
Chapter 438 - This Is My Will, My Intention, And My Fate!

Just as he said these words, the pain came like a tsunami, not just a needle prick like before. He felt himself thrown inside a gigantic furious ocean wave amidst a ferocious storm, and he couldn't swim!

"Damn you!" he gritted his teeth while the pain started to slowly reside. "since day one I came to this world and you kept treating me like an insect! You damned black dragonairs! I want to abandon the black dragonair's power."

He went berserk as his mind was turned off and only his rage took over. He kept repeating the phrase, and the pain kept getting stronger, yet he didn't move his eyes away from the little sparkling star except for brief moments when he screamed of immense pain.

The little star showed significant changes with time; it grew larger as he drew nearer. Now he could see a full orb of golden fire in the far distance. "So close yet so far away, what else can I do to get to you?" he muttered to himself and then he found the answer the next moment.

"I was saying it wrong," he laughed hysterically like a mad man, "I shouldn't say I want, I should say I will… I'll abandon the black dragonair's strength."

This time he felt every single part of his body and soul being tortured in corrosive fire. The pain was so immense that he thought himself losing focus and might even die of it.

"Damn you, cough," he coughed blood when the pain finally receded. He was totally wracked and he couldn't even check his body without feeling sore everywhere.

"Give up this impudence and return to the clan path!"

Suddenly this majestic voice erupted in such an angry tone. Arthur raised his head with such a defying look. "Never! I will abandon the black dragonair and be a golden dragonair!"

The wave of pain this time was so immense and prolonged that he thought it would never end.

"Give up this defiled act and go back. This pain is your redemption and you won't get rid of the black dragonair's power no matter how much you tried!"

The sound came again, and this time it was laughing at Arthur who saw the golden sphere getting closer and growing bigger; yet he was still apart from it.


He gritted his teeth while the pain started to come in pulses, throbbing his senses and making his mind hazy. "I… won't… succumb to this fate!" he said the ancient words he kept repeating to himself when he was a cultivator.

Saying these words seemed to push some unknown strength inside his body, making him endure the pain better than before.

"Give it up already, the black dragonair's power is stamped over the soul you carry. You won't be able to escape from it, this is your cursed destiny."

Arthur wasn't fazed by these words, yet he now understood the reason behind this bizarre situation. "That Willy… he was cursed and useless when he was alive, and even after his death he kept annoying me with his weakness," he realized everything now, and as his mind started to think fast, providing an answer and a brilliant solution.

"I will embrace the golden fire of the golden dragons and be a golden dragonair as Arthur."

"Just give up, whoever you like to call yourself!"

Arthur didn't mind about these words as he continued:

"And I will embrace the black dragon's power as Willy, merge the two together and form a brand new dragon power. This is my will, this my intention, this is the fate I chose to walk upon. My will is the fuel, my choices are the path, and my intentions are the result that will come forth!"

He said what he felt deep inside his soul without even thinking about it. The next moment the pain suddenly stopped, like someone just pressed the switch off.

And the next moment that distant big golden fireball started to draw fast towards him. Its size kept getting bigger, and Arthur noticed anywhere it went to, the darkness receded like it was afraid of its light.

He didn't wait for long this time before the golden ball of fire appeared just in front of him.

"Wow! So grand! So majestic!" he honestly muttered when the golden fire stopped in front of him. It was such a gigantic star that he never expected the tiny sparkling dot from before to be.

Just before he could say more, the star didn't stop as it suddenly hit his body, putting him in the center of it.

"This boy is mine!" the familiar sound of the golden dragon master of his appeared all of sudden. It wasn't less majestic than the sound of the black dragonair master.

"He is ours," the black dragonair's master didn't budge and the next thing happened was for the darkness all around to condense all of sudden, forming such a gigantic black hole around Arthur and the enormous golden ball.




The entire world started to rumble around Arthur when the two energies started to collide together as an ancient enmity was destined to be fought once again here.

"This isn't right," he muttered before shouting out loud, "I demand the two powers to melt together and form a brand new power for me to wield!"

His shouts in this place seemed like a heavenly decree.


And this strange alien voice came to verify his demands, and make them instantly valid.

Arthur didn't know who was the owner of that new sound, yet he felt how authoritative this sound was. The two energies suddenly stopped fighting, and started melting, combining together to form a brand new power.

"This is… nonsense! I don't agree on that, I reject, I reject, I reject…"

The black dragonair's voice kept repeating his rejection until his voice faded away.

"I accept," as for the golden dragon master, he simply laughed as he agreed on Arthur's choice.. "When you go back there, tell what's left of my soul to drop vengeance."

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