
Chapter 767 - The News Came At Last

Despite this act of theirs, the situation only kept falling fast towards the darkest abyss. Arthur watched many of his mechas get smashed by those elite forces of the lycans without being able to do anything.

With each time they bypassed a blockade, they had to leave behind a group of elites. After many rounds of doing so, the small numbers grew to form a small army, one that started to cause big troubles at the back.

And things at the front weren't looking as good either.

"We need to split up," Doaf finally said, "we can't preserve the rear like this."

"We have to worry about the front," Amera said, "the rear doesn't matter that much."

"It does," Doaf didn't agree with her, "if what we are looking for is up ahead, we will need their help to regain our strength."

"Sigh, don't tell me you still believe his nonsense?" Amera shook her head before giving Arthur a deep look, "even after one hour of their departure, we didn't get anything back from them yet."

"We will," Doaf confidently said, "and we need to be ready for all odds."

"Suit yourself then," Amera seemed to get tired of knocking some sense in Doaf or Arthur's minds, "I'll keep fighting those bastards at the front."

Doaf nodded before moving. The rear was now looking like a mess. Arthur knew his enemies would only need a slight push and they would definitely crush the rear lines.

But when Doaf led his men towards that direction, things started to change finally for the better.

'You should send in your werewolf and his forces,' Gege finally said, 'you are giving them a sweet time and a lot of rest.'

Arthur turned to the side. There was a weird gathering up there made mostly of his pet monster and his friends. The werewolf was also there alongside many of those he captured before.

"Nah, it's not time yet," Arthur didn't accept her suggestion, "we need to be patient. I have plans for them."

Gege was able to read his line of thoughts so she didn't ask. Yet this didn't apply for the other two.

'Ding! I think Gege has a good point here,' the system said, 'Ding! they won't be able to hold for any longer.'

"They will," Arthur slowly said, "they must," he knew what was at stake here, yet he didn't even consider sending this force to help.

From the beginning he refrained from participating in the fight. The monsters weren't that strong but their numbers were enough to deal with those weaklings at the rear.

As for his werewolf and his force, he knew he could rely on them to face those elites.

Yet for that particular reason he didn't send them off to fight till now.

Just as things kept getting complicated without any ray of hope, Amera suddenly appeared next to him. Just before she could speak, Doaf also appeared running at his fastest speed.

And from the look over the two, Arthur knew they got news from the team they sent earlier.

"They found them," Doaf hurriedly said, "you were right… they are trying to use some sort of artifact to crush the shield."

Arthur clenched both fists in excitement. He had to endure all this time for such a moment. "How many of them are out there?" he asked the most critical question he had in mind.

"At least thousands," Amera slowly said, "and I bet they are all elites."

"So you need to rest," Arthur said, "we have to crush them fast and sweep their lines before reaching that artifact."

"I doubt they are only waiting for us there without any proper defense," Doaf suddenly said, "at least some badass traps and arrays will welcome us."

"Also there must be an army of cannon fodders as well," Amera finally got over her loss in the argument from before, yet Arthur wasn't. "What? Wipe that irritating smile clean off your face now."

"Oh, you mean I was right all along to smile?" Arthur acted innocent and pointed to his face while saying this.

"Boys," Amera only shook her head before turning around. The fight now was already a mess, something she doubted she could solve easily without interfering.

"How can we rest with all this happening?" she asked with a tired tone.

"I have a solution," Arthur suddenly said and in return he got a strange look from the two. "Just follow my mark. When I give you the signal, just lead your men as fast as you can to the front."

"This is your plan?" Amera couldn't help but shake her head in disappointment, "I thought you have a killer in your pockets."

"I do," Arthur firmly nodded, "and such a killer is very lethal, so you should be far away from here when I use it."

She gave him a skeptical look, yet Doaf chose to trust him again. "When can we do this?" he asked.

"In less than five minutes," Arthur said after a moment of pause, "just be ready… all the mess here will be handled by me, but anything coming from the front will be handled by you."

"Fair enough," Doaf said, "but we need to rest."

"Leading the army here won't be this troubling, right?" Arthur smiled in confidence while he said to Gege: 'Relay my orders, at my mark all must hurry to leave.'

'You won't tell me what you plan to do?' The golden dragon seemed to be annoyed by this, and that just made Arthur smile.

"Go," Arthur waved his hands to the two around, "arrange your lines and get ready for my signal."

"I hope you know what you are doing," Amera said before she turned into a ray of fire towards the front.

"Don't mind her," Doaf said, "she only cared about you," he added before vanishing as well.

"I know," Arthur muttered to himself before taking a deep breath and cleared his mind off such useless thoughts.

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