
Chapter 210 - 209- The Missing Years Pt. 2

Chandara's Moon, 3 years ago


After storming out of her siblings' presence, Chandara went back to her abode gritting her teeth as she threw her spear into a clear wall. The weapon lodged into the gray, marbled wall but not cracking it. It only proved that even in her anger, the goddess Chandara was graceful and delicate with her attacks.

But why didn't she feel that way? She was beautiful, powerful and a goddess of no equal when it comes to fighting. However, just a mere look at her sister, she realized that she couldn't even measure up to her. Everything she built during her absence now seemed to be ignored. Even after what her sister did with their father's creation, there where still a lot of mortals and Yldars from years ago that worshipped Oyue fervently. 

Chandara approached the damaged wall and pulled out the spear lodged into the wall. The spear glowed a tint of that indiscernible color; the same color her moon glowed above the night sky. She loathed her sister for her moon's beautiful pale blue glow. She hated the gift her sister gave to her, a spear made from the root of Oyue's crystal tree. She recalled how she purposefully let the Crawling Darkness devour the spear. It was a wonderful sight to behold how it crumbled under the maws of the void monster.

But even after her sister fell, and became the mother of monsters, many people still came to worship her. The beastman, dwarves and the elves clamored at her sister's heroic deed. It was something that she couldn't move on from. She was there as well. She helped fought the Crawling Darkness. 

Chandara couldn't believe that her sister got almost all the credit for saving the world. She knew that wasn't the case. She knew it was because of her sister that the world almost got destroyed and most of the mortals killed, but she was still considered the Bright Light Oyue.

It took her an end of an age, an Yldar revolt and, a few millennia just to erase her sister's memory from the world but even then, she couldn't delete everything of it. Some sects survived and with abiding to his brother's rule, she can no longer interfere with them.

Chandara knew her sister had returned. She knew it from the start. She and her brother felt her presence one day while they were peacefully seating in their thrones. She felt uneasy and wanted to intervene right away, but because of his brother's mandate she was unable to do anything. The mandate she and her brother both agreed to never interrupt with the mortal world—not again, not anymore. 

She walked past by her luscious garden filled with otherworldly trees and flowers of various color spectrums and went to her throne room. Chandara's throne room was vast. Her floor was made of white sparkling rocks engraved with spherical lines and triangular patterns that converged into a pattern undiscernible, even to her siblings. It was of her own design. A language that she used to create her moon and other weapons, far different from theirs.

She grazed into the hall passing by her huge spiral pillars, then her flaming braziers and finally climbing the obsidian stone steps to her throne. She sat there brooding on her sister's re-emergence and how it could affect her influence in the world. 

  The night was getting deeper and Chandara was getting more frustrated about her new situation. She hated how her brother stayed neutral all throughout their brief meeting. She grumbled how Apholak never seemed to care about it. 

Was he not threatened about how their sister could cause havoc to the world they mended after the Age of Wonder? Why would he risk their order over her sister's volatile nature? Just the thought of it annoyed her. 

She thumped her fist on the throne before storming out of the room. She went back outside and tried to cool her head. Everything that happened the past few days was triggering her. She wanted to smite someone just to blow off some steam but, she was still bound by her brother's rules. 

Chandara walked to the edge of her garden and glanced at the vast wretched waters her sister had created. 

"Oyue's sea, huh?" She spat.

Chandara had places named after her, but this big lake felt different. The big lake was directly created by her sister when her moon crashed into the land. It broke open the water hidden down below and with Oyue's massive exousia, it turned the reservoir into an endless source, thus creating the biggest in the land. 

She sighed and shook her head. Suddenly, she noticed a commotion from below. She saw four boats racing separately into the furthest corners of the lake. She was supposed to ignore the men below when something caught her eye. 

A pale shining light caught her attention. She squinted and focused her sights on the boat at farthest right. The pale blue glow was making her eyes sore. She focused her sights on it and finally saw who the person on the boat was. 

"Adaloun!" She whispered under her breath. 

She felt her rage about to explode. She never liked him. The otherworlder was once a dog of the deity who betrayed them and ran away during the invasion of the Crawling Darkness. She wasn't sure what got into her at that moment, but she suddenly pointed her finger at the boat and released a quick energy bolt on the people below. 

Just as her attack was about to hit the boats below, a pale blue beam instantly hit her bolt and exploded in the air. The explosion created a massive wave that blasted the boats away. Chandara turned around and saw her sister, Oyue, glaring right back at her from her abode. 

"AAAGHHHH!" Chandara donned her armor and rushed towards her sister.

Oyue did the same and donned her battle armor and released her weapon out in the open. Chandara took out her spear and was about to clash with her sister when suddenly huge golden hands appeared out of nowhere and prevented her meeting her sister. 

To Chandara's horror, Apholak descended from the sky. His stoic look cannot mask the anger in him. He immediately glared at her and at her sister before grabbing the both of them with the golden hands. 

She tried to free herself out of it but no matter how powerful she exerted, the fingers wouldn't even budge to open. 

"It is no use, Chandara." Apholak said sternly at her. "I am very disappointed at the both of you—"

"Dear brother, I was trying to—" Oyue tried to reason out. 

"SILENCE!" His voice roared like thunder cracking in the sky. "I will not hear a word from the both of you!"

Chandara suddenly felt a wave of searing heat in her body. She tried fighting it, but the more she did, the hotter it became. 

"AAAGGGHH!" She shouted as the heat slowly burned her inside the golden gripping hand. "W-what are you doing, brother?!" She spat. 

"Teaching both of you a lesson." Apholak raised his fist and ray of golden light descended on both of them burning their powers away. "Since the both of you wouldn't honor the rules, I will take some of your powers away from you!"

The heat intensified and slowly burned portions of their skins and armors. She looked at Oyue and saw her sister struggled with the punishment as well. Her sister squirmed in pain as the light slowly eroded her power and armor. 

For some reason, it gave Chandara a sense of satisfaction seeing her sister suffer, albeit it also costed her the punishment. She grinned and laughed in agony as the punishment was being administered.

"I, Apholak, the Sun god, hereby punish the Moon goddesses, Oyue and Chandara to be stripped of their powers until further evaluation is made! May the light cleanse you both!" 

The golden light intensified and poured hard on them like storm.. There was nothing more they could do but scream in agony as the punishment continued on.

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