
Chapter 459 - Amanda's Class

"Hehehe, you all lost, hehehe," Amanda laughed all of sudden while Mr. E sneered. "Don't be so glad, we still have to adapt the time here with the time at the academy."

"That's not fair," Arthur spoke up before adding, "you should compare the time here with the time your disciples ate."

Amanda gave him a thumb up before saying, "He is right, we should do that."

"Don't speak like you have other disciples," Cesile muttered before Slone added, "we need to balance things here and there. Our disciples are this close to be ready for the tournament."

"As well as those here," Amanda said before adding, "I bet there are talents here worth nourishing."

"Yeah, but we have not enough time to do that," Mr. E shook his head.

"Leave the time issue to me," Arthur said again, "I just want a protocol for their training when you are away. I'll make sure they follow it to the letter."

They all glanced at him in different ways, while Amanda smiled in pride while adding, "you heard my boy, let's not waste more time here and start selecting our disciples."

She didn't wait for them to say a word before she moved towards the front in great speed. "Tsk, I swear she is happy to put us in such a dilemma," Otman shook his head before moving after her.

"Won't you come?" Mr. E said towards Arthur and his five hundred main team.

"Sure, we will follow behind," Arthur said before watching every master move to form his and her own group. "listen, we have six masters here. Divide yourselves and choose masters as you wish," he said before adding, "make sure to learn everything and ask any question you want. This chance might be hard to come by soon."

They were already aware of this as they nodded before following after the masters, each going towards one master.

As for Arthur, he decided to work under all of them starting with Amanda.

Amanda took roughly ten minutes to select her group before she accepted Arthur, Omar, Randy, Ron, and a hundred more.

"Are you ready for class one?" she seemed very excited before turning towards Arthur, "don't worry, if they turned their backs on you I'll remain and help your boys get stronger. After all I'm all rounded in everything."

"Thanks," Arthur briefly replied before asking, "which ability will we start with?"

"The basics of all," she answered before adding, "you all need to understand your abilities and how they work before starting to utilize each."

She moved towards the front while taking a sword out. "They call me a genius in abilities, which is a weak field in our academy. That has a reason, as abilities need to be taught from scratch at a young age. The more you use your abilities the less room of growth you'll have."

She paused before adding, "as everyone using his ability from innate feeling has many mistakes in doing so. But I'm very optimistic by you today, as all of you are youngsters with no much time to use your abilities."

Arthur and others felt her excitement while she started to explain how things work.

"It's a common belief that abilities stem from the inner demon, which is wrong. Abilities stem from the inner soul of each person, so the more you understand your souls the stronger your abilities will grow. Besides…"

She waved the sword in the air before letting it go, yet it didn't fall on the ground. "This is called control ability, something that helps me control nearby objects by will."

She then waved her sword to the front and it followed her desire. It went towards a tree in the distance before slightly pausing a couple of meters away from it. "This is called remote control, which makes me able to control objects from far distance."

She then snapped her fingers and the sword returned suddenly in no time to appear in her hand again. "And this is called instant recall, where I can recall any object that belongs to me with a snap of a finger."

Arthur understood that his ability to control the thrown out arrows was like the remote control ability.

"Now, can anyone tell me what is the common thing in all these abilities?" she asked everyone while waving her sword right and left in a way that made them feel she was used to doing that a lot.

"They are objects?" one mage said.

"Wrong," she shook her head.

"You used your hand to control them," another warrior said.

"No, yet this might be considered a weaker factor here," she said, "who else?"

"They all belong to you," Arthur said as he understood the theory she tried to convey here.

"Wow, right answer Willy," she said before adding, "do you know more?" she felt he knew more than this.

"The trick lies in the energy of you linked to the sword. You control this like controlling a fishing thread with a fishing rod, while your hand is the rod and your energy is the thread," Arthur said before adding, "perfectly manipulating the energy results in these different forms of abilities, yet they are basically the same."

"Impressive," she laughed before adding, "as you know all this, do you know how to increase the power of control over your energy threads?"

"By repeatedly using it?" he asked as he didn't know how things in this world worked. If he was a cultivator, he would definitely give an answer to this question with ease.

"Wrong," she shook her head before adding, "by trying to minimize the amount of energy released and try to control more than one object at the same time," she said before turning to glance at everyone, "can anyone tell me then what's the initial phase of learning these abilities?"

She glanced over all, yet no one spoke.. "Willy, do you know the answer?" she asked as she already expected his response.

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