
Chapter 947 - A Monster Is Here!

The original alone was overbearing! Everywhere he went, death followed. This guy was so brutal in his fighting style, using the strongest attacks to create mighty explosions.

He only needed to wave his arm and next fire would appear, purple fire. The fire ate away anything and detonated to leave behind gigantic mushroom clouds.

And in less than one hour the entire world was filled with many mushroom clouds to be counted on two hands!

Arthur stood far in the back watching all this. The attacks of his army leaders were really brutal. However it looked like this battle wouldn't end any time soon.

Despite all the devastation his army created, the number of the enemies made it impossible for him to win this battle even in one day!

"I should go inside and train then," after the passage of six hours with nothing new to happen, he decided to go into his garden world and train there.

'Yeah, this fight looks boring,' even Gege was bored by this battle. The enemies seemed to be fixated on fighting to the last man, meaning they wouldn't surrender at all.

So this battle would drag out until one side was annihilated. Surely it would be the enemy side if things kept going on this way.

"Keep me posted," Arthur didn't want to feel overly confident, "if any reinforcements appeared, just notify me."

'Roger that!'

Arthur entered the garden world and started cultivating again. He tried to clear up his mind, but something looked fishy.

"Why the hell are they still fighting?"

After an entire day passing in the real world and ten days inside his garden world, he managed to break through the eighth stage of his nascent soul base.

However even after this time, the enemy was still furiously fighting against him with all their might. This only meant one thing for sure; they waited for reinforcements to arrive.

However according to Gege and the tree, only mages coming from this world were pouring at this region.

He suspected that the dark angel grandmaster would show up. However even after the passage of the third day, no one appeared.

"Are they… just fighting to die?!!" At this point Arthur was speechless. He was sure a lot of people had died so far. It was obvious to any blind that this war was futile to be won by him.

Despite that his enemies never considered surrendering. On the fifth day he decided to stop training and came out to watch the fight.

He already reached the pinnacle of the nascent soul stage. He needed a few days to be able to break through to the higher realm.

However he refrained from doing so. Not while things looked this suspicious in his eyes.

As he returned to the real world again, he was speechless to see things hadn't changed a lot since he left!

The enemies' forces were still as numerous as an ocean. His army was still fighting in their places with the exception of a few elites who delved deeply inside the enemy lines.

His original, Amera, Jude, the crow, and few others of the elite armies he had were fighting alone inside this sea of mages.

Doaf remained behind alongside Sara. As for Tina and the scorpion queen, they couldn't be seen at all!

"Where are these two?" he couldn't help but ask.

'They… went ahead days ago and didn't return yet,' Gege said before adding, 'they are fine. I've been keeping an eye on them since they left.'

"That's good," Arthur nodded before he suddenly felt something strange.

He could see the world in different eyes than others. In front of him, a giant black wave was clashing against mighty white and purple energy waves.

This was the normal state since the start of this war. However just now as he started to focus, he started to notice something strange.

The ground… the earth itself started to be stained by a strange red and black color. It wasn't noticeable at first through the dense masses of the enemies covering the earth.

However when he focused he could see that! He also could see the cause of this. Any killed body would fall on the ground and his energy would dissipate inside the earth itself.

Looking at this entire battlefield, Arthur started to have a bad feeling about that. "Something… seems odd here," he couldn't help but mutter.

'What's wrong?' The golden dragon was bored from such useless one sided slaughter.

"The ground… It's sucking away all the energy from the dead bodies," Arthur said in a deep tone while frowning deeply about this.

However the shout that came from the golden dragon next startled him.

'No way! Don't tell me it's dyed in red and black, right?' the golden dragon screamed in panic while Arthur couldn't help but feel more gratified.

The golden dragon guessed it right and seemed very panicked at the moment. He knew his golden dragon for so long to know that he wouldn't get this hyped and panicked for nothing.

"What does this mean?" Arthur instantly asked.

'This is bad… one of those cursed filthy creatures is here!' the golden dragon seemed really afraid before he instantly shouted: 'recall everyone, bring everyone back now! Stop this fight right away!'

Arthur didn't know why his golden dragon was acting like this, but he trusted him. "Gege…" he only said that and instantly he could see his armies stop what they were doing and start to retreat.

However their enemies didn't let them do that easily as they advanced like crazy and tried to surround them.

"Gege…" Arthur didn't want half assed solutions so he instanted roared, "take all of them back using portals… now!"

'On it!'

'Ding! What's going on here?' the system couldn't help but ask the golden dragon, 'Ding! What's wrong?'

'It's a necromancer,' the golden dragon hurriedly said, 'he is here somewhere and feeding on the energy of the dead! If we dragged this fight any longer, we would be creating a monster ourselves!'

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