
Chapter 744 - Chat Between A Mother And A Daughter

Arthur kept his silence and played dead while listening to more of the infos the master here received all the time.

The fights going all around the city were a success. All lycans were caught off guard and killed. She tried to search prisoners and didn't manage to receive a bird's wing about one until a couple hours later.


"Those bastards! They seemed dead fixed on committing suicide even when they have the chance to live," the master angrily said while Arthur heard the old lady stand up and move towards her.

"Don't worry, at least you got one prisoner."

"He is poisoned by one arrow," the master seemed annoyed, "it was the black long's arrow."

"Damn it! Your luck is bad!"

"I know," the master sighed, "they couldn't stop him from commiting suicide except with such arrow."

"It will wipe his head clean," the old lady said in a worried tone, "you need a reliable source of intel about those lycans. Who knows what they are up to!"

"I know," the master said, "and he is my reliable source."

"One who might be dead or retarded thanks to you," the old lady seemed to have no hope at all for Arthur. "You need another one, a group if possible."

"What if I lead a team myself?" the master said in a deep tone.

"You can't," the old lady shook her head, "with all these lycans around, it's not safe at all to leave the city."

"I can defend myself."

"But you can't defend the clan!" the old lady shouted in a weak tone, "leaving the city will let whoever the traitor was to act as he would love to."

"'This…" the master seemed a bit convinced with her aunt's opinion. "Then I should go and screen my men then."

"Sigh, go and do what you have to," the old lady said, "I'll keep myself here for a while."

The master glanced over the seemingly dead body of Arthur and said, "if he wakes up, please send him to me."

"I'll send a bird to you my child," the aunt returned to sit on her seat before adding, "go, attend your grand meeting and search. That traitor must be executed fast, him and his associates."

The master nodded firmly to her aunt before stepping out of the large room.

For a few minutes there Arthur felt that lady fell dead on her seat. He couldn't hear even a breath until he heard the sound of writings on a piece of paper.

"Mom! What are you doing here?"

All of sudden the bird's wing vanished and the next thing happened was for a beautiful young lady to appear out of nowhere.

"I knew you were hiding your ass here somewhere," the old lady said in a strangely stronger tone. Arthur wanted with all his heart to turn around and glance at what was going on.

However his guts told him that one move, one simple move and he would lose his life for it without even knowing.

"I'm doing my mission," the young lady who didn't exceed twenty-five years old said in a soft tone that would take the hearts of men down.

She wasn't any less beautiful than Amera, even more. Her soft skin, proportionate features and swollen red lips made her distinctive than any other girl.

And she had that weird smile which could turn any man into a puppet of hers with the help of those two faint blue pupils.

She was a beauty killer, and a real killer in the real world.

"Daughter… you can't fight this," the old lady seemed to speak to her girl in a different tone and attitude than she just did with the master. "You heard it all while hiding here… your allies are getting killed one by one. You can't get what you want with that."

"What do I want?" the girl said with trembling lips out of anger, "this is also what you want, or did you forget that you were the one orchestrating everything with them? I just had to be forced and twisted to get my hands dirty."

"This is for you… Stupid and spoiled girl!" even Arthur who laid far from the two heard the loud slap over the young girl's face. "If not for you then why the hell am I doing that?"

The girl had tears yet she kept her red eyes fixed and staring at her mother with extreme hatred. "I dunno, perhaps because you hated your younger sister for winning the throne instead of you because she was stronger? Or perhaps because you lost the race to the man she loved and eventually the two got married and you got nothing but a girl from him?"

"Shut up!" This time the slap was fiercer, yet the girl stood her place with the trembling muscles of her face out of anger and humiliation.

She wanted to retaliate, but something tied up her hands. That was even clear to Arthur without the need to even turn around and see her.

"Listen to me spoiled brat," the mother grabbed her daughter's arm hard and twisted her without mercy as she ruthlessly added, "I don't care at all about what you think. This family, this sweet little sister of mine will lose today. Even you, the daughter of her husband, will be the killer and one of the losers today."

"Let me go," the girl finally let go of her tears with a shout of pain, "I'll do what you asked… but don't harm the people. They had nothing to do with this."

"Huh, soft and kind like your dirty father," the old lady evilly smirked before adding, "I won't touch the normal people or the common army, that was the deal. Other than this… they all will burn."

"Then let me be here," the girl said.

"I just came to warn you," the old lady said in a vicious tone, "you should have acted once that dear nephew of mine started hunting your allies. You even should have interfered to kill that boy."

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