
Chapter 163 - Reaching The Lake Of The Fallen

"Amelia, you go to the back and be ready to intercept any incoming attacks," he started hurriedly deploying his team, "and make sure everyone is tightly gathered together," he added, as she nodded to him before asking:

"What about you and Noura?"

"We will move to another place," he simply replied, before waving to Lily to come. "Let's go," he said to Noura, as he jumped with her towards Lily's pet. Noura realized the gravity of the situation, so she didn't argue back with him. as for Amelia, she relayed his orders before heading towards the rear to do her defending job, taking Gregory and Clovert with her.

"You will go with Lily to the front, these mages might try to attack us, so don't lower your guard and be ready to block them," he gave Noura this instruction, before he jumped towards the nearby Ron's pet.

"Something is coming ourway?" Ron asked, with extreme vigilance, while looking at the flying falcons at the forefront.

"More accurately enemies are coming from the front and rear," Arthur replied, as he started to watch his team getting closer to each other, while Lily's Birdy moved to the front, taking Noura with her.

Amelia was protecting the rear with Clovert and Gregory, and Noura was protecting the front with Lily, and now he was standing in the middle. His own preparations were completed swiftly, as all his team was now gathered around him.

However, these actions were so obvious to his enemy, as the leader just glanced shortly at this, before shaking his head, like he was thinking all this was futile.

'Really? You aren't that worried after I reacted to your hidden move, that's very doubtful!' Arthur thought to himself, while he noticed the calm reaction of the leader. His mind started to work hard, as he believed he guessed the plan wrongly, and there was another hidden scheme here.

However, the more the thought about it, the more he was confident in his own assumptions! They would use a bait to lure him towards the centre of the lake, but he didn't know what was prepared for him in the shadows!

"Send a word to Iman, make her ready to join us in any upcoming fight!" he said to Ron, as he didn't want to use her in this clash, but now he was forced to do so.

Iman wasn't considered part of his team, and he treated her as one of the future supporters of his group, even after getting Cesile's recognition. He didn't want to order her around, despite her already considering herself belonging to him.

But amidst all these uncertainties, he had no other choice but to use her here. The flight continued with this extremely nervous atmosphere, with complete silence overwhelming everyone. After five hours of flying, they finally spotted a very wide space up ahead, with a great lake with golden waters waiting for them far in the front.

Arthur didn't need any reminder from Noura, as it was really easy to spot this lake. They exited the dense line of trees heading straight into the open world outside it, and it was easy to spot the huge number of mages gathered there, divided into many groups, surrounding the curve of this huge lake.

It wasn't easy to see the end of this lake, even from their high altitude. "We have arrived at the great lake of the fallen. We have something to do, so you can continue up ahead, and we will catch you later," the leader of the falcon suddenly spoke when they approached the crowded gathering of mages.

Arthur could see each gathering with their flags of the clans or guilds belonging to it. The faces of these mages weren't clear to him, but he was sure they were all veterans.

"Thanks for your concern, we will find our way then," Arthur said, not saying any word about his intentions at all. Noura just rotated her head, sharply, one she heard his reply, and from the look she had from him, she knew he was lying, and she knew what she had to do.

The leader just sneered before he said with a mocking tone:

��Don't try anything funny, or else your best friend will be killed in front of your eyes!"

His trick was finally pulled, as he pointed, outside Arthur's expectations, towards the distant lands, where a group of mages just came out from the woods, carrying someone unconscious, heavily throwing his body on the ground.

Arthur could see his face clearly from there, as it was Rayan! Arthur's eyes shone with extreme rage, as he turned sharply to the leader as he ruthlessly asked:

"Do you risk angering the clan head and the great elder of your clan?"

"Hahaha, don't try to use this meager useless trick again on me, as I already know you have nothing to contact them. As for these mages, they are members of the shadow crows, a mercenary assassin group that had a long dark history with big clans, including us. Nothing will be related to us, as this foolish young master of our clan was so useless to fall in their hands in the first place."

His tone was vicious, as he said these words without any reservation to what could happen in the future. Arthur swallowed his own rage, as he never expected the bait to be Rayan.

He didn't owe Rayan anything, and he could simply leave him there to die, but all he had fought for would be lost. The clan faction inside the academy would be under Tenshi's orders, and that would turn his life inside the academy into a constant stress.

He also would lose most of the backing inside the clan, and his own clan would be in far more danger than now. everything was tied down to this weak clan young master, as the leader just said, he was useless to fall into the hands of these assassins.

"I won't move a muscle without having him!"

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