when his group would kill the demon, a sudden and violent roar came from inside, with a tremor so strong that was almost about to make him lose aim with the rock in hand and make him hit his pile of rocks instead.

He just stabilized himself, and before he could even turn back to see what happened, a voice of two monsters passing by his head made him realize everything.

They did it! they finally did it!

The addition of Lily's and Clovert's flying pets to the battle made things more interesting, as their throwing rocks from the backs of their pets relieves a lot of pressure on him.

With panting breaths, he took out a pile of meat and started eating them with much desire. The moment he ate the first batch, he felt greatly refreshed, and his battle ability returned to its peak.

"Are you okay?"

Amelia yelled from the nearby entrance of the garden, as she was very anxious on him. he just smiled, before throwing another rock while saying:

"Never been better, let's end this fight here so we can enjoy our garden."

"There's a strange medal that fell from that monster, take it, I didn't understand what it was."

Amelia just threw a golden medal, that was big as the size of both his hands together. He hurriedly caught it, before he grinned from ear to ear, before laughing out loud like a mad man.

"This is great, this is just great!"

He just said this, before he let some of his own blood fall on this medal, to make it shine, in a bright gold color.

This medal was nothing but the ownership certificate of this garden, a tool that determined who was the owner of the garden, and couldn't be acquired unless the previous owner was dead.

Not every heavenly garden in his previous world had such a medal, only a rare number of them had it.

This medal wasn't only an ownership declaration, but it had inside it a virtual space, enough to take the whole garden within.

It was a means to facilitate moving the garden with the owner, though it was quite risky. To move the garden, one had to unbind the guarding monster, and relieve it from the contract.

For most cultivators that wasn't wise, but for him it was just perfect. The garden was now a burden on him, without a guarding monster he didn't know how to keep it. He thought of moving the precious plants and herbs inside his ring, or making another, a larger ring, but he knew he couldn't take the whole garden with him.

By this, all his troubles were solved, and the garden would be kept hidden, a secret only known to those with him now. until he grew up strong enough to find a suitable guardian, an ancient demon perhaps like the previous owner did, he didn't intend to make it appear to public eyes any time soon.

Once the flashing light faded, he took the medal, which started to grow smaller in size, so he could hang it around his neck, and then thought of moving the whole garden into it.

Suddenly, a huge fog appeared from it, to invade the whole garden. The fog moved unhindered by anything, like it was water flowing from top of the mountain, smoothly covering the whole garden in a matter of minutes.

It kept itself there for minutes later, then it started to go away with the wind bellowing from everywhere. It started to vanish, and when it was cleared, the whole garden was gone, with not a speck left behind.

"Let's retreat!"

As he gained what he desired, there was no point in meaningless fight. He already had his garden, and he now could retreat safely without any losses.

Once they heard the order, everyone started to retreat, rapidly and without any chaos. Lily and Clovert kept themselves quite busy, throwing all the rocks they had to cover for their retreat.

Everything went smoother than expected, as Arthur led the others to a direction away from the place of the garden. The monsters were only focused to enter the garden, and once the humans standing in their way disappeared, they started to run towards the garden, ignoring anything else.

Arthur took this advantage, as many parts of the garden was still covered in fog, making it unseen for the eyes of the monsters, and he waved for Lily and Clovert to come down and pick them up.

In less than a minute, they managed to be on the back of the two flying pets, as they started to take them away, very rapidly, far from here, in the total opposite direction than the empty place of the garden.

In less than ten minutes, they were already safe, far away from every monster that might endanger them, but they already heard that massive roars coming from the direction they came from.

"It seems they aren't that happy," Madly sneered, with a chuckle, mocking the monsters' delayed realization and their reaction.

The others just laughed at her, as they pictured the faces of these angry monsters when they realized there was no garden. Most of the group didn't see what Arthur did, but they all were sure he had a hand in that.

Only Amelia, Omar, Randy, and Ron noticed what he did, and for those four, Arthur had quite trust in their ability to hold their tongue, and bury this secret very deep.

"Let's go home, but take a long curve before heading to the village," Arthur finally said, instructing Lily to lead the way, while Clovert was following her lead.

The journey back home took roughly one day of constant flight, which the first half went with a very stressful waiting, for the monsters to catch up.

However, after they traveled for more than twelve hours, they managed to calm down, knowing there was no danger, as they got very near to the forest border with their village.

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