
Chapter 15 What It Takes To Be A Hero

Sarah Lyniette stood in front of the square-like curtain array, waiting patiently for the Hero to depart the bathroom.

As she waited, the young Priestess smiled—genuinely happy for the privilege of serving as his personal aid.

For the past three days, their Hero, Sam, had brought about great advancements in their little settlement.

First, he saved them from the demon invasion. Then he undertook a complete overhaul of their shabby settlement, making it more conducive to live in. His actions had left a deep impression in her heart, and she had deeply revered him from that moment on.

However, she had erroneously thought that his expertise was restricted to combat alone. She had been clearly wrong.

In terms of knowledge and innovations, the man—no, more appropriately, the god—was millions of steps ahead.

In fact, Sarah felt terribly ashamed of the state of the settlement that had welcomed the Hero when he first arrived.

The transformation that had occurred in only a few days was an unforeseeable benefit of the Hero\'s arrival.

​ \'Compared to how things are now…\' Sarah was extremely mortified when she recalled the previous state of the settlement.

For one, their old tents and rugged way of living had been replaced with newly made shelters made by one of the Hero\'s special powers.

The workings of such an amazing mechanism was beyond Sarah\'s limited knowledge, but basically the Hero could summon practically anything he required.

He also defied the law of equivalent exchange—as well as the necessary measure to use a Magic Circle.

How powerful and magnificent he truly was!

Not only did he summon multiple large tents for everyone to live in comfortably, but their new shelters were also so warm and comfortable that everyone had gotten the best sleep since they had been acquired.

Who wouldn\'t want to constantly stay by the side of such a being?

It was Sarah\'s pleasure to attend to his every need, yet she knew her inadequacies made her unable to completely prove her use to him.

Still, this Priestess was determined to do her best.

From writing detailed reports about their settlement, and some details about other settlements—as well as proclaiming his magnificence and awesomeness to the townsfolk —Sarah did everything within her abilities to support him.

"S-Sam…" Her gentle voice whispered as she tried to practice pronouncing his magnificent name in his absence.

Everything about the Hero was beyond extraordinary—his name was no exception.

As a result, even someone as esteemed as Sarah couldn\'t use it so flippantly.

Still, she was determined to try her best.

"Haaa… this water is the best." The Hero\'s voice came from within the curtains.

Sarah\'s cheeks flushed red with pleasure. Her face glowed with happiness and she felt a sublime sense of accomplishment.

Although he hadn\'t directly said her name, Sarah was nevertheless happy that he appreciated her efforts.

\'I-I\'m so happy!\' She squealed internally.

The Hero was the most excellent entity she had ever seen—he possessed both infinite wisdom as well as excellent Magical skills.

His Ancient Grimoire could be unlocked by only he alone.

She had tried to use it in the past, but not only could she not decipher the language, but no matter what she did, she couldn\'t get past the initial screen.

Just how powerful was such an Item… and how great was the Hero who possessed it?

Although she and everyone else in the settlement, couldn\'t sense even an ounce of Mana from the item, she knew it was probably just beyond her skill set. Perhaps the Mana in such an item could only be sensed by amazing entities like the hero.

Sarah could only sense a tiny bit of the Hero\'s—Sam\'s—Mana.

It was faint and weak, but Sarah knew that it was only because of her current state.

How could someone as lowly as her ever compare to his greatness?

However, the amount of Mana she sensed from him seemed to have increased these past few days compared to when she had first summoned him.

\'I-is it because I\'m getting closer to him…?\' She wondered happily.

Sarah wasn\'t certain, but uncertainty was a feeling she had become accustomed to when dealing with the hero.

Nothing about the Hero was predictable. Every time she saw him, he always did something that blew her mind.

Just yesterday, he did the most unbelievable thing.

He had solved the water scarcity issue that had plagued their little settlement for a long time.

They had managed to get by through strict water conservation, which was why they never had frequent baths and had to restrict their usage.

Notwithstanding the Hero, thanks to his immense wisdom and benevolence, was able to solve this problem in the blink of an eye.

By utilizing specific Magic Circles that she had never seen before and carving them to the earth, the most amazing thing occurred before Sarah\'s very eyes.

Water began gathering from the air and poured onto the ground in heavy, concentrated showers. She couldn\'t believe it, but it happened before her—no, everyone\'s—sight!

"It\'s a Rune that allows the moisture in the air to converge at a very fast rate. They condense and pour on a single point. This is basic stuff, you know?" He said, incredulous that she had never heard of it.

Much to her shame, Sarah could barely understand half the things he said, but she understood one simple fact.

"Amazing… he\'s simply amazing!"

The Hero was simply superb.

Thanks to this innovation, which he called Runes, the people of the settlement were able to gain an unlimited amount of water.

By grafting the Circle in several areas—making it larger for a better effect—they had all witnessed the surge of more water than they had ever seen in their entire lives.

Afterwards, the Hero created what he referred to as Public Bath stalls—one each, for males and females respectively.

It was designed in such a way that multiple people could take baths at the same time, and the curtains that surrounded the stalls ensured privacy and ensured that the chilly air wouldn\'t infiltrate the bath stalls

The stall also had a sheet covering serving as a roof at the top.

These sheets that served as the roof had Runes grafted on them, allowing water to fall from above into the stalls.

In consideration of the cold, the Hero slightly altered the Runes and caused them to bring forth warmer water.

While the water wasn\'t boiling hot, the warmth of the water showers were more than enough to rid their bodies of the environment\'s chill.

Thus with the unlimited water showers that fell upon them, everyone could bathe to their heart\'s content.

The Hero\'s personal bath was even more amazing.

The Rune he utilized made sure the water supply never went out, and he could activate it whenever he desired.

Though, he often told her to do it for him—by simply charging it with Magic to bring forth water—and also to heat it up for him.

Sarah was happy to be useful to the Hero, though.

As she thought about him over and over again, the Priestess could not get rid of her feelings of admiration for him.

"I\'m done." A voice sharply came from behind her, causing the young lady to jump in shock.


Once she calmed down, Sarah was ashamed of her shameless behavior, but the Hero didn\'t seem to mind.

Even when she offered apologies, he forgave her instantly.

Once again, she was mesmerized by his unceasing benevolence.

Truly, no one was better suited for the title of \'Hero\' than the man called Sam.

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