
Chapter 335 - Pulling The Golam Into The City

It was absorbing blood crazily, yet the blood was replenished in a faster way. The giant Golam had a body filled with tons of this green fluid, so the task of depleting the blood on the sword alone seemed too much.

"Yet any help is appreciated," Arthur muttered to himself before he glanced at the Golam's giant body. It was his first time being so near from this colossal being, making him feel how small he and other monsters were.

But this didn't stop him. He aimed for one of the Golam's giant forearms before circling around it for a couple of times, before letting the chains fall over the forearms.

Then he returned, grabbed more and did the same with another forearm. His monsters followed his lead, and in less than ten minutes, hundreds of chains were already in place surrounding the Golam.

"First phase is over," he muttered before hurrying back to the city. "Come back and try to pull these chains," he shouted to his monsters. As he reached the vast group of his citizens and warriors, he waved his wing, and then gigantic machines appeared out of thin air.

"They are good, but not enough," he shook his head as he examined these machines. They were made of a special ore, and they were built to form a giant wheel ending up with thick and many long chains.

Yet these chains were much smaller than the ones wrapped around the Golam. Arthur then grabbed the Golam's chains, one by one put them in these machines.

"A dozen in each machine," he shouted as he showed his monster how it was done. He grabbed one end of the chain and fixed it on one projection on the giant wheel, then moved to grab another and did the same. Each wheel had twenty-four of such projections.

So in the end the wheel had one with the chain and one free. There were only six of these, making them lack at least another six or more.

"Start pulling these chains," he said once he canceled his transformation before closing his eyes and delving deeply inside his garden.

"You are really… sigh, what can I say. This war's victory's credit will go to you and the others," Arthur muttered in really deep gratitude the moment he saw Agnus.

He stood there and on his side ten of such machines stood by. "I did little, after all we already had many of these stored here. We used them to extract ore, but after slight modifications they can fit your needs."

Arthur didn't say anymore, as there was nothing more to say. Arthur took the machines as he added, "make more and store them for later."

Then he opened his eyes before waving his hand, and ten more of these giant machines appeared. He turned to a dragon before taking the other loose chains and put them in their respective places.



"For the city, pull!"

"For the lord, pull!"

"For our lives, pull!"

"For the future, pull!"

"For our children, pull!"

"For the dream, pull!"

"For glory, pull!"

Shouts appeared all over the city, where the citizens started to grab the chains and pull with all their might.

At first nothing happened, and it seemed as if Arthur's plan was a failure. Yet after a couple of minutes, and with all those stubborn people, the chains moved.

The chins first got tightened, first around the wheels, then around the Golam. It didn't show signs of tightening up as a whole, except after ten more minutes where each chain seemed to stretch out like a strong pillar.

"I just hope they endure the pressure and weight," Arthur muttered as he wasn't concerned about the chains, as he was much concerned about the machines pulling that giant Golam here.

These machines were fixed on the ground by certain mechanisms, but he was still worried. They weren't meant to be used like this, and that was what concerned him.

The Golam moved. At this stage the Golam lost all control over its body, so despite feeling what they were doing it didn't stop them.

Plus, it thought they were mad enough to invite it inside the city! "Gor, the defensive shield," Arthur turned human again as he shouted at Gor. The shields wouldn't let the Golam enter the city, so they needed to be lowered for now.

Gor moved, and during the wait for the shields to be lowered and the Golam to move inside, two machines couldn't sustain all that pressure and were doomed to pieces already.

"As I feared," Arthur just closed his eyes and went inside the garden to come back with twenty more of these machines. He took out five of them and stationed them on the side of the destroyed machines.

Then he worked with the monsters to fill them with chains, yet this time he ordered them to lower the pressure on the machines by making each one responsible for only five chains.

If it was up to him, he would have used all the twenty machines, but he was sure those already used were doomed to be lost. Besides, he didn't have all that number of machines to replace everything here.

And so through the next hour, five more machines exploded into pieces and were replaced with ten more. He also had another visit to the garden where he took twenty more machines.

Then he replaced the existing ones gradually. As for the Golam, it was already on the doorsteps of the city. Its giant glaring green body was now standing so close from everyone, leaving behind a deep and thick track of green groove on the ground.

"The shields are down, my lord," Gor came at this moment as he told him about this. "We shifted the shield to the back, to protect most of the villagers and warriors," he added, explaining why it took him so long to execute Arthur's order.

"Good," Arthur just nodded before returning to watch in great anxiety the approaching giant body of the Golam. "I hope we can make it in time," he muttered to himself before asking his system: "Do you know how to make the pillars absorb the energy of the Golam?"

"Ding! To be honest, I don't know. This turf is totally outside my expertise."

"Tsk," Arthur was impatient, worried that after all this effort he wouldn't be able to save his city.

He could have moved his citizens inside his garden, escaped with the giant beauty away from here.

But that would mean he would fail his tribulation and also meant the next tribulation he would face would be really disastrous.

"I hope the pillars would work on their own," he muttered before he decided to let his citizens and warriors pull the Golam as he started making more arrows of extinction inside his garden. "Who knows what these pillars might need to be triggered," he thought to himself while being absorbed in making arrows.

This time it was really stressful on him, yet he didn't lose his hope in winning this tribulation and emerging victorious.. "I hope things won't go south this time," he sighed as he opened his eyes from time to time to check on things outside before returning to make his arrows.

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