
Chapter 856 - The Sect Defensive Battle - Part 5

Things didn't stop just at this.

The combined attack was so brutal that it caused everyone inside to feel the life inside their bodies were sucked out without any resistance at all.

It was a very heinous feeling, something no one ever lived after this day wanted to remember once more.

However after a few minutes of deafening silence, the mushroom cloud was gone. Everything was revealed inside the sect.

"They... are still alive!" Amera couldn't feel herself while tears swell up her eyes. She thought, for a brief second there, that everyone was dead.

But now she could be relieved. The shields were brought down and even the grounds were pressured like a gigantic punch just hit the sect.

However the peaks remained intact. They stood erect like five gigantic spears without any sign of surrender.

Their bodies didn't even suffer a single scratch. That was something even the leaders couldn't believe.

If Arthur was here he wouldn't be that surprised at all. After all it wasn't that easy to build a sect on any place of land. This land must be special, or else the sect couldn't gain the recognition from the heaven to be built.

As for the forces inside, they were already covered by additional layers of shields. It wasn't only those cultivators who did this, but also the magic of Deem and Gor.

The two were really... geniuses. Arthur was really fortunate to find such two gems.

"Damn!" the dragonair girl didn't do anything at all towards Amera during the past minutes. She wanted her to see and witness everything that happened.

She wanted to see her despair, her wailing over the loss of friends and allies, over those who came with her from her home, over those who fought alongside her for so long.

She wanted to see that look, instead she was now seeing a mocking glance from her. One that made her instantly turn insane and wanted to kill her at the spot.

"I'll kill you!" The dragonair girl started to run, however Amera was so thrilled by the survival of everyone and started to move in a better shape than ever.

As for the inside forces, the moment that brutal attack fell, everyone was like entering a dream world. They didn't know how long it lasted, but the moment the attacking force vanished, they could finally breathe.

"Activate the shields!" Doaf wasn't in any better shape than anyone else, however he didn't forget his responsibility as a leader.

So he took a bird's wing and wrote this to Deem and Gor. He prayed the two would be alive.

"Listen up," Doaf shouted, and his voice despite coming so weak it drove everyone to have more power in their bodies.

It was the voice of their leader, the one who was leading this brutal war and managed to save them.

"Stand up! Fight! Fight for honor! Fight for glory! Fight for revenge! Fight!" he suddenly took a deep breath before his shouts reverbated all over the sect. Echoes of his shouts even reached Amera at the outside of the sect.

"Fight!" Amera raised her spear high in the air before suddenly turning towards those around and started killing. She was just jumping around and trying to think about the next move.

However Doaf was a step faster than her and his shout just gave her the answer she wanted. At this moment she felt relieved, everything was just going to be ok. "Everything is going to be fine," she kept repeating this to herself.

The hope she had and was so thin that it was about to fade away was revived to be much stronger than ever. The shields were raised once again and the sect looked as strong and standing as before.

It was misfortunate enough to be targeted by all these forces, to be hit with such a mighty attack. However surviving death was something that could breath strength in a dying body.

It wasn't strange for the combined forces under the leadership of Doaf inside the sect to look like real lions. Like vicious monsters they roared, jumped at their enemies who thought it was a good time to attack just before that hit came.

The strange thing that happened was that no one from them was even wounded. They all looked quite fine.

"That's... I never expected for someone from the dark phoenix clan to be here as well!" Nicole came while coughing and holding her chest out of pain.

"This place isn't normal to those dark clans," Doaf slowly said, "that girl chasing Amera is from the dragonair clan. And now we have the phoenix clan as their legendary protective technique. I won't be shocked to see one of the dark angels to be here as well."

"W... What?!" this time Nicole seemed to be feared more than shocked, "this... can't be true... can't be, right?"

Doaf silently gazed at her before he recalled what Woo said to him before. He mentioned that the last leader, the traitor Jim, was seen with someone that vanished after that.

Woo didn't seem to believe that, and even Doaf thought this was simply a mistake of some hastily running cultivators.

However now he was thinking about another terrifying possibility.

"Let's hope no one of them will be here," he simply said while giving her his diplomatic smile. He knew he was lying, despite hoping for that lie to become real.

"Oh, you got me there for a moment," Nicole put her hands over her chest as she seemed a bit relieved when she heard his answer, "now what?"

Doaf gazed around. The fight now was going smoothly towards their favor. The mages and cultivators were now killing non-stop in a speed they never showed before.

Not a single enemy stood in front of this unstoppable force of the angry fighters. Doaf watched this and knew if nothing interfered, this fight would end for their win.

However he had a bad omen about this.

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