
Chapter 118 - Turning Thousands Of Villagers Into Mages

"You made me so worried," Lendy suddenly jumped from god knew where and he found her attaching herself to his neck by her two slim hands, "I was so dead worried about you," she flirted with her sexy tone while moving her body directly over his.

His face showed an awkward expression, as he totally forgot about her behavior. He tried to break free from her hands, while saying:

"Thanks, don't worry, I'm fine."

He managed to slip from her hands, but he couldn't escape her body, which was sticking like a glue to his. In fact he wasn't that refusing to her, but not here, not now.

"How was your visit to the camp?" Amelia suddenly showed up among the big number of mages, or yet to become one, watching their mighty leader, the one they kept hearing miracles about.

"I just played with them for a little, and their camp now is completely crushed," he said, while pointing to Iman while adding, "She is Iman, and she will be with us from now on."

All of the mages here jumped their eyes from Lendy, to Amelia, finally falling on the stunning beauty of Iman, feeling somehow jealous of their leader's mighty luck in women. They were all world class beauty, enough to cause stir anywhere they go!

"Then what are we waiting here for?" Silver Falcon suddenly appeared, saying that, "let's go and crush them now!" he added, expressing what others were thinking about.

"Not now," Arthur said, "I gave that leader of them a warning, two days to surrender, or we will crush all their forces in one full swoop," he added, while looking towards Omgalden and the other leaders, "Let's make a meeting somewhere private," he then looked towards Ron, "but first I will start he absorption and coupling process. Prepare places for that."

Ron pointed to the far, the back of everyone, as he said:

"We have already prepared everything, plus we have also prepared cooking places for the meat."

"Nice, show me then, and start organizing everyone," Arthur said in a satisfied tone, while turning to Iman as he said:

"Come with me, you will get some good benefits here."

His words were vague for her, but from the look of everyone else to her, she knew this must be something special. She just nodded, while walking behind him, while Lendy was still walking by his side, putting her hand around his shoulders, with her body slightly leaning on his.

The whole camp of theirs moved in unison following their mysterious leader. The roughly two thousands old mages knew what was going to happen, and they started to organize everyone else.

As for Arthur, the moment he reached the places where they kept their preparations, he started to observe the location. It was already divided by two wooden walls, extending for over one kilometer, dividing this once before a part of forest into three spacious areas.

He didn't waste any more time, as he started to take out one monster after another, killing them, putting his hands deep inside their abdomen, grabbing their vital organs, then giving them to the mages lining in front of him.

All his leaders stood there, watching him do the process again and again, without any tiring feeling. This was a historical moment, as Lily had already spread the word about his future plans for these mages.

The three bounty hunter guild leaders were beaming with proud smiles, feeling very happy they made the decision to join Arthur's side at the right time. they also laughed, inwardly, on those left behind and refused to join them.

Arthur took around four hours to finish, and finally he turned towards Iman and asked:

"Do you know what your best attribute is?"

Iman looked in a strange way to him, making him shake his head in regret. Knowing one's best attribute would definitely make the benefits of absorption soar.

"You are a vampire, then it's a darkness and icy based nature," he muttered, while looking into his own ring for a suitable monster for here.

He found a monster that was a four horned one, cold blooded lizard, with great scales over its body, making it look like a small dragon.

He watched this lizard, and finally decided to use it. he had another monster, a crocodile like one, with three horns, but he preferred this one, especially when there was camouflage ability to it, making it more suitable to her.

He looked first for a night based on monsters, but he didn't find any. He took the lizard out, before muttering:

"This will do."

The lizard was already conquered, so the moment it got out, it didn't move at all, while all other mages around it felt its great pressure.

"Are you sure this is ok?" Amelia asked, as she never saw him sacrifice a four horned monster before.

"It's fine, she can handle it," he simply replied, before turning to her, "cut your hand, and be ready."

She simply became the center of attention of everyone standing here, which made her, somehow, nervous. She didn't know why Arthur was treating her so special and kind like this, as she didn't know how valuable she was to him.

To him, she was a great future investment, the more he supported her now, increased her strength, the more benefits he would reap back from her in the future. He knew this world simply respected strength, and thus he would make her so strong, to ensure her to obtain a great place in the academy.

The moment she cut her hand, with her blood oozing from her severed veins, he started to act. He killed the monster using his own sword, then inserted his hands deeply into the monster.

"Oh, you are quite lucky," he suddenly muttered, before adding, "hurry and cut the other hand, hurry," he urged her, and she complied at once, without a clue of what was going on.

The others were also ignorant to what was going on here, but when he took out his two hands, each carrying one organ in their grip, they understood what was happening.

"Two organs! It's two organs!!" soft whispers erupted around her, making her much more nervous. However, she didn't delay extending her hands to him, and the moment she grabbed this kidney and liver from him, she lost her strength at once, feeling absorbed into another realm, falling on the ground without warning, losing her consciousness, simply like that.

However Arthur was there to support her, as he carried her mature body in his arms, putting her gently on the ground.

"Keep some guards here, while the others will continue patrolling the forest," he gave the order, while he went away from here, "let's start the meeting then," he said, giving the signal to everyone to act.

The leaders first gave their instructions to their following mages, while Ron and the little gang started to organize themselves to cook the meat, with the help of other mages. As for Arthur, he went towards the only big tent here, surrounded by many smaller ones, in a corner to the north of this place.

This tent was the place of leaders to meet, or live, but for him he would use it now for the meeting.

He entered the tent, finding some beds there, a wide table, and many chairs.

'So it's a bit of both then,' he muttered, as he grabbed a chair, sat on it, before waiting for others to finish their arrangements, and come to sit with him here.

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