
Chapter 1054 The End Of The Novel - Part 5

Amidst all these conflicting thoughts, Gege's voice came to distract him as she said:

'The armies arrived at the first point, and they are engaging with the enemy.'

"Make sure they won't waste their power on meager mages," Arthur's mood wasn't good at the moment, "make them focus entirely on eradicating the elites and the grandmasters. If signs of withdrawing forces from other places appeared to reinforce these spots, give orders to withdraw parts of the top fighters there to help in supporting that spot."

'Got it!'

Arthur wasn't in the mood, but that didn't prevent him from thinking about this fight. He found that his enemy had two options without a third; either start his hidden agenda and attack the mountain city, or call back a few elites and grandmasters from other zones and send them to reinforce that point.

In his eyes, the enemy had eyes in his empire. So the fact of his return must have reached the ears of his enemy. If that was the case, then the enemy might lean towards the second option, betting on Arthur's decision to move and support that part of the world.

However Arthur wasn't naive. He had even more higher end mages and fighters than his enemy. So why would he abandon such superiority and risk exposing the central part of his empire without his protection?

As time passed fast, Arthur's predictions proved to be right. The enemy started to call back grandmaster mages and other elites from the other six spots and moved them towards the seventh one.

The war before this sudden move was leaning towards Arthur. After all, he sent a lot of high end armies and they did a great job killing the grandmasters and elites in the enemy ranks.

The enemy didn't risk invading the central part of his empire, not while Arthur was still there. If Gege's portals could cover up to the seventh point, he would gladly go and crush the enemy to force the hand of that dark angel grandmaster.

However he feared if he went there, the coverage area of Gege wouldn't be enough to link that point with the central part of his empire. So he waited while Gege gave the order for his forces to send their high end forces to support the seventh battlefield.

Yet this took a long time, much longer than the enemy side. Almost ten hours separated between the arrival of the first wave of reinforcements and the arrival of the enemy's.

Yet during these hours, and despite the huge pressure the combined armies faced before the arrival of the reinforcements, Arthur's forces managed to put up a good fight against their foes.

The difference was already wide, and the gap was huge enough to make the reinforcements barely enough to sustain the on verge of collapsing seventh army.

This bought ten more hours for the enemy, and during that time the enemy never stopped pouring out fodders, trying to entangle Arthur's combined forces in a useless fight.

But this didn't fare well when the first wave of reinforcements appeared.

'The first reinforcements arrived and they are pressuring the enemy,' Gege said, 'others will need around two hours to fully arrive.'

"How many elites did you send from each point?" Arthur's face didn't change when he heard what he long expected.

'Almost fifty percent,' Gege said, 'I feared to send everyone or else the other battlefields might be unbalanced and be in danger.'

"Great call," Arthur cracked an evil smile. He was sitting on the top of his throne, leisurely eating from a big tray filled with delicious meat. "Send the orders, all the other armies engage with the enemy now and kill everyone there."

'Now?!!' even Gege didn't see this coming. In fact the main reason behind Arthur's call from before was to make sure whatever that dark angel grandmaster threw in that spot wouldn't be freed easily.

His main target was the other six battlefields. Withdrawing such a large number of elites and grandmasters from these unbalanced the enemy lines.

It would be foolish of Arthur if he let this chance slip off easily.

"Yes, the main task is for the seventh battlefield to keep the elites and the grandmaster forces of the enemy occupied. If they can kill them then it would be fine. If not, then they shouldn't be worried. Other battlefields are ordered to gather at the seventh battlefield once exterminating the enemy."

At this point Gege realized the grand scheme of Arthur. She had to admit, even she got fooled with Arthur's intentions and she was one of the people who knew Arthur most.

The next hours were really exciting. As Arthur flipped the table and changed targets simply like that, the enemy forces at the other six points were taken off guard.

They never expected to be attacked just when the reinforcements of the two sides got engaged at last. The fight at the seventh battlefield was intense, so intense that with each passing hour more powerhouses were killed on both sides and more were thrown to the fray.

But from the very beginning, Arthur's forces had the upper hand in regard to the quantity and quality of the elite forces.

So even with such losses, and with the constant pouring of the enemy of all his elite reserves, things didn't change on that battlefield.

And then the other six places got suddenly lit up by Arthur's forces' sudden attack.

The attack came on an unprepared enemy, with fewer elites and zero grandmasters. So it could be imagined how things turned out in these six spots.

In just mere six hours, the entire six spots were cleared and all the enemies got killed, or surrendered and were taken hostages.

The first to fall were the elites, as they were the main focus of Arthur's concerns about these battlefields. Once taken out of the picture, the rest of the fight wasn't interesting at all.

It was much closer to be best described as a massacre.

During these six hours, the grandmaster of the dark angel clan was left without an option but to start his attack.

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