
Chapter 53 How To Become A Dragon Slayer

Skill: Predator

It allowed me to take as high as twenty percent of the Stats of my prey for myself.

Usually, the amount would be inconsequential, considering how prey were meant to be the weaker ones.



… My opponent was a Level 70 Dragon with a terrifying build and monstrous speed.


Thanks to the new boost, my body swelled with power, although I was barely able to evade the Dragon's charge.

"Haa… that was close." I panted heavily, maintaining my battle stance.

It wasn't due to exhaustion—I had a sizeable stockpile of vitality left.

I just couldn't believe I had dodged something so fierce.

"GRRRRRDRRRRRR…" The Earth Dragon growled, leaving a pile of debris in its wake as it crashed through the wall.

I gulped as it glared at me.

This time, it meant business.

'That's the signal, Asa!' I sharply glanced in the direction of the Ranger.

Fortunately, she wasn't sleeping on the job.


Multiple arrows darted in the monster's direction, and they all clanged as they hit its skin, with none penetrating.

However, as expected—

'It's futile, uh…?'

—Its skin was too tough for mere arrows to pose any damage.

It was no wonder that all these people had died.

An Earth Dragon's defense couldn't be penetrated by regular human weapons, and this one's Stats practically made it impossible for humans to beat it.

The only reason I was even clinging to my life was because I knew all this beforehand.

'It's like I'm really in the Novel… the scene is replaying itself.'

There was only one reason I had accepted to do something this crazy—and no, it wasn't because I was suicidal or anything.

It was simply because Damien, the Main Character of T.W.T.S.S. had also fought and won against an Earth Dragon during his Adventurer days.

There were a few differences between that and this scenario, though.

'In the Original Novel, he didn't fight the Earth Dragon until a few months after he arrived at this world and became an Adventurer, right?'

During that time, the terror of this Earth Dragon claimed a lot of lives, and lots of Adventurers ended up dead.

When Damien killed the Dragon, it brought him a lot of EXP and Karma Points from the System.

He instantly skyrocketed in power, but most of all… he rose to the spotlight.

That was like his debut battle that made every Adventurer in Dulum recognize him as a true Hero.

'I'm not after that recognition now though… it'll only be a bother at this point.'

But, how could I say no to a bundle of very attractive EXP?

"GROAAARRRRRRR!!!" The Earth Dragon's voice peaked once more, nearly rendering me deaf due to its reverberating cry.

I glanced in Asa's direction and saw that she was nearly out of arrows.

It was time to make my move.

'Unlike Fire or Frost Dragons, Earth Dragons do not have a 'Breath' Skill. Their advantage lay in their incredible defense and crazy vitality…'

Even if a bunch of Lucys ganged up on this terrifying creature, I still wouldn't see them securing victory.


"I'm going in!" I dived into battle once more, increasing my pace with all the strengthening Skills in my arsenal.

Feeling the wind brush my hair, the smell of blood and death grew stronger, but I still pushed on.

There was no way I could back down now!

The Earth Dragon, who had been glaring at Asa—thanks to the diversion—didn't notice my approach in time.

However, the moment it did, it gave another deafening roar, widening its terribly large jaw and displaying the inner recesses of its bloody mouth.

'Shit… I really didn't want to do this…'

Still, it was the only way.

The only way to beat this Earth Dragon and save everyone…

"Haaaaa!!!" I propelled my body upward, launching myself quickly into the mouth of the beast.

There was barely enough room, but I managed to get into its smelly and disgusting mouth without being squashed to death—just barely.

My body glowed thanks to a multitude of Skills, especially Mana Enhancement.

With my Stats already at an abnormally high rate, the Mana Enhancement Skill made me even more powerful.

I felt invincible…

… but also grossed out.


I was instantly swallowed by the Earth Dragon—though I knew it didn't want to.

'Earth Dragons have a sensitive stomach, so they like to chew up their prey before swallowing. It was definitely a reflex action.'

I was probably going to give this big guy a stomach upset, or something of the sort.

'There's no way I'm leaving things at that, though!'

With my blade in hand, I navigated my way through its very congested digestive tract, feeling my body already affected by the acid it secreted.

I had never felt like throwing up so much—considering all the blood and gore that I encountered in the belly of the beast.

Worst of all, it seemed I was going to become a part of the endless bodies in the beast's stomach .

It was hot and uncomfortable, and I was already getting light-headed.

However… there was no way—absolutely no way—I would forget what I was meant to do here!

'This is the only way… the way Damien killed this thing back in the Novel.' I brandished my blade and decided on my first course of action.

'Let's make some room first!'



Asa's eyes were so wide that they nearly popped out of their sockets.

Sam, their only chance at survival, had plunged into the mouth of the beast.

Her body trembled as she wondered what would become of everyone else who had relied on him in the bid to save the fallen Adventurers.

The Adventurer had realized it already… that she stood no chance against such a monstrosity.

Even the others—though they were A Rank Adventurers—could not win.

In essence, their only hope was Sam.

He was so confident in his plan, and even when he dived into the beast's mouth, he still had the same calm, confident expression on his face.

'I have to believe in him!' Asa resolved as she fired the last bow in her quiver.

Of course, the Earth Dragon responded to this with a snort and turned its full attention to the Ranger.

Now determined to crush Asa like a little insect, the Earth Dragon began to charge.

'I'm too slow to evade, and it'll probably kill me with one hit.'

Her body was trembling, and sweat poured all over her skin, but Asa couldn't stop smiling, for some reason.

There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she waited for Sam's signal.

She wanted to see, no she needed to see, just what he would do!


The monster charged, leaving a trail of dust and debris in its path as it approached with ferocity.

The earth rumbled, and Asa could feel her bones grating.

Was this truly the end?


Suddenly, the beast let out a pained screech and collapsed on the ground in a heap.

"G-Gru-Guuuuuu…." More pained sounds emanated from the Earth Dragon's bloodied mouth as it jerked its massive body violently.

p Asa couldn't understand it at first, watching as the monster was afflicted by an invisible force.

It rolled on the ground and let out cries of help, unable to deal with the pain that was being wrought from within it.

Slowly, though, Asa and everyone else who had regained consciousness, figured it out.

"It's Sam! It has to be!"

He was taking out the monster from within!

Asa couldn't believe she hadn't thought of it. Well, to be frank, it was a very dangerous and disgusting move, but still…

'Does that mean he figured the inner parts of the Earth Dragon would be more vulnerable than the exterior?'

But, how could Sam have been so sure? It was a dangerous gamble that no one could attempt without the resolve of throwing their lives away.

But, Sam didn't strike her as someone reckless.

'So, he must have been sure of its weakness. That guy…' Asa plopped to the ground, finally resting her tired legs as she sat.

The battle was as good as over.


Light began emanating from the monster's mouth, almost as though it was breathing it out, and then—


The Earth Dragon's body made a massive thud as it finally collapsed to the ground—already dead.

Its mouth was smoking hot, sizzling with leftover energy.

"I-it's over…?" Asa murmured, looking around her.

First Aid was given to those who weren't in critical condition, and Sarah had managed to heal those who badly needed it.

Byron had assisted her throughout. At the moment, basically everyone, who could be helped, had been saved.

.And then—


—A hand came forth from within the monster's mouth.

Slowly, the entire body of the slayer came into sight.

He was drenched in monster goo, and he had a somewhat ragged appearance, but there was no mistaking it.

As he came out of the jaws of death, Sam smiled and looked at everyone with confidence.

"The work is done…" The katana on his hand vanished, and he gave the most inspiring words after a battle.

"… I won."

Initially, there was silence.

Pure, unbridled silence, brought about by the surprise of the spectators as a single human triumphed over the awe-inspiring power of a Dragon.

However, this silence only lasted for a moment.

"H-hero…" A whisper was heard.

And then, a massive round of applause resounded in the air. That, and the joint screaming of the champion's name.


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