
Chapter 237 - Heading For The Mine


As he was busy taking over the war benefits of monsters, dead and wounded, into his heavenly garden, this strange mighty rumble occurred, coming from far.

"It's from the direction of the ore mine," he muttered, as he raised his head looking towards the source where this sound came from. He knew for sure Tina wasn't going to play easy with these warriors, and he didn't feel sorry for them.

Tina seemed stressed by his own performance, after all they both were dragons. He noticed and said nothing, as sometimes envy would be a great help to anyone, especially someone with infinite potential like Tina.

"Let her vent her anger then," he muttered, while he returned to add more monsters inside his garden.


The voice came much stronger, but he didn't care. in the next few hours, as he was busy collecting everything here, this rumble was repeated frequently, and it suddenly began to be a custom he got used to.

As he finished wrapping everything, he turned to the hills and decided to walk inside the valleys there. Many monsters were killed inside, and few, very few, were wounded and remained alive.

He needed dead monsters badly as he needed the alive ones, and so he entered the valleys. His warriors were long rested, recovered from the toll of this epic fight for them, and they now were watching their hard working leader not enjoying a single moment of rest or even celebration of this huge victory.

They glanced at his actions, with extreme admiration and veneration. They realized they had a master that never ceased to upgrade and strengthen himself, and that made them clear on what type of life they would have under this young master.

A life full of work and huge effort, but with great gains and much respect. They didn't flinch back, instead they felt very blessed, as such a master wouldn't stop helping them to upgrade their strength, and everytime they did something good, they would be heavily rewarded.

It took hours for Arthur to circle the whole place, take every single monster inside his garden, while noticing the silent and proud gazes of his men. If they could help, he wouldn't hesitate to order them around, however he was the only one able to do this tedious task.

As for Tina's battle, the rumble stopped occurring for an hour or more, but he didn't glimpse a shade of her so far. He didn't know what took her so long to come, but he wasn't in a hurry.

He had already sent a bird's wing to Lily asking her to go and bring those hundreds of thousands of villagers back. He had to empty this mine as fast as he could, and bringing all his villagers from his under construction far city wasn't a logical solution.

And such he had to wait for them to come, and he estimated they might need a couple of days to come back here. After he finished clearing everything, the outside battlefield, the huge trenches, the valleys, and the hills, he headed towards the central hill and reclaimed his own heavenly treasure.

The scorpion queen long came to this area with the prisoners, and his warriors didn't need any order from him, as they moved to surround and detain them.

As for interrogating them, he would leave this task to Amelia and others back home. He was tired, and wanted to enjoy a few days of rest. However, he still needed one more thing to do.

"Listen up," he shouted, after wrapping everything on the central peak, "our target in the small town in the heart of this place. I have already sent a vanguard, and we need to go and claim the town by ourselves. Any surrender is accepted, any resistance shall be met by force."

How voice echoed at the whole area, full of his thirty thousand warriors, who just cheered loudly creating an uproar of excitement; they were fighters and their life was all about wars.

Per his instructions, which he distributed to the leaders of each of the twenty peaks, the army moved out towards the distance. As for his queen and rhinoceros, he just let them loose, scanning the area around, looking for any missed enemies or even greater threat of the hidden forests.

As everything was set in motion, he transformed into a dragon, soared to the sky while advancing first towards the distant ore mine and town.

The mine is situated in a strange shaped mountain, which had part of its body being irregular, looking like a sow from far. On the top of it, a large flat area appeared where there was a small village built there, supervising the large town in the bottom of the mountain.

It was a huge mountain, but it looked weird and eye catchy. The bottom of it had a town, built over an area that was cleared of trees. So, it was completely surrounded with trees from everywhere, like the forest was about to encroach on it, not the town being the infestation here.

As Arthur went there, he was preparing himself for a proper fight. As Tina didn't come to him to deliver news or ask for help, he realized she must have faced a tough rock here; a hidden last measure of defense perhaps.

However, when he reached the open space above the mountain and the village and town, he was surprised to see Tina sitting lazily on the highest point of the mountain, supervising a huge number of villagers who were now working hard to extract the ore, afraid of making her angry.

"Oh, you really took your time to get here," she said the moment she noticed his appearance beside her. His sudden appearance startled the villagers here, and that made them feel more terrified, exerting one hundred percent extra of their effort in work.

"What happened here?" he asked, as he went down to stand on a lower place than her, suitable for his huge body to rest easily without any problems.

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