
Chapter 45 My Debut As An Adventurer [Pt 2]

Asa couldn\'t believe her eyes.

She had never seen such outstanding swordsmanship… such finesse!

Initially, she had been worried about why Sam—the man she looked up to so much—would use such a powerful move at the start of his match.

Asa considered such actions foolish, since it was common sense to save one\'s strength for the greater challenge ahead.

However, the moment she considered just how much of a stranger, he was to her, Asa decided that Sam must have had a good reason for that decision.

And, she wasn\'t wrong!

"Amazing… simply amazing!" Were the only words her lips could utter as she watched in absolute enthrallment.

Sam had taken down the same amount of monsters she defeated, but in even less time. His stunning blade and determined expression made her heart long for more of his elegant display.

And then, just when she was eager for more, the moment of truth arrived.


The opponents that bested even Asa, the group of twelve adult Goblins, walked onto the stage.

Not only were they more powerful than the other Goblins, but their equipment made them trickier opponents.

They each had respective weapons, and their armor—while of low quality—still got in the way of defensive strikes.

This wouldn\'t be easy, even for the man who was currently on his winning streak.

"Unlike me, he has been fighting in close range, and his movements are more complex. He should have been exhausted at this point… plus the light on his blade is dying out…"

Asa was worried that Sam had used up too much of his energy.

Now that the truly terrifying targets had arrived, it would be next to impossible to face them with no active Skills.

Perhaps he had a trump card. If that were the case, then Sam could probably be able to turn things around.


\'I haven\'t heard of someone so young having a Skill greater than Aura Sword. If he used that first, that means he has no better Skill…\'

Most people could only ever have one or maybe two Skills, but it was rare to find someone with three.

In the end, humans had their limits, and Sam was still quite young.

\'Even I have three Skills because…\' Asa halted her thoughts and curiously stared at Sam, eager to see what he would do next.

Her eyes widened the moment the young man took action.

In simple terms, she was awestruck.


Suddenly, a great gust of wind blew across the room, and the extreme pressure caused even Asa to shiver.

Sam\'s body was currently enveloped in raging blue energy, and his entire body was pulsating with power.

The Mana that was previously in his blade did not compare to what she was experiencing now.

His current state—shrouded in blue Mana—was far superior.

Sam\'s blade, being an extension of his body, also glowed with the blue energy. At this point, the power the young man wielded far exceeded everyone\'s expectations.

Even the Instructor was greatly amazed by the sight.

\'I-is this full [Mana Strengthening]?! Only Elite Warriors can use it!\' Gerund thought, quite impressed by the lad.

As an Elite Warrior himself, he could utilize the Skill, so he understood the caliber of warriors that could use it.

[Mana Strengthening] was a Skill even better than [Overdrive] or [Boost] since it was an all-rounder type of enhancement, and it had no drawbacks.

It raised a warrior\'s ability beyond the limits, granting them the power only Mana could offer.

For a person like Sam to have reached such a stage, he certainly wasn\'t ordinary.

"This examinee… just who is he?"


Sam did not even attempt to run away or use roundabout tactics for the Goblins. No, he simply evaded their assaults and cut them down in a frontal assault.

One could have considered his actions a bit brash and impatient, but for someone who had so much power, he simply didn\'t care about his opponents.

All they could do was miss, in their desperate attempts to attack… and then suffer painful deaths by being cut down by a lone human.

Even though they outnumbered Sam, it changed nothing.

The young man easily dodged their assaults and overwhelmed them with his sheer might.

It didn\'t take more than a few seconds before every single monster was defeated.


The energy swirling around him finally dissipated, and the human was left all alone—standing atop a sea of monster corpses.

"Is that all?" The terrifying human\'s lips moved, and his voice echoed across the large hall.

Even Gerund shivered as he looked at the boy\'s calm face.

p His eyes seemed to be like pools of endless abyss that couldn\'t care less about the massacre he had just wrought.

He was simply looking forward to the next bloodshed.

\'T-this… this is a true Adventurer!\' Gerund thought in awe.

The examinee before him represented their core beliefs —even better than most existing Adventurers.

He had the power, charisma, and mentality to be a fully-fledged Adventurer.

On that note, there was no need to waste any more offerings to test such a person. He had already passed.

"T-that\'s all for the Combat Exam. You can come out now." Gerund stuttered, still amazed by what he had just seen.

\'[Aura Sword], and even [Mana Strengthening]… he must have the [Martial Arts] Skill too, seeing his flawless moves.\'

These were all high-level Skills, and even Gerund only had access to one of them.

Whoever this \'Sam\' was… he could not be regarded as an ordinary human.

\'He\'s too powerful!\'

With that thought, Gerund concluded the exams.

"Just wait a moment while I collate the scores." Upon saying this, the Supervisor dashed out of the Hall, leaving only the examinees.

Usually, this would give them time to reflect on their performances and whether or not they had passed the exams.

However, at this point, only one thought occupied everyone\'s mind.


All their eyes were on him, watching as he sat calmly on his seat and awaited the results to come.

The one who stared the hardest was Asa, and her mind was full of praise and wonder for the young man beside her.

\'H-he… He\'s so amazing!!!\'

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