
Chapter 875 - A New World

"Ouch! What happened?" Meanwhile inside the garden world, Arthur finally opened his eyes.

He felt so much pain at first, like it was his first time breathing and blinking. He gazed around and things started to look slightly different.

Colors appeared more vibrant, movements of everything around seemed to slow down the moment he focused over them.

Even he could see now the specks in air and the flow of energy within the world.

The entire world changed from simply a beautiful garden into a piece of wonder where even the air had colors and rivers of lights travelling across it.

'You are finally awake!' Gege yelled in joy when she heard his voice.

'Kid, stop whining and start moving, things aren't that good out there,' the golden dragon seemed slightly nervous.


'Ding! How do you feel now? You just experienced an upgrade in your golden pearl energy and all other forms of energies inside you. Do you feel anything different?' The system was more concerned about assessing what he gained from this.

"Different?" Arthur couldn't help but chuckle, "everything is different," he moved his eyes all around while watching this new face of the world. "I'll get accustomed to this sooner or later anyway," he took a deep breath before asking:

"What is the status out there?"

'Things aren't that good,' Gege hurriedly said, 'that dark angel mage is now protecting a group of ten portals with all his might.'

"Oh," Arthur was surprised to hear that, "I saw hundreds of these portals before."

'The rest are now gone thanks to your plan earlier,' the golden dragon said, 'but these ten… we can't let him activate them fully or we don't know who will come across them.'

Arthur nodded in agreement. "Any idea about who will pass first?" he asked.

'I believe leaders from higher clans,' the golden dragon said.

"But if they came here, the world would be destroyed," Arthur didn't understand this.

'No, they are coming through a lega portal now,' the golden dragon explained, 'these portals will affect their energy and make them sustainable. However…'

"They will still be a pain in the ass… I can tell that myself," Arthur took a deep breath, "alright, take me out now. It's time for me to greet that dark mage myself."

The next moment a portal opened just next to him. He simply walked through it while thinking back about the moment this portal appeared.

Just before it came to this world, Arthur could see the change in the energy flow around. The energy itself started to gather and swirl before the portal opened.

"So energy moves first before anything interesting," he muttered to himself while appearing in the real world.

The moment he came out, his ears got instant shock from the loud noises all around. However the most shocking thing wasn't this but the world he was now seeing.

Chaos! It could only be described best by this word! The world all around was filled with many intelinking threads of energies that kept moving back and forth, overtaking one another while seeing anything beyond this seemed impossible for him.

"I… need to adjust to this," Arthur felt a severe headache just from experiencing this. He was totally new to these changes, and yet he had no time to slowly adapt.

Henceforth he opened his eyes and kept glaring at everything like he was trying to devour the world with his gazes.

The spot he appeared at, however, was in the heart of everything. The fight was still raging between both sides over the remaining free portals. Despite the overwhelming victory of Doaf's and others forces, the dark angel mage didn't give the order for everyone to retreat.

He wanted to waste time as much as he could while toying with them. He now dropped any interest in the rest of portals. However, that didn't mean he couldn't use them for his own benefit.

And thus the forces Doaf and others led faced great resistance at this moment. They were destined to crush everything and kill everyone here, but at what cost?

On the other hand, the elite forces led by the crow tried their best to infiltrate the tight defense around the ten portals. Just minutes ago the leaders managed to rejoin with the rest of their forces.

They suffered many losses however a considerable number of them joined the forces around the portals.

Things started to stabilize around the portal by their addition. And now the crow was facing a hard time dealing with them.

The fact that all sides exhausted their ultimate techniques forced itself over everyone and the entire scene. If a single one still had his or her ultimate technique, then breaking through this defense would have been a piece of cake by now.

However now things headed directly towards a stalemate, with the dark angel mage reigning over the ten portals with firm grip.

Arthur's sudden appearance didn't attract any attention. After all, he appeared in the middle of this mess while everyone was pushed over the edge on both sides.

And that just bought him enough time to slightly adapt.

'Why aren't you moving?' The golden dragon was puzzled by the sudden stop and the look of struggle over Arthur's face.

'Ding! What's wrong? Is it a new ability or what?' the system could at least guess a thing or two about what was going on now.

'He is… seeing the world differently now,' Gege tried to explain, however Arthur stopped them at the next moment.

"Can you stop talking for a moment? Please?" he was feeling great stress against this new ability of his. Seeing the world in such a state was too much for his brain to process.

And yet he was sure gaining such ability would make all the difference in his future.

'Ding! try to use your spiritual energy now!' however the system suddenly said after a momentary pause.

"What?" Arthur couldn't understand why the system suggested that. His mind was so burdened now with all that he was experiencing that he couldn't even process what the system said properly and fast.

'Ding! Just try it!' The system felt Arthur wasn't in his best condition and thus he only gave him an order instead of an explanation.

He felt an explanation in such a weird state wouldn't help but to make things worse.

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