
Chapter 398 - Talk About The City

Arthur didn't play with her anymore as he seriously said:

"This academy did the same as ours, sent a bunch of their disciples to the world as a test."

"A test? Then that master is…" she paused while her eyes shone brightly, "wait a minute, if you know such a secret info, does that mean you already encountered one of them?" she said.

"I can't deny that," he simply replied, "and I'm on the run to hunt them down," he added.

"You know their locations?!!" she was surprised more than before.

"I know the general layout of them; two disciples for each big, medium, and small clan," he explained, "but the most important ones are in the big clans."


"And what?"

"Whom did you kidnap, dirty disciple of mine? Surely it's a she, right?" she laughed like hearing a joke that amused her.

"Let's… drop this topic, shall we?" he smiled helplessly while her laugh went to another level.

"It's a girl then, playboy, hehehe."

"At least you got yourself the info you want, right? Let me go now!"

"What? Who said I was holding you?" she looked at him in a strange way, "I'm in your room, dummy, not the opposite, hehehe," she laughed and he looked silently at her.

"I won't leave before you tell me more."

"Like what?"

"Like…hmm… c'mon you have tons of secrets worth more than your weight in promethium!" she laughed, with a puzzled look over her face. "Let's start with your city, what do you intend to do with it?"

"Nothing actually, just a place to spend my time in calm and peace, and what is this promethium?"

"Hehehe," she laughed, "don't try to fool me, I already got the vibe of something big going on there," she pointed to him as warning, "don't play dumb or silly tricks, you know better."

"What's promethium then?" he tried to shift the topic away.

"Something far more important than even me to the academy in this world. Now, tell me what you hide, little playboy!"

"Tsk, I told you, it's just a place to sit and enjoy sightseeing," he sticked to his lie.

"Alright," she suddenly stood up, "it's time to pay Mr. E an interesting visit he will much appreciate."

"Wait," he hurried to stop her, "your temper… gosh, can't you be soft and kind like a girl?"

"You mean dumb and fool like a kid?" she returned to her seat before seriously adding, "I'm done playing here, so if you kept slipping away like this I will find myself obliged to make Mr. E and others join this interesting discussion."

"Scary!" he muttered.

"Don't think I'm the best candidate to be the dean for nothing, kiddo!" she laughed like she heard a praise, "come to mammy and tell what you hide."

"Mammy?" it was his turn to laugh, "you aren't that old to me!"

"Oh, you are a real playboy, hehehe," she laughed at his words, "there is at least twenty years apart. Word for the future, if you have any plans regarding me, just drop them already. It's pointless."

"We'll see," he teased her, before saying, "alright what if I made a deal with you?"

"You aren't in a position to lay terms, kid! Just spit it out and don't waste my time!"

Her seriousness was met with a bitter smile from him. "What is the real aim for this city of yours?"

"Do you like it this much?" he said before laughing, "I can get you a room in my big palace there."

"See, Mr. E is just nearby… Mr. E… Mr. E…" she suddenly stood up and shouted out like she was really calling him.

"Stop, I will talk, alright?"

"Good boy, hehehe," she returned to her seat and then he said:

"I built it to be a major base for my future operation in that world."

"Not enough, keep going."

"I plan to annex more villages and towns and add them to it."

"Keep going."

"Tsk," he shook his head, "I plan for it to be a capital."

"Capital?" she glanced strangely at him, "like the old kingdom capitals in this world?" she asked.

"This world had kingdoms too?" he was surprised.

"Long, really long time has passed since the last one," she sighed, "after all our world wasn't in this disorder before the dark clans arrived."

"Interesting," he muttered, "it's the same history of the other world."

"I bet," she nodded, "after all most of the basic worlds here share the same history and miserable events."

"Basic worlds?" he asked.

"Kid, I'm the one asking questions around here, not the one providing answers," she teased him, "c'mon, tell me more."

"About what?" he shrugged, "I've already told you my plans for my city and what I know about the Oblack academy."

"Hmm… what about this strange power of yours?"

"My power?" he suddenly became slightly nervous, "what do you even mean by that?"

She glanced at him silently and the atmosphere of the room changed, yet he kept his silence and didn't speak, glaring back at her.

"Mr. E said you ate away that monster, that's something not a normal mage can do. Hell, even me can't do such a thing. Our attack by pillars was mainly soul based, something we – good mages – couldn't do!"

She vigilantly glanced at him before adding in a more serious and deep tone, "you also can turn to a dragon, something I never heard before except from an ancient academy called a dragonair; a very dark academy that we once destroyed in the old past."

"Wow, you know a lot of history," he said.

"Thanks for the praise," she was flattered by his words even waving a couple of hair fell over her beautiful cheeks to look much prettier in his eyes. "C'mon, tell me about these and I will go," she promised.

Yet he knew he could never share his deepest secrets with her!

And his struggle to answer her was met instantly with a stern look.

"You have to tell me," she said, before threatening, "after all I'm your master in the academy, the one who you can share secrets with and don't worry to be spread out for anyone but me."

He doubtedly looked at her while she added, "this is the academy code," and she sighed, "it's also my personal code."

"Code of what?"

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