
Chapter 411 - Cooking The Golam's Meat

'Ding! Time here flaws at a different rate than the two worlds of yours! Despite staying here for weeks, only a week passed in the city world, and a day at your academy world.'

"Wow, I stayed here all this time? Never felt it!"

'Ding! You cleared thousands of worlds and each one took at least an hour to be cleared. It's logical to stay here for weeks.'

"You got a point here," Arthur smiled as he suddenly felt exhausted, "I need to make more monster meat. Do you have any suggestions?" he asked.

'Ding! I can give you some of the Golam meat, I believe its meat is the highest grade one you got so far.'

"Good," he nodded before adding, "how is that world's will doing? Never saw her in my garden so far!"

'Ding! She is residing in the heart of your garden, and she is still having a long way to finalize her evolution.'

"Yeah, got a gem and can't even touch it for now!"

'Ding! A gem is worth waiting for, right?'

"I hope you are right," Arthur shook his head before he decided to go inside his garden world.

As he went to his main star map, he noticed the presence of the new star there. Now his map wasn't large as others, but he was quite sure it was far stronger and much advanced.

'Ding! The integration process between the two star maps is undergoing. You should wait inside your garden until this finishes.'

"How long?" Arthur jumped towards the star leading to his garden where he appeared in the next moment.

'Ding! Couple of hours.'

"Enough to make a good amount of meat," he smiled before adding, "give me the meat, c'mon," he was so eager to try this Golam meat out and see the results.


The next moment a gigantic piece of meat, fat, and bone appeared in front of him. He glanced weirdly at this piece that looked like a hill for a moment. "I thought you said it was a small piece!" he muttered

'Ding! This is only a tiny part of what remains of the Golam,' the system laughed while adding, 'Ding! Start cooking, and if you need more then tell me.'

"Wow," Arthur chuckled before walking around the gigantic piece for minutes. "How should I cook you, darling?" he was excited to try its taste. "The normal cooking on fire without proper preparation doesn't seem adequate," he then vanished while starting to check his vast garden and pick anything that might help.

"This smells nice," ht epicked a triplet leafed golden flower with thick liquid like honey coming from its center. "It should taste good," he tasted a small drop to feel the enticing rich flavor in it. "Wow, not only sweet but has also a tinge of soreness at the end. It will do," he grabbed it and also a thousand of other flowers like it.

"This bark… it has a spicy taste," he grabbed a small piece of park with sticky liquid on its surface from a small tree. "This will be good," he loved spicy food and thus he started to take off the sticky pieces making the trees look naked after he finished!

"This powder… it's like pepper," he muttered while grabbing a silver powder formed at the root of a normal green plant with many broad leaves. "I'll take it all," he smiled as he started to take the powder with both hands, and the next moment he sneezed.

"Damn! That powder is really strong!" he laughed as he continued to jump from one place to another, taking great quantities of everything he found useful.

Sweet, soar, spicy, salty, and even those resembling his past seasoning tastes… he kept taking them all with no reserve.

"Now I should start cutting you to pieces and make the sauce enough to make each piece covered in it for a day!"

He was so excited and the next moment he took out a normal sword as he started to cut this giant hill into pieces.

"That won't do," after an hour, he only managed to cut a small part of this gigantic meat, "move many warriors to help," he said.

'Ding! Or villagers?' the system asked.

"No, the meat is quite resilient and firm. Warriors are the perfect aiders to me."

The next moment a couple of thousands of strong warriors appeared in front of him. "Orders, lord," one of them said in a harsh tone, seemingly their leader.

"Take down your weapons and start cutting this piece of meat into pieces," Arthur said before taking out his cauldron and preparing to make the sauce.

"What?!!" the warriors' leader seemed quite puzzled, yet the look he received from Arthur made him start acting the next moment.

They moved to cut the meat into smaller pieces resembling what Arthur did. Each piece could be carried by one man, yet it seemed big.

"Try to cut them into smaller pieces," Arthur said after thinking about how he would cook them.

He turned his attention towards the cauldron asking himself, "what should I use for the base of that sauce?"

'Ding! If you want my suggestion, then the purified lake is a good choice.'

Arthur glanced at the direction of the lake. "Good choice," he said before vanishing with his cauldron to appear next beside the lake.

"Time to start testing," he was very excited about this and he started by filling the cauldron to the brim with the green liquid before lighting up the fire and starting putting different amounts of the materials he gathered.

He didn't add them all at the same time, for instance he kept the salty ones to the last, and those spicy ones put them in the middle. He placed many fruits and seeds, letting them melt with the sauce and changing its color.

"Water," he muttered when he noticed the amount inside his cauldron declined to less than half.

'Ding! The pond seems nice,' the system said.

"Great," Arthur vanished before returning with a large pot filled with water that he spilled inside the mix, turning it to bright silver color with faint green and redness sparkling from time to time.

"Let's taste it then," he put his finger in and tasted the sauce. "Superb!" he shouted in content while his body was refreshed the moment he tasted this drop of the sauce. "Only a bit of spices and little salt is needed," he added some more before tasting the mix again.

"That's pro, that's what a pro sauce should be like!" he was much amazed by what he did and the next moment he vanished to appear back at the gigantic meat with his big cauldron.

"Time to make the area ready to soak these pieces with my sauce," he muttered before adding, "Bring villagers, builders, and if there are any cooks bring them too!"

'Ding! How much?'

"Tens of thousands," he laughed, "let's have a giant party tonight."

The next moment many started to appear, and in the next ten minutes around fifty thousands appeared in front of him.

"Listen everyone," he shouted and his voice made everyone silent except for some who relayed his words voluntarily. "I want to build places suitable for hundreds of thousands of meat to be placed there. Use wood to do that, and also I want you to build tanks everywhere.

For villagers, I want you to take the meat off there and place them on the wooden places, then soak them with the sauce in the tanks. Keep them wet all the time and don't let any meat get dried up at all! Spare none of the sauce, and I'll keep the supply constant."

"Bring many trees from the newly purified worlds," Arthur muttered to his system.

'Ding! Alright.'

As for the villagers, they all nodded and the next moment it was like a bee hive was in front of him. Everyone moved to do something; the lumberjacks started to work on the trees that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Everyone was used to Arthur and his magical doings, so they weren't much amazed by the sudden appearance of the trees, or when Arthur vanished with his giant cauldron the moment he emptied its content inside the wooden tanks.

"Time to make more," Arthur started to make another sauce, and each time he did so he kept changing the recipe to make sure he would have more effects and diversity of flavors. 

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