
Chapter 61 Death


The explosion spanned for a great distance, and some Lower Demons even got caught up in it

Still, the trap Magic achieved its work and wounded the target, so the Middle-Rank Demon grinned in glee.

Lucy didn't know this at the time, but her opponent was actually a Mage, not a Warrior. Her animalistic characteristics and beastly tendencies were merely manifestations of her Demon Heritage.

In essence, the Middle-Rank Demon used Close-Range Teleportation Magic to create an appropriate distance between her and Lucy, before creating a well-hidden Magic Circle to deal surprise damage.


Lucy was pushed backward, thanks to the impact, forced to absorb most of the damage with her tiny body. Even though her current state granted her heightened physical abilities, it still hurt to receive a Magic Attack from a Middle-Rank Demon whose stats were most likely equal, if not superior.

"Take. That!" A purple ball of flames appeared atop the blackened claw of the grinning Demon, and it was instantly propelled at the agonizing girl.


Yet another burst of flames covered Lucy, but this time it was met with resistance.


The redhead violently swung her blade and regained control of her body in mid-air. Crimson aura swept across the area as a whirlwind and Lucy launched herself at the Demon.

"HYAAAAAA!!!" A loud battle cry surged forth as, despite her wounds, Lucy charged at the opponent.


The Demon was too slow to cast her Spell, costing her a good amount of blood.

"Arghhh!!!" A howl of pain rang from the naked Demon as her body was horizontally sliced, nearly into two.

It was just a few inches apart from her Demon Core, but it was a deep wound nonetheless. The pangs of agony grew louder as purple liquid oozed from her body.

From her groaning, it was clear that the Demon had never been wounded like this before. Saliva dripped from her mouth as her face scrunched up in pain.

"Unforgivable... unforgivable..." Her whispers were forced, and veins appeared all over her face.

She turned to glare at the warrior who was returning for another hit.


A burst of Miasma leaked out of the enraged Demon, pushing Lucy backward.

"I KILL YOUUUUUUUUU!!!" The Demon's tantrum caused the entire area to vibrate, and her wounds healed instantly.

Lucy's tired eyes widened in shock, watching as the proof of her hard work vanished as a result of the Demon's regeneration.

She was already worn out, reaching her limit, as a result of using the Taboo Skill. Any moment now, she would collapse while paying the price of her Level reverting.

If she strained herself too much, she was going to lose her life.

'I can still retreat if I decide now...'

But, the girl knew in her heart... that running away wasn't an option—not anymore!

"HAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Finding her courage amid the despairing Miasma that pervaded the area, Lucy screamed with all her strength.

Even if she had to give her all... she would fulfill her mission.

'Until the Hero returns... until Sam comes back... I won't stop!'


The bloody maiden stuck to her resolve.

Even as blood spurted from her body and her body neared expiration, she continued.

Her blade was swung, and the meager energy she had was burned out.

Everything was to buy time for the savior to arrive.

And so, as Lucy gave her final dance, she remembered her past.


She was already on death's door.

Her little frame wasn't going to last for much longer.

She was bathed in her fluids—both sweat and blood—stinking with excessive desperation.




Lucy's past was one that never had even the tiniest smidge of violence—at least on her end.

She was an innocent little girl who could never hurt a fly.

Her parents were merchants, so she lived a fairly luxurious life. They weren't excessively rich, but in a world where resources were everything, Lucy and her family were well off.

She had thought it would last forever, but everything changed when the Demons attacked.

That wouldn't be the first time Lucy experienced violence.

Once in a while, foolish bandits attacked their warehouses or carriages, but they had able guards to defend them.

Lucy had seen bloodshed, but none of it mattered to her.

However, that was before she saw everything and everyone she loved cut down before her very eyes.

The feral creature was a Middle Rank, and it was alone in its assault.

No one was a match for the beast as it eradicated everyone in sight.

Even the powerful guards eventually had to run for their lives it get decimated.

Still, the Demon made sure it annihilated everyone.

Everyone, including her parents!

Lucy ran, just like everyone else did.

She had no idea why and how she was spared, but the Middle-Rank Demon seemed to ignore her and kept killing everyone else.

Lucy did not understand.

She was slower, much weaker, and much more vulnerable. Why wasn't she prowled upon and devoured?

Still, at that point, the girl was too desperate to live that she threw away all her questions and simply immersed herself in gratitude—that she was still alive.

Unfortunately, everyone else paid the price for her escape.

She never saw her parents, her family, or her friends—Lucy lost everyone that day.

p It was only until after the event that everything began to make sense.

She had never really cared about bandits dying because she was on the side of the strong.

The Middle-Rank Demon probably ignored her because she was too weak. It was simply on a whim, and if it had decided to crush Lucy, there was nothing she could have done about it.

In essence...

"Keuk... Mom, Dad... why ..?"

... Lucy finally admitted to her pathetic state of weakness.

It was hard, being all alone as a young girl, but Lucy had to survive.

Her mindset shifted due to the trauma, and a strong entity emerged from the ashes.

A being who swore to never again be weak.

She started with laying traps and hunting one Lower Demon at a time, and slowly, she began climbing the ladder of difficulty.

It was hard.

It was dangerous.

But, the girl realized that if she didn't do anything, her weakness would never disappear.

So, she persisted.

On and on and on again.

Until... she reached the pinnacle of power.

It wasn't until she was sixteen years old that Lucy finally reached the peak—though her looks made that impossible for anyone to believe.


Lucy was now nineteen years old... yet she was going to die in such a gruesome way. She had to ask herself, as the Demon approached for her execution;

'Did I... truly escape my weakness...?'

She was yet to find the Demon who killed her parents.

She was yet to reach the height she dreamed of.

"You. Strong. But... I Kill You Hereee!" The Middle-Rank Demon roared in both relief and exhilaration.

"I..." Lucy groaned, her body wobbling as she stood atop her pool of blood.

Yeah... it truly was the end, wasn't it?



A screeching sound echoed in the air, and a voice suddenly sprang into the air.


The Redhead's tired eyes widened as she looked to her side.

Surprise and relief spread over her body, causing the strength she had been holding onto to melt.

"I knew... you would come..."

The Hero's face was as calm as she remembered.

Did he foresee all this? The chaos and carnage? He didn't seem surprised in the slightest.

Frankly, Lucy was a little upset, but she could not get angry at the Hero. He had a plan for everything, and he must have had a reason for things taking this drastic turn.

Unfortunately for Lucy, she wouldn't be there to experience it.

Her time was up.

As she was being taken away, Lucy uttered words to the Hero, to everyone.

Even when Sarah and Byron approached, she didn't stop speaking.

They couldn't help her.

Her current state was beyond Sarah's abilities.

Perhaps the Hero could save her... but she didn't mind if he refused to.

Was she truly strong enough to stand by his side?

Lucy felt like a burden, and upon realizing that she couldn't actually complete her mission, she felt even more distraught.


Even though she knew that she would perish here, like a dog, something had kept her heart beating and her body moving.

There was something different about her than before.

Now that her Levels were dripping quickly and her body couldn't keep up, she would most likely be gone in a few seconds at best.

Still, she couldn't help but feel a little happy in her heart.

Despite the regret and loss, a tiny fraction of joy seeped in.

'I... I changed a little, didn't I?'

She was strong enough to stall for time, until the Hero arrived.

For that, she was grateful.

"Please, Hero..." She gave her final words.

At this point, Lucy spotted a peculiar sight. The Hero—Sam—was crying.

Tears fell from his eyes, and for the first time, he displayed a vulnerable side of himself.

'I see... I wish I could see more of that...' Lucy smiled within herself.

But, there was nothing else she could do now, but complete her words.

"... Save us."

Her eyes finally closed.

And so, she died.



This was supposed to be a wholesome comedy.

Poor Lucy...

Also, sorry about the last chapter. Made an error somewhere, and I can't delete locked Chapters.

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