
Chapter 194 - 194- The Beast Within

He could hear his comrade scream, but that was all that he could do…just hear. Urfaal couldn\'t tell how long he has been out. His body wouldn\'t even respond to his command; even as simple as opening his eyes took all of the strength he could muster and still fail. 

The ground shook and he heard Ghwynmyr shouting at Adaloun and Orphella to take cover. He feared for his comrades\' lives. His newfound family that had been good to him, now fading away just like what happened years back. It was the same thing, he stood on the sidelines and watched them die.

The thought of it angered him. He wrestled his consciousness and put his might into his mind, hoping that he could open his eyes, move his body and fight one more time. He didn\'t care if he\'ll die fighting. His life doesn\'t matter to him, but their life does.

It felt like the darkness chained him to his body, like a prisoner looking at a bright sunny day from a small window inside his cell. He was useless…again. He tried to move once more, but it was hopeless. He couldn\'t move and there was nothing he could do but pray.

"Weak!" His father\'s voice echoed. "You\'re too weak to be a Meh Teh!" 

Flashes of his memory came flowing through once more. He recalled how cowardly he ran away as he saw his village burned to the ground. He saw how his people put to death through the spears and swords of the Principalian intruders. He wanted to race back and help them, but his body froze at the sight of the carnage.

Then, another image emerged. It was his comrades fighting and close to losing. Orphella struggling to keep up from the barrage of attacks the serpentine creature. Gwhynmyr and Adaloun, teamed up against the duo of Tristam and the other monster, but their efforts was going all for naught.  All he was able to do was scream as he tried to lift himself up but there was nothing.

"Please! Move!" He gnashed his teeth in frustration.

He tried to untangle himself from the darkness that encumbered him to simply watch his comrades die. But he was no match against the darkness that bound him. 

"Lady Oyue! Please, heed my call!" He cried begging. "I will serve you with all of my life! Just grant me this! I need to help them!" 

"I appreciate your offer, Urfaal." A sweet calming voice answered. 

All of the sudden, the darkness around him faded as a blast of pale blue light appeared in front of him. He squinted his eyes as the bright light didn\'t seize to fade. The light slowly formed into a being of otherworldly beauty.

She had neck-length pale blue hair with a beautiful pair of pale blue eyes that goes in contrast with her pale, milky skin. She had ears similar to that of a fox and had tattoos painted all over her body. She wore a blue pelt fashioned into a dress that glowed as bright as the first light that shone on him. Lastly, she had nine tails from various animals which Urfaal couldn\'t name all. 

He knelt at the sight of such immaculate beauty. Somehow, he felt relieved at the presence of the beautiful stranger. He felt his despair fade from her warm and comforting presence. She smiled at him and touched his forehead.

"Urfaal of the Meh Teh tribe. The kind-hearted and loving child of Lady Arsala. I will grant you your wish. Rise up and show the darkness your never-fading light!"

Urfaal could feel the tears rolled down his eyes as his emotions became harder to keep. He became overwhelmed with the light and finally awakened the bestial spirit that laid dormant in him. He felt a different kind of exousia flowing through his body.

He opened his eyes and saw his body tattoos glow. He stood up from the bed of broken stones and debris, cracking his neck and feeling the newfound power in him spreading throughout his body. He took his first step felt the lightness of his feet, but he still have doubts if he could be of any help to them.

He closed his eyes and recited their tribe\'s creed to put courage on his heart—it indeed did its job.

"I am a child of the Meh Teh tribe." He began as he charged towards the serpent attacking Orphella. "A child of the great bear, Ursa. The mother who fought death to protect her young. I am part of her legacy, her blood runs through my veins…" 

A firebolt came to meet the charging beastman. With a clear mind, he dodged the magic attack just an inch away from his face. He swerved to the side and never slowed down from his advance.

"Her soul guards my spirit and strengthens me to protect my family!" He dodged another firebolt from Tristam once again. "I-I am from the Meh Teh tribe. My skin is made of iron and bones of Adamantite. My teeth tears through any armor and my claws breaks swords. I will fight to protect the tribe\'s honor, my family\'s honor and my honor. For I am the bear that defends and guards the gates of the endless sky!" Urfaal\'s tattoo glowed brightly than ever. 

As he jumped his way to ride the indomitable serpent, he felt his body\'s strength enhanced a hundred times over. His arms thickened and became coated with black, iron-like fur. He caught the serpent off-guard and delivered a straight punch right into its gut. 

Air blasted out from the impact of his punch that threw the giant snake off the ground and hit one of the marbled pillars. Everyone retreated as the dust cloaked the entire hall with specks of dirt. And as the dust settled, there were in for one shocking surprise.

"A tyh (Teh or bear)!" Ghwynmyr coughed. 

"What was that you say?" Adaloun squinted as the blanket of dust slowly revealed the silhouette. There stood at the middle of the impact, was a big angry bear donned in Urfaal\'s clothing. It\'s tattoo glowed ever so brightly as it roared, making its presence known. 

Urfaal felt the surging power in him, he no longer needed to hide behind his comrade\'s back nor be called as a useless, cowardly buffoon. Oyue had gave him the push he needed to make it through this test. 

Before everyone could react, Urfaal already rushed towards the stunned serpent, giving it no time to recover. He grabbed its tail and flung the snake through the wall. Urfaal jumped inside the hollowed wall and began beating the serpent with a slew of punches, kicks and every other arsenal he could think of. The snake could do nothing but hiss and whimper as it slowly became immobile. The snake stopped squirming as he crushed its body with its fist. 

Urfaal emerged from the wall dragging the serpent\'s limped body and threw it into the middle of the hall. He looked at all of them with a stunned expression on their faces.  He looked at Tristam who wasn\'t amused with what he did and rushed towards him. He leapt forward to close his distance but before he could land a single blow, the other serpent went in between them and gore its head towards him. 

He tumbled to the floor as the serpent hissed. Adaloun, Ghwynmyr and Orphella soon joined him with a smirk on their faces. they were surprised to see his new form but kept the talking for later. Now, they have to defeat the remaining obstacles in their way.

"I\'ll take Tristam!" Adaloun said and rushed in front of the serpent. 

The three of them looked at each other and nodded. Orphella attacked the snake with her elemental arrows while Gwhynmyr activated his earth magic and skewered the snake in its place. Then, Urfaal leapt towards the monster and welcomed it with a kick on the face. 

The snake went down like a log after being axed. The ground shook as its massive body hit the floor. The serpent didn\'t stand up for a while. They were about to help Adaloun when suddenly, the serpent hissed and stood back up again.

It slowly molted away its damaged skin and healed its wounds immediately. 

Ghwynmyr sighed, "Tis gonna be a hard one!" He picked up a sword lying around from fighting against the bat-like monsters.

Orphella nodded and readied her bow.

"I hate snakes!" Urfaal mumbled before charging at the monster.


Guys, due to my busy schedule, I would have to rest stop updating just for a couple of days.Life has caught with me and needed to do some work. It\'s hard being an adult! I hope you understand.

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